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本帖最后由 zhaoqi0418 于 2011-1-6 11:25 编辑

在August搞了一个promotion 就是加油超过多少钱好像是10美元的可以免费洗车
结果当月收入同比上涨5% 所以归功于promotion 问支持(by vivianbqs 640)

考古: GWD32-Q8 (非常感谢sikikoku同学考古)
Last August the XT chain of gasoline stations had a temporary sales promotion in effect In the promotion , any customer who made a purchase of ten or more gallons of gasoline was entitled to a tree car wash . For the month of August , XT experienced a ten percent increase in gasoline sales as compared to sales in August the previous year .so evidently the promotion was successful as a means of boosting sales .
In evaluating the argument , it would be most helpful to answer which of the following ?
1) In the areas in which XT’s gasoline stations operate , how did total combined gasoline sales for all gasoline stations last August compare with sales for the previous August?
2) Was the money that XT earned from the increase in gasoline sales enough to offset the cost of providing tree car washes during the promotion?
3) Were there any customers who bought ten or more gallons at an XT gasoline station during the promotion who would have or more gallons at an XT gasoline in lower quantities , but more frequently ,if the promotion had not been in effect?
4)      Did XT or any or its gasoline stations have to pay other businesses to provide the car washes that customers were offered in the promotion?
5)      Are XT’s gasoline sales in August usually significantly higher than one twelfth of XT’s annual gasoline sales ?
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2 road限速
V1一个state的啥road限速从1990年的55提高到了1997的65,然后就担忧了 说开得快了岂不是车祸要增加?但是结果全州的车祸率没有增加诶 反而减少了(说的是整个州 没有单指这个road)!问解释
我选的是以前一些开危险路线的车现在也开这个路了 别的忘了 好像都不靠谱(by vivianbqs 640)


关于恐龙冷血还是温血的争论 有学者说 在加拿大发现了恐龙骨头 要是恐龙冷血的话 加拿大那么冷 冬天岂不是要冻死!问削弱


答案就是:crab的蛋的density只有达到它下蛋的时候可能就挖到别人下的蛋上这种程度,这种鸟才吃的到crab的蛋。关键词有uncover。(by athena106 漆+)
V2: 一个神马鸟喜欢吃crab的eggs,人们都喜欢看这个鸟,于是为了吸引更多的鸟和更多的游客,这个地区的政府准备将原来的海滩扩大一倍,问 削弱
Lz选的是因为以前海滩面积小,于是crab密度大,神马eggs uncover的(仅供参考)
哪个削弱题:答案是会less successful吧。

   有种鸟在迁徙途中会停在某个城市的沙滩的一处,然后吃沙滩上的一种动物的蛋,这种行为吸引了很多游客,政府为了吸引更多游客,从而增加收入,打算再建一个沙滩.
Mayor:  Migrating shorebirds stop at our beach just to feed on horseshoe-crab eggs, a phenomenon that attracts tourists.  To bring more tourists, the town council plans to undertake a beach reclamation project to double the area available to crabs for nesting.
Birdwatcher:  Without a high density of crabs on a beach, migrating shorebirds will go hungry because shorebirds only eat eggs that a crab happens to uncover when it is digging its own nest.

Which of the following, if true, would provide the mayor with the strongest counter to the birdwatcher’s objection?

A、Every year a certain percentage of crabs are caught by fishermen as bait for eel traps.
B、Horseshoe crabs are so prolific that given favorable circumstances their numbers increase rapidly.
C、On average, tourists who come to the town in order to watch birds spend more money there than tourists who come for other purposes.
D、The additional land made available by the reclamation project will give migrating shorebirds more space.
E、Some of the migrating shorebirds make only one stop during their migration form South America to Canada.

During the month of May, crabs arrive on Delaware’s beaches to lay eggs.  Certain shorebirds depend on these eggs for food during their annual spring migration to their northern breeding grounds.  Delaware’s crab population has declined recently.  This decline, however, poses no serious threat to the migrating shorebird populations:  by remaining longer in Delaware, the birds will be able to eat enough crab eggs to allow them to complete their migration.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

No other food available to the birds on Delaware’s beaches is as nutritious and accessible as are crab eggs.
The decline in the number of crabs on Delaware’s beaches is due to the harvesting of crabs by humans.
There are more crabs on Delaware’s beaches than in any other area that the migrating birds pass through.
The crabs do not conceal their eggs.
The earlier in the season the shorebirds complete their migration, the more likely they are to breed successfully.


我选的是因为税率上升了。(by athena106 漆+)

考古:第5题  考古
GWD-29-Q17 注意是变体!!
The total market value of real estate in Altonville has steadily declined over the past four years. This decline has meant that the overall figure on which the city’s property tax is based—the assessed value of that real estate—has also declined. Moreover, the percentage of assessed value that was paid as property taxes to the city did not change during this period.
The information above most strongly supports which of the following?
A. Money collected from property taxes provided most of Altonville’s revenue during the past four years.
B. The percentage of Altonville’s overall revenue that was collected from property taxes did not change over the past four years.
C. Altonville officials had proposed raising property tax rates during the past four years but never did so because of strong opposition from property owners.
D. The total amount of revenue that Altonville has collected from property taxes has declined over the past four years. (Answer)
E. During the past four years, Altonville officials also did not increase tax rates on other sources of revenue such as retail sales or business profits.
V2 (V42) 一个城市的房地产的平均 assessed value 在下降,税率没变,但是平均到每个 owner 的tax bill 却增加。问怎样解释。这道题GWD 有,但是选择完全不一样。每一个都不太像,我只好用排除法。平均assessed value 下降时由于中等或低房价的房子下降而且比贵的房子数量多。但是由于贵的房子税高,所以平均tax bill 却增加。这是我的推测。但是似乎题干也没有说是否所有房子是一样的税率一样。要不然实在没有可选的答案。其它的答案好像有人口增加,外地搬来的新房主增加。可是这些和平均只无关。
V3  政府征收的房地产税是在assess value上按一个百分比征收的,然而现在发现今年的assess value没有前年的高。但是今年寄出去的账单上的税收总量和去年的相比却没有减少。我选的是今年的税率比去年的高。
V4总价值减小,但是税收总数没变,是因为______...Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
—— Altonville officials increased property tax rates during the past four years 。(Q51V38)


V1有题考某地农村1990年时只有45%人能喝上clean water,2002年有70%能喝上了
考推断还是support记不清了(by 田田叶子 Q50 V20)
V3刚看到别的狗主人的题,借来用用,补充个选项,因为我选错了…… -.-|||
说一个地方农村什么设施不好,哪一年只有45%的人喝上干净水,后来哪一年有70%的人能喝上干净水,所以政府有对于农村设施有很大的improvement什么的。问weaken。那个狗主人选的是D.就是说后来的那一年很多农村人都进城打工去了,我选的是另一个,应该是错了,说什么现在城市里有90%的人都有access to clean water。
V4有题考某地农村1990年时只有45%人能喝上clean water,2002年有70%能喝上了


7. 电池需要矿物
有题考某民族有生产一种电池,需要某种矿物,但是当地该矿物在那个时期只有很深的地下才有,于是说这种电池是别的地方运来的… 好像考support选项有什么火山旁边…


8. 水温
Two decades after the Emerald River Dam was built, none of the eight fish species native to the Emerald River was still reproducing adequately in the river below the dam. Since the dam reduced the annual range of water temperature in the river below the dam from 50 degrees to 6 degrees, scientists have hypothesized that sharply rising water temperatures must be involved in signaling the native species to begin the reproductive cycle.
Which of the following statements, if true, would most strengthen the scientists’ hypothesis?
(A) The native fish species were still able to reproduce only in side streams of the river below the dam where the annual temperature range remains approximately 50 degrees.
(B) Before the dam was built, the Emerald River annually overflowed its banks, creating backwaters that were critical breeding areas for the native species of fish.
(C) The lowest recorded temperature of the Emerald River before the dam was built was 34 degrees, whereas the lowest recorded temperature of the river after the dam was built has been 43 degrees.
(D)Nonnative species of fish, introduced into the Emerald River after the dam was built, have begun competing with the declining native fish species for food and space.
(E) Five of the fish species native to the Emerald River are not native to any other river in North America.
谁能解释一下结论?scientists have hypothesized that sharply rising water temperatures must be involved in signaling the native species to begin the reproductive cycle.
OG的解释:For the hypothesis to be tenable it is important that the fish in streams in the Emerald River
area that retain a wide temperature difference have not lost their ability to reproduce. Choice A
asserts that these fish could still reproduce and is thus the best answer.
前提说none of the eight fish species native to the Emerald River was still reproducing adequately,也就是reproduce不够,而不是不能reproduce,那为什么A中说reproduce only in side streams,这不是说在6 degrees的时候不能reproduce,与结论矛盾了吗?如何支持结论呢?

考到什么dam,undammed 什么吧……


9. 远程教育学心理学
B通过远程教学的人比传统教学的人tend to be motive神马的

V1  专家发现在心理学授课中, 网络课堂的学生学到的东西比传统授课的多. 说明网络课堂在心理学教育领域比较有用, 问evaluate. 我选的是要看是否网络学生的motivation比传统授课的学生强.
V2  有一题是说研究发现远程教育的同学比传统方式教育的同学收获更多 问假设
选被调查的人中不是原本受远程教育的那些人就有更强的自觉性  比较确定......
这条我被问到的是评估. 我选的是看远程教育的人是不是更motivated
V3  学**科的同学,网上学的比课堂学的分好。所以都要网上学。不是问weaken就是问假设
答 网上学的那些人以前没在课堂学过/weaken则是在课堂学过


10. 食物导致肾结石
V1说美国一些食物里面含有某种物质,这种物质会和另外一种物质发生反应,最后会导致人的肾结石发生。但是又说美国的小孩子吃这些食物但是得肾结石的很少(想起三鹿奶粉了,呵呵),问解释。选项给的很夸张,几乎都不沾边,我选的是美国有新的法律来规范小孩子得食物 (by letmefly130 M51, V16)
V2食物导致肾结石, 完全没有看过的感觉, 晕. 同意寂静内容



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