AWA AA:The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a daily newspaper. “Company A has a large share of the international market in video-game hardware and software. Company B, the pioneer in these products, was once a $12 billion-a-year giant but collapsed when children became bored with its line of products. Thus Company A can also be expected to fail, especially given the fact that its games are now in so many American homes that the demand for them is nearly exhausted.” AI: The best teachers are those who except the students to challenge the popular ideas rather than accept them.
SC: In the same way as 和 the same way as的区别 n.+sufficent to 和n.+that are suffient to CR: Critics of certain pollution-control regulations have claimed that the money spent over the last decade in order to reduce emissions of carbon monoxide and of volatile organic compounds has been wasted. The evidence they offer in support of this claim might appear compelling: despite the money spent, annual emissions of these pollutants have been increasing steadily. This evidence is far from adequate, however, since over the last decade a substantial number of new industrial facilities that emit these pollutants have been built. In the reasoning given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles? The first identifies a claim that the reasoning seeks to show is false; the second is evidence that has been cited by others in support of that claim. The first identifies a claim that the reasoning seeks to show is false; the second is a position for which the reasoning seeks to provide support. The first is a position that the reasoning contends is inadequately supported by the evidence; the second is a position for which the reasoning seeks to provide support. The first is a position that the reasoning contends is inadequately supported by the evidence; the second is evidence used to support the reasoning’s contention. The first is a position that the reasoning contends is inadequately supported by the evidence; the second is evidence that has been used to support that position. RC: Planet 的形成的那篇,只记住Jupiter 和 nebula 两个词了 其他三篇jj中似乎都没有, 由一片关于工厂的通过换灯泡来节约能源的, 考到一个PUBLIC good 词的refer to math: 1.P=((n1-n2)/(n1+n2))^2, n1/n2=1.4 Ask P close to what, my answer is 0.03 2.DS m=p*(0.05*1.0005^n/(1.0005^n-1)), if n>50 A, p=10000 B, n=48 考到那提8000还是7980 的概率题,但题目中提到数字的不同顺序代表不同的组合了? 是否变体了呢? 考到32个人中抽取4个人组成一个4人组的概率,问概率的范围, 但不知道(4 person group 中是否有组合) 5.10 ^50-74(not sure the 74 or some other number) 的结果的各个位数的加和 6. The least common multiple of 15, 6?and m is 30? a) m是5的倍数 b)m-3=7 7.遇到那个变态的据说是表格的DS题了,但是我发现没有提到小的铁的比例,所有算不出,所以我选了E, 不过居然在第8题就出了,寒一个 8. Z是正数,问是否 X=0 a, XZ=-5X b. XZ=5X 42,DS:有一个can高5inchs,有一个box,体积为12feet(1foot=12inchs),问能装几个can? (1)a dimension of the box is 2feet (2)can的直径是3inchs 这题我认为有点玄,因为知道了box的体积,知道了条件2后可以知道can的底面积和体积(我认为can底面是圆形),看起来可以直接除。但是因为不知道box到底是个什么样的形状,所以其实根本不能求。这题大家要注意题目的条件有没有说box是正方体,还有看看条件一给的dimension。大家记住一点:根据条件2我们可以知道,放一个can要占用:3*3=9面积,需要9*5=45的体积。不能直接算can的体积!大家明白为什么吗?can放在box里,占用的是立方体而不是圆柱体。你们可以摆着试试。 zacharyzhang:在“box 里放 cans ”这一题中,是指 box 的边长。在形容一个实体的时候dimension指长宽高的长度 ,从题目给出的数量单位是长度也可以看出来。这一题中“a dimension” 意思是其中一个边长。 有时候形容一个实体时dimension只有一个数字,则说明三个边长的数字是一样的,也就是说长宽高相等。类似地,可以说一个平面四边形dimension是多少(只给一个数字),那么应该就是指正方形了。 看条件更新,这题不是正方体! |