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126. The public is well aware that high blood cholesterol levels raise the risk of stroke caused by blood clots, but a recent report concludes that people with low blood cholesterol levels are at increased risk of the other lethal type of stroke---cerebral hemorrhage, caused when a brain artery busts. The report suggests that because blood cholesterol plays a vita role in maintaining cell membranes, low blood cholesterol weakens artery walls, making them prone to rupture. The conclusion thus supports a long-standing contention by Japanese researchers that Western diets better protect against cerebral hemorrhage than do non-Western diets.

The argument is based on which one of the following assumption?

(A) Western diets are healthier than non-Western diets.

(B) Western diets result in higher blood cholesterol levels than do non-Western diets.

(C) High blood cholesterol levels preclude the weakening of artery walls.

(D) Cerebral hemorrhages are more dangerous than strokes caused by blood clots.

(E) People who have low blood pressure are at increased risk of cerebral hemorrhage.


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仔细阅读题干,其实它并没有说是饮食导致高胆固醇啊!这是大家的观念。 呵呵。。注意做题时不要带有自己的观念噢!


assumption: this argument does not focus on the issue of health. A might be a conclusion you can draw from above argument, but not an assumption;

原文:low blood C->weakens A->CH病

结论:W diet防止CH病; Gap is W diet->higher blood C;

A question is: why C is not right;

if high blood C不能排除weakening A, 不是也要导致    CH病吗?


高胆固醇不能排除weakening wall, 它也有可能对此wall没有任何影响,所以不一定导致此病。





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