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  drop in on sb. // drop by sb. // stop by sb. ----> pay sb. a visit
  drop sb. off ----> get out of the car
  drop these letters ----> mail the letters
  drowsy ----> feeling sleepy // make sb. feel sleepy
  drug ----> pharmacy
  dry spell ----> not much rain
  due date ----> deadline
  due date // hand in ----> finish
  due to ----> because of
  during ----> throughout
  each week ----> weekly
  early ----> sooner
  early ----> before the end
  easier ... than ... ----> difficult // hard
  eat meat ----> have meat
  eat up too much my time ----> not join
  either // neither // both // so // also // too ----> agree
  eliminate insects ----> pest control
  emergency loan ----> borrow money
  end up ----> wind up
  enough ----> not any more
  entire ----> new
  escape into the atmosphere ----> suspend in the air
  essay ----> article
  Even if ... prefer (A) to (B) ----> not like to (B)
  every now and then ----> every so often // (every) once in a while // occasionally // sometimes
  every so often ----> only occasionally
  every twenty minutes ----> at timed intervals
  every week ----> all the time
  everybody speak ~ ----> the only language spoken is ~
  everyone ----> very popular
  everything in the refrigerator ----> a variety of ingredients
  exact change ----> right coins
  exactly ----> properly
  exactly // on the dot ----> at the same moment


  buy ----> purchase
  by all means ----> definitely
  by leaps and bounds ----> quickly
  by mail // through the mail ----> in writing // write to
  by the time ----> overdue
  by tomorrow ----> quick
  cake // chocolate ----> dessert
  call an agency ----> hire someone
  call for an appointment // on one's calendar ----> schedule
  call it a day ----> not need to do sth. today
  call off ----> cancel
  can do it with one's eyes closed ----> memorize every part of
  can find only one ----> can't find one
  can hardly breathe ----> be bothered
  can hardly contain oneself ----> be beside oneself
  Can you believe it? ----> unbelievable
  cancel ----> not do sth. // call off // stop
  cancer // doctors and dentists ----> medical // medicine field
  can't // out of the question ----> not be able to
  can't afford a lot ----> select an inexpensive gift
  can't believe ----> be surprised
  can't do (A) until do (B) ----> be not ready to do (A)
  can't fit it in ----> be too busy to do sth.
  can't make any sense out of sth. ----> find sth. confusing
  can't make heads or tails of sth. ----> don't understand sth. at all
  can't put it down ----> interesting
  can't stick around ----> have to go
  can't stop doing // day and night ----> constantly
  can't tell sth. apart ----> sth. seem identical
  can't wait to see the look on one's face ----> be anxious to see one's reaction
  care ----> concern
  cash ----> money
  cash a check ----> get some money
  cassette ----> record
  catch cold ----> get sick
  catch sth. when sth. opens in someplace ----> see sth. when sth. go to someplace
  catch up on ----> make up
  challenge // get stuck ----> solve
  chance ----> time
  change ----> not ... same // different // new
  change one's mind after all ----> had previously said
  change ones' seats ----> from a different row
  check ----> look in // inspect // repair
  check out ----> find out
  check out // reference book ----> inaccurate
  check sth. with ----> call
  check with sb. ----> ask sb.
  chewing gum magnate // purchased the island for three million dollars ----> a wealthy developer
  chilli ... hot ----> spicy
  choose ----> select
  choose ----> decide
  chop down ----> cut down
  class ----> course
  clean out the refrigerator // fix a snack // not many leftovers ----> eat all the food
  clean up ----> put in order
  clear out ----> remove
  climate ----> weather
  clinic ----> infirmary
  close ----> miss
  coat // sweater // late tonight ----> be cool in the evening
  coffee ----> drink
  cold ----> warm
  cold // Arctic temperature ----> winter
  collect ----> hunt
  collect and take ----> pick up and deliver
  combine with (A) to do any good ----> by oneself (B) be not useful
  come a long way ----> improve
  come along ----> progress
  come and watch ----> enjoy
  come back ----> return
  come down with the flu ----> become ill
  come handy ----> benefit
  come in handy ----> be useful
  come into money/a fortune/a legacy ----> receive money
  come right out and ask sb. ----> confront sb. directly
  come to ----> attend // go to see
  come up with ----> find
  community college ----> different school
  competition ----> contest
  completely assembled // only partly ----> finish putting them together
  completely unhindered // a single region ----> economically unified
  completely unknown ----> totally new
  components ----> parts
  computer division ----> computer department
  concentrate on doing one's school work ----> spend one's time studying
  concentrate on one exhibit for the day ----> see only a part of the museum in a day


 exactly round // precise spheres ----> perfectly round
  exams ----> study
  exchange it for a larger size ----> It doesn't fit sb.
  expect ----> anticipate
  expensive ----> cost
  extension ----> on time
  extra work ----> more than the required amount of work
  factors ... lead to ----> causes
  fail to ----> don't
  fall back on ----> turn to
  fall back on one's dictionary ----> look up some words
  fan ----> like to do sth.
  far from being the only one ----> many people
  far from new ----> old
  fascinating ----> very interesting
  faster than ----> exceed
  feeble ----> weak
  feedback ----> opinion
  ferry ----> boat
  few ... sit through // out ... entire ----> most ... leave before ... over
  few and far between ----> hard to find
  figure out // have no idea ----> need one's help
  fill in for sb. ----> take the place of sb. // take over for sb. // take over (one's job)
  fill in for sb. ----> replace sb. // substitute for sb.
  fill one's shoes ----> take one's place
  fill out the papers ----> complete the forms
  fill sb. in on ----> keep sb. informed of // bring sb. updated/up-to-date on
  find ----> look for
  find // come up with ----> prepare for
  find out about it ----> check on it
  fine ----> charge
  fine with ----> go along with // agree
  finish ----> complete // submit // turn in
  finish // put everything together // turn in ----> complete
  first start ----> right away
  fit as a fiddle ----> in excellent health
  five ----> several
  fix // take care of // handy ----> repair
  fix up ----> work on
  float on the air ----> be excited
  folks ----> relatives
  follow the example of ... ----> follow suit
  following the Civil War ----> Post-Civil War
  for a while ----> at another time
  for more space ----> be well attended
  for the third time this month ----> again
  forcing the mixture through tiny holes ----> squeezing liquid through small holes
  forecast ----> expect
  forget ----> not think // quit
  form ----> paperwork
  forward ----> deliver // send
  four o'clock ----> afternoon
  four weeks ----> one month
  free ----> flexible
  free of additives ----> without additives
  freeze ----> be very uncomfortable
  from ocean beds that dried up long ago ----> in fossils on land
  from time to time ----> occasionally // now and then
  front-row seats ----> good seats
  fun ----> enjoy // enjoyable
  function ----> work
  furnace ----> heat system
  Germany and France ----> Europe
  get ----> furnish // receive
  get a good night sleep ----> be well rested
  get a lift // take up a collection ----> make a donation
  get a ride with ----> go with // get a lift with // give sb. a ride
  get an acceptance letter ----> be admitted
  get at least a month ----> many things to do
  get away with sth. ----> get into trouble
  get backed up ----> put off
  get going on ----> start
  get in touch with ----> call
  get information ----> obtain data
  get into trouble ----> be in hot water
  get it over with ----> not delay any longer
  get it to talk ----> teach the parrot to talk
  get moving ----> hurry
  get nowhere ----> not get anywhere
  get off the ground ----> have a good talk
  get off the phone ----> hang up
  get out of ----> take one's place
  get out of having to do sth. ----> be excused/exempted from doing sth.
  get over with sth. ----> not delay any longer
  get rich quickly ----> quick wealth
  get sb. to do some of them ----> both (A) and (B) work on them
  get sb. to do sth. ----> someone do sth. // sb. take care of sth.
  get sb. to do sth. ----> ask someone else to do sth. // persuade sb. to do sth.
  get sth. back ----> Sth. be returned.


get sth. in order // clear off sth. ----> Sth. need reorganizing.
  get sth. out of the way ----> finish sth.
  get sth. started // switch // do the trick ----> turn on sth.
  get there on foot ----> walk to someplace
  get time off ----> take time off
  get to ----> make it to
  get to a phone ----> access a phone // call sb.
  get to someplace ----> for directions
  gift ----> talent
  give back ----> return
  give guided tour to new students // orientation ----> welcome new students
  give off ----> contribute
  give sb. a few more minutes ----> wait a little longer
  give sb. a hand ----> help with
  give sb. a ride ----> drive sb. to
  give sb. a ring ----> call sb.
  give sth. credibility ----> Sth. be false
  give sth./sb. credibility ----> trust
  give two-month notice ----> tell the owner two months in advance that she's moving
  give up ----> quit // no longer // not anymore
  glance through sth. ----> read sth. hurriedly
  go back another time ----> not wait so long
  go easy on sb. ----> lightly
  go home ----> leave for home
  go in one ear and out the other ----> not listen to sb.
  go out of business ----> close down
  go out of one's way for sb. ----> help people
  go through money ----> spend money
  go through the proper channels ----> follow the official procedure
  go to bed earlier ----> get more sleep
  go to dinner ----> ready for dinner
  go to sb. ----> see sb.
  go to the concert ----> attend the performance
  go up ----> be too expensive // increase // higher
  go up gradually ----> increase over time
  good ----> delicious // usefulness
  got three times as much snow as we did here ----> bad weather
  gourmet ----> taste better
  graceful strides ----> coordinated steps
  grade ----> study
  grade exams ----> mark tests
  grandmother ----> relative
  great ----> attractive // excellent
  great adaptive ability ----> adapt easily
  great gift // has a heart of gold ----> generous present
  greater numbers ----> more students
  groan ----> complain


 had been expecting more than just a passing grade ----> was harder than he had anticipated
  hadn't gotten rid of ----> still had
  half of ----> fewer
  half price ----> half off // 50% off
  hand-me-down ----> Someone gave sth. to sb.
  hands-on ----> practical
  hard ----> difficult
  hard feelings between them for years ----> angry with one another for a long time
  hard to see from back here ----> would see better from a different row
  hard to work outside ----> stay inside
  hardly ----> rarely // scarcely // seldom
  hardly ... dislike ----> like
  hardly contain oneself ----> be extremely pleased
  have (A) take care of (B) ----> (B) be staying with (A)
  have 3 papers due this week ----> not have time
  have a broken string ----> not usable
  have a change in one's routine ----> normally
  have a hard time doing ----> difficult
  have a pretty busy ----> have a lot of to do
  have a pretty busy ----> have a lot to do
  have a seat // in a few minutes // for a moment ----> a short wait // wait a short time
  have got to be sure ----> must be extremely careful
  have heard ----> already know
  have many things on one's mind ----> have several things to worry about
  have no idea // in the dark ----> not understand
  have one's hands full ----> be tied up // be occupied // be too busy
  have only one small ... ----> doesn't have enough ...
  have paper identification ----> prove one's identify
  have sb. do sth. ----> ask sb. to do sth. // sb. do sth. // talk to sb.
  have sth. done ----> finish // have sb. to do // hire someone to do
  have sth. insured ----> buy insurance
  have sth. looked into ----> get sth. checked
  have sun most of the day ----> have plenty of light
  have these jackets cleaned ----> get his clothes cleaned
  have to do the whole thing ----> not start working
  have to stop and catch one's breath ----> be not in shape
  have won every game so far ----> be very effective
  haven't graduated yet ----> be still a student
  head for // head over to // head the way ----> go to/toward
  head over to ----> go to
  health center ----> doctor
  hear ... mentioned ----> familiar
  help ----> do good
  help // know a thing or two ----> ask
  help oneselves ----> on one's own
  help-wanted section ----> find a job
  He's not going to last long time with that attitude. ----> His behavior could cause him to lose the job.
  hit it off ----> get along with
  hit the spot ----> make sb. feel refreshed
  hold off till tomorrow ----> wait till the next day
  hold on // before sb. do (A), sb. do (B) ----> keep doing (B)
  hold up ----> delay
  hold up well ----> last much longer
  Hope you're feeling better now. ----> He was sick and unable to attend.
  hot weather ----> heat
  house ----> address


 How about an hour or so? ----> She'd rather go later.
  How baggy // loose ----> too big
  How big ----> How much
  How could I turn down an offer like that? ----> be eager to do sth.
  How did she do that? ----> What she had done to ... ?
  How does ... sound? ----> can
  How late ----> not be on time
  How the glue is made // What their glue's made of ----> the composition of the barnacle's glue
  How would she know? ----> There's no reason she should know.
  How's that? // How come? // How so? // What for? ----> Why?
  huge // big ----> size
  huge stack ----> a lot of
  hundred gatherers ----> many of them
  I can't believe how good ----> be more attractive than I expected
  I can't leave a project unfinished. ----> I must complete everything I begin.
  I can't put it down! ----> She's reading sth. interesting.
  I guess some about as ready as I ever be. ----> She plans to give it today.
  I hate to get off on the wrong foot. ----> She doesn't want to make a bad first impression.
  I have right here ----> What she has with her
  I lent it to a guest. ----> A visitor has borrowed it.
  I wouldn't mind doing sth. ----> Doing sth. is all right with me.
  if ... could ... ----> too ... to ...
  if I were in your shoes ----> if I were you
  if only ----> too ... to ... // not // be tired of
  if only ----> (I wish) ... should/could/would have done
  I'll say. ----> agree
  illegal ----> against the law
  I'm as in the dark as you are. ----> I don't know/understand either.
  I'm beat. ----> I'm tired. // I'm exhausted.
  imitation ----> substitute
  immediately ----> quickly
  immediately successful ----> a ready market
  immensely ----> very much
  important breakthroughs ----> significant research
  in a little/short while // in a minute/second/while // in a little bit ----> immediately // later // quickly // shortly // (very) soon
  in advance ----> before hand
  in any event ----> definitely
  in every home ----> common household items
  in good shape ----> new
  in hand ----> easy access to
  in less than a week // in three days ----> quickly
  in my sleep ----> be asleep
  in no time // in next to no time // any time/minute ----> immediately // quickly // shortly // soon
  in shape ----> healthy
  in the dark ----> not understand
  in the red // raise one's dues ----> increase the membership fee
  in time // no way ----> be late
  in upside down ----> not correctly positioned
  inexpensive ----> affordable // availability
  inexpensive ----> affordable
  inquire ----> check for
  inside out ----> on the wrong way
  insist on being so independent ----> should get someone to help with
  internship ----> get a good job later
  introductory course ----> begin to study
  irregular ----> infrequent
  irrelevant to ----> have little to do with
  It came in the mail yesterday from my mom and dad. ----> It was a present from his parents.
  It could be better. ----> It's not very good.
  It could be worse. ----> It's not too bad.
  It couldn't be better. ----> It's the best/excellent.
  It couldn't be worse. ----> It's the worst/too bad.
  It doesn’t matter. ----> Sb. should not apologize.
  It is incompressible ----> It can't be compressed
  It just makes me uncomfortable to ask my friend to wait on me. ----> He doesn't like to bother people.
  It looks a lot worse that it feels. ----> His eye doesn't hurt very much.
  It must be clear who's winning by now. ----> The game began some time ago.
  It only does that when it’s warming up. ----> The noise will be gone soon.
  it poured // postpone it ----> be canceled because of the weather
  It remains to be seen ----> wonder
  It runs well and I've actually grown quite attached to it. ----> He's satisfied with the car.
  It’s only the first class sb. have missed all term. ----> Missing the class would not harm sb.
  It's about time ... ----> for quite a while
  It's easier said than done. ----> It will be difficult for sb. to do sth.
  It's just overcast. ----> Sb. doesn't need an umbrella.
  It's my dad's shop. ----> She works there.
  It's only been there an hour. ----> It's too soon to go back there.
  It's only noon. ----> in half a day
  It's out of the question ----> no be able to do sth.
  I've been putting it off. ----> He hasn't done any work yet.


 jar ----> container
  jazz record // songs ----> listen to music
  job ----> work
  join us ----> with us
  judge ----> punish
  just a minute ----> soon
  just half of the normal load ----> fewer sth.
  just happened to do ----> be unintentional
  just last week ----> recently
  just make a decision ----> quickly
  keep an eye (out) on sth. (for sb.) ----> help sb. find sth. // watch sth.
  keep current on the news ----> get reports
  keep jamming ----> be not working properly
  keep on // carry on with ----> continue
  keep someone waiting ----> be late
  keep to oneself ----> not sociable
  keep track of ----> be cognizant of
  keep up with ----> study
  keep/prevent sb. from driving very fast ----> reduce the driving speed
  kill time ----> need sth. to do
  kind of // sort of ----> a little // somewhat
  lab report // class ----> workload
  laboratory experiment ----> project
  lack of jobs // need work ----> employment opportunities
  last week ----> recently
  last year ----> a while ago
  late ----> on time
  late this afternoon ----> later in the day
  lately ----> recently
  later ----> postpone
  later this week ----> future
  latest bestseller ----> recent book
  lay off ----> let go // dismiss // fire
  lay off sb. // let sb. go ----> lose one's job
  leave ... up to sb. ----> decide about sth. for oneself
  leave // be so irresponsible ----> be not careful with
  leave for // make for // set out for // set off for ----> go to/toward
  leave the studio open late tonight // get this assignment done on time ----> need extra time
  leave well enough alone ----> do sth. as is
  lend // on loan ----> borrow
  Let me finish this point, then ----> He doesn't want to be interrupted.
  let sb. use ----> lend sb.
  letter of recommendation ----> reference
  life in the old west ----> historical novel
  lift off one's shoulders ----> be relieved
  light up ----> smoke
  like ----> best selection
  line by line ----> methodically
  listen for one's phone ----> answer/take one's calls


  listen to ----> follow
  look after ----> take care of
  look at the manual ----> read the instruction
  look for a bigger apartment ----> has too much furniture
  look for a needle in a hay stack ----> be hard to find

  look on with ----> share
  look over // proofread ----> check // review // look through
  Look who's talking. ----> He should follow his own advice.
  lose ----> shed
  lose one's voice ----> unable to talk
  lose track of time ----> not realize what time it is
  lost ----> misplace
  love // lover ----> like
  love to fish ----> enjoy go fishing
  Lucky you! ----> wish
  magnate // millionaire ----> wealthy developer
  mail ----> write
  mail carrier ----> deliver
  main tool ----> strong effect
  make a come back ----> win
  make a mess of ----> screw up
  make a point of taking a close look ----> inspect sth. more carefully
  make a profit ----> make any money
  make any difference to sb. ----> sb. probably won't do
  make do with what sb. have got ----> do with the material available to sb.
  make ends meet // live within one's income ----> low salary
  make friends ----> meet people
  make fun of ----> laugh at
  make it ----> succeed
  make me promise ----> I had to promise
  make new friend in on time ----> adapt easily
  make one's flight ----> catch one's flight
  make some sketches ----> do some artwork
  make sure ----> confirm
  make the wrong turn ----> go the wrong way
  make yourself at home ----> should get comfortable
  manage to do sth. after all ----> have difficulty
  manage to handle all that ----> do so many things
  many ----> most
  many ----> different
  many miles away ----> far from
  many miles away ----> far
  mark ----> grade
  meat each other half way ----> reach a compromise
  mess // worse ----> clean
  might have found ----> missed
  mild // different ----> cold
  mind ----> bother
  minority ----> few
  misread the price tag ----> not read the amount correctly
  miss coming to one of sth. // only once or twice at the most ----> come to most of sth.
  miss one's first class ----> oversleep
  mix up ----> confuse
  money seems to burn a whole in one's pocket ----> not have enough money
  more ----> additional
  more detailed explanation ----> addition information
  more expensive ----> cost mare than
  more letters ----> has written a lot of letters recently
  more passive ----> less active
  more time ----> very time-consuming
  move off ----> not live in
  move to ----> location changes
  mow the lawn ----> cut the grass
  much the same as last ----> change little
  mugs, bowls, and ladles ----> storage
  must ----> necessary
  must have been sleeping ----> was probably asleep
  My goodness! ----> be amazed at
  My legs have fallen asleep. ----> My legs are numb.
  mysteriously ----> accidental
  mystery ----> surprise // surprisingly


  naturally // spontaneously // not planned in advance ----> individual self expression
  nay ----> does not
  nearly finished ----> barely started
  necessary ----> facilitate
  need one more class to complete one's schedule ----> sign up for (course)
  nervous // shake all over ----> extremely anxious
  never mind ----> disregard
  never realize ----> mistake
  never retouched his prints or made copies of them ----> be unique
  new ----> another/different
  next ----> following // right away
  next month ----> at a late date
  next term // next time ----> in the future
  next year too ----> continue
  nice ----> good
  nice // exist only in one's imagination ----> exceptionally good
  nightmare ----> avoid
  no end in sight ----> for a while
  no one can dispute the fact ----> undeniably
  no one is unwilling ----> everyone agree
  no pushover ----> very strict
  nobody ... not ----> everybody
  not ... all ----> share
  not ... alone ----> someone assist
  not ... amuse ----> serious
  not ... any major revisions ----> only a few changes
  not ... be up to // fill in for sb. ----> replace // substitute
  not ... both ----> only one
  not ... clean ----> dirty
  not ... think of ----> disagree
  not ... trouble ----> well
  not a single cloud ----> sunny
  not as much as experts have predicted ----> not as bad been anticipated as had
  Not at all. ----> Not a bit of it.
  not be compatible ----> reject
  not care for ----> dislike
  not count sb. out yet ----> sb. may still be able to do sth.
  not discourage/keep/prevent sb. from doing sth. ----> want sb. to continue sth.
  not do sth. until ... ----> do sth. later
  not everyone ----> some people
  not full ----> vacant
  not give up ----> continue
  not go unrewarded ----> be well repaid
  not have the time ----> too busy
  not hold the grudge // forget ----> forgive people
  not let it show ----> hide his feelings
  not likely // not much chance of that ----> doubt
  not likely rebroadcast ----> miss the chance
  not make much money // a small stipend ----> not pay very well
  Not much chance of that. ----> probably not do sth.
  not much longer // make time for sth. ----> go to someplace soon
  not much of a sth. fan // far from ... favorite ----> not like sth.
  not one student ----> nobody
  not oversleep // catch the flight // wake up call // front desk ----> hotel staff
  not play very well ----> poor play
  not really like ----> be dissatisfied
  not recognize sb. ----> Sb. looks different.


  not serious ----> all right
  not stand ----> hate
  not taste anything // not worth the wait ----> not very good
  not tell sth. apart ----> seem identical
  not think much of ----> disagree
  not unknown ----> have already heard of
  not wait until ----> early
  not wait until the last minute ----> early
  nothing short of brilliance ----> really wonderful
  notice ----> realize
  novel ----> book
  now ----> right away
  Now's as good a time as any. ----> He'd like to do it now.
  occasionally ----> sometimes
  occupy one's time ----> wait a long time
  odd ----> surprise
  Of course not (mind). ----> welcome
  Oh, no. ----> sorry
  on edge ----> nervous
  on end ----> continuously // for some time // for quite a while
  on my own ----> herself
  on one's own ----> (by) oneself
  on the courtyard ----> outside
  on the news ----> on television
  on the second floor // take the stairs up ----> on the floor above
  on time ----> avoid being late
  on your desk ----> in an office
  once // no longer ----> not anymore
  once and again // from time to time // on and off // off and on ----> sometimes // occasionally
  One day's as good as the next. ----> He's available any day.
  one in a million ----> rare
  one more ----> another
  one step at a time ----> gradually
  One's job search was unsuccessful. ----> sb. was unable to find a job.
  one's schoolwork be suffering ----> be interfering with one's studies
  only ----> part
  only a couple of times ----> twice // two times
  only a ten-minute walk ----> not need to take a car
  only occasionally ----> once in a while
  only sb. can't ----> almost everyone can
  only three of ... ----> most of ... not
  only try to help ----> One's intention be good.
  optional ----> sb. can do sth. ... if sb. wants to
  organize ----> take care of
  other than ----> except
  ought to be easier // unless ----> might be difficult
  out of breath // run // rush ----> hurry
  out of date ----> up to date
  out of it // in another world ----> think only about
  out of order ----> not work // break down
  out of print for sometime now ----> no longer available
  out of the way ----> finish
  out of this world ----> delicious // like sth. very much
  outcome ----> result
  outgoing ----> friendly
  out-of-date ----> up-to-date
  outstanding ----> good
  over ----> end
  over one's head ----> beyond sb. // not understand
  overcome her fear of public speaking ----> not afraid to give a speech
  oversleep ----> absent
  oversleep // on time // in a hurry // inside out ----> be rushed



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美国top10 MBA VIP申请服务

自2003年开始提供 MBA 申请服务以来,保持着90% 以上的成功率,其中Top10 MBA服务成功率更是高达95%
