I believe there is an equivalent program in U.S. - MIT Sloan
Fellowship, which my friend graduated from 2 years ago. The Sloan program
was actually originally started at MIT and was then expanded to Stanford
and LBS. MIT offers both a 2 year "flex" version and an intensive 1 year
version. In addition, you have access to classes in Harvard as well.
They also offer fast track application.
At this point, I'm not sure if you can transfer your Sloan Fellow offer
from LBS to MIT (as they are run by separate schools), but if you are
eligible for the one in LBS, I am sure you are eligibel for it in U.S. as
well. If you have the luxury of using more time to restart the
application for MIT, or even Stanford, that would probably be your best
bet provided your objective is still to work in U.S. after graduation. |