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[转帖]6月18 JJ --AWA/Math/RC

考得太差了  就不说了


AWA            aa 10

10. The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper.

“This past winter, 200 students from Waymarsh State College traveled to the state capitol building to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various state college programs. The other 12,000 Waymarsh students evidently weren’t so concerned about their education: they either stayed on campus or left for winter break. Since the group who did not protest is far more numerous, it is more representative of the state’s college students than are the protesters. Therefore the state legislature need not heed the appeals of the protesting students.”

ai   ai2

A2. “Constant innovation and change within an organization are as likely to damage the organization as they are to improve it.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your experience, observations, or reading.

math :  ps385 那题  之前14 号JJ有提到 1^2+2^2+3^2.........+10^2=385,问2^2+4^2+6^2+......20^2=?

                ps一个圆, 剪掉一个120度的角  然后再做成一个圆锥  问圆锥的高  根号80

               ds总金额510~700   只有100元一张的和1元一张的   问一共有多少张

               (1)100 的有6张

                (2)1 元的有6张


               ds  问ts/k  是不是〉0


                         (2)t+s <k

               ps  有一个圆C  在xy-plane 上 x^2+y^2=10  问有多少个a b (a b 为整数 在圆上)

             选项有  2   ,  4    , 6   , 8   ,10   ,16

            ds有一个不规则四边形 四个角时  w y w z  x+y=160度   问w是不是=x        

  (1)  W+X = 160

  (2) X+Z= 200

     PS [(-2)^n]^(-2)+[ 2^(-n)]^2=?


  选项是 none   only1 only2 only3 1and2  2and3


ds 一个公司去年有些人去参加了一个old program,今年又有a人(没有具体数字,就是a)new program了,问possibility of 参加new program 的人中至少有一个参加过old program



   还有一个问小于60 的

 ps  说x 单独抽水  4小时抽了一半   然后x 和y 一起抽3 小时抽完了  问Y单独抽要多久

 S 还有一题是注水的  请后面的NN 补充

ps还有一个是问小于60的和60 没有common prime factor 的数有几个  给了一个公式 很好算的  应该是16个

 RC:  有一篇GWD的

   Q35 to Q37:
     The experience of British business

       in Iran between the 1860’s and the

       1970’s is one example of the changing

Line       importance of British enterprise in Asia

  (5)      as a whole.  Before 1914 British busi-

ness established and dominated Iran’s

modern industrial and financial sector;

in the 1920’s this domination began to

wane; by the 1960’s British enterprise

 (10)      was of little importance in the Iranian

economy.  While in Japan and India the

decline of British business was primarily

a function of the rise of strong indige-

nous business groups, in Iran, by

 (15)      contrast, the government played a

large role in both challenging British

commercial interests and stimulating

locally owned enterprise.  Periodic

surges of intense Iranian economic

 (20)      nationalism must be understood partly

       as a reaction to the close relations

       between British business in Iran and

the British government.  In retrospect,

it is possible to see the uneasy and

 (25)      ambiguous nature of this relationship.

It is true that the British Imperial Bank

in Iran was never entirely a tool of the

British government, and that the Anglo-

Iranian Oil Company did not take its

 (30)      orders from the British government,

despite the 51 percent government

shareholding.  However, the relationship

       between British business and the British

government was sufficiently close that

 (35)     many Iranians understandably viewed

the oil company and the bank as sym-

bols of a British imperialist policy.



The primary purpose of the passage is to


evaluate a country’s solution to a problem
describe differing perceptions of a historical event
contrast historical events in two countries
provide an explanation for a historical phenomenon
challenge an accepted explanation for a historical change
Answer: d



The passage suggests which of the following about British business in Japan and India as compared to British business in Iran?


British business in Japan and India received less support from the British government than did British business in Iran.
During the early twentieth century, British business played less of a role in the Japanese and Indian economy than it did in the Iranian economy.
The governments of Japan and India played less of a role in the changing status of British business than did the government of Iran.
The types of enterprises conducted by the British in Japan and India were significantly different from the enterprises conducted by the British in Iran.
British business in Japan and India declined more gradually than did British business in Iran.
Answer: c



The author of the passage mentions the British government’s shares in the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company most probably in order to

demonstrate the British enterprise in Iran was controlled by the British government
contrast British-run businesses in Iran with Iranian-run businesses in Iran
show how joint British and Iranian enterprises were encouraged by the British government
illustrate a point about the financial difficulties faced by British businesses in Asia
suggest a reason for Iranians’ perception of the role British government played in British business
answer :e






这篇我也遇到了  很无奈  题目都不太会   确实特别变态   我也不太知道这篇文章讲的是什么  题目都是细节题都不太会做

还有一篇  1p  将吃水果好   因为水果里面的维生素特别多

                2p  press misleading  说有研究表明维他命C有助于延长寿命 但是研究只是表明维他命C  高的人死亡率低 维他命低的人死亡率高  但是并没有证明维他命c和长寿的关系


                2P   但是翻译有问题   因为有些词没有对应的翻译过来的词  而且还有对翻译的要求太broad了  有些人的亲属做这些翻译

            3p  因为存在的问题 导致APPEAL  增多

语法和逻辑记不太清楚了  就不误导大家了  

就先这样吧  如果想起来再上来补充

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