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V1 by pengyayun  3/1/11
考古by 李子木

Scientists studying the physiology of dinosaurs have long debated whether dinosaurs were warm- or cold-blooded. Those who suspect they were warm-blooded point out that dinosaur bone is generally fibro-lamellar in nature; because fibro-lamellar bone is formed quickly, the bone fibrils, or filaments, are laid down haphazardly. Consistent with their rapid growth rate, warm-blooded animals, such as birds and mammals, tend to produce fibro-lamellar bone, whereas reptiles, which are slow-growing and cold-blooded, generally produce bone in which fibrils are laid down parallel to each other. Moreover, like the bone of birds and mammals, dinosaur bone tends to be highly vascularized, or filled with blood vessels. These characteristics, first recognized in the 1930’s, were documented in the 1960’s by de Ricqlès, who found highly vascularized, fibro-lamellar bone in several groups of dinosaurs. In the 1970’s, Bakker cited these characteristics as evidence for the warm-bloodedness of dinosaurs. Although de Ricqlès urged caution, arguing for an intermediate type of dinosaur physiology, a generation of paleontologists has come to believe that dinosaur bone is mammalianlike. In the 1980’s, however, Bakker’s contention began to be questioned, as a number of scientists found growth rings in the bones of various dinosaurs that are much like those in modern reptiles. Bone growth in reptiles is periodic in nature, producing a series of concentric rings in the bone, not unlike the growth rings of a tree. Recently, Chinsamy investigated the bones of two dinosaurs from the early Jurassic period (208-187 million years ago), and found that these bones also had growth rings; however, they were also partially fibro-lamellar in nature. Chinsamy’s work raises a question central to the debate over dinosaur physiology: did dinosaurs form fibro-lamellar bone because of an innately high metabolic rate associated with warm-bloodedness or because of periods of unusually fast growth that occurred under favorable environmental conditions? (Although modern reptiles generally do not form fibro-lamellar bone, juvenile crocodilesraised under optimal environmental conditions do.) This question remains unanswered; indeed, taking all the evidence into account, one cannot make a definitive statement about dinosaur physiology on the basis of dinosaur bone. It may be that dinosaurs had an intermediate pattern of bone structure because their physiology was neither typically reptilian, mammalian, nor avian.

GWD-9-Q33 G-9-Q33:
The author of the passage would be most likely to agree that the “caution” (line 29) urged by de Ricqlès regarding claims about dinosaur physiology was
A.    unjustified by the evidence available to de Ricqlès
B.    unnecessary, given the work done by Bakker and his followers
C.    indicative of the prevailing scientific opinion at the time
D.    warranted, given certain subsequent findings of other scientists
E.    influential in the recent work of Chinsamy
GWD-9-Q34 G-9-Q34:
The primary purpose of the passage is to
A.    discuss the influence on other scientists of Bakker’s argument concerning the warm-bloodedness of dinosaurs
B.    provide evidence that supports the claim that dinosaurs were cold-blooded
C.    challenge the contention that dinosaur bone tissue is innately fibro-lamellar
D.    evaluate the claim that dinosaur bone tissue provides evidence for the warmbloodedness of dinosaurs
E.    resolve the disagreement between de Ricqlès and Bakker over the nature of dinosaur physiology
GWD-9-Q35 G-9-Q35:
According to the passage, the discovery of growth rings in the bones of certain dinosaurs served to undermine which of the following claims?
A.    That modern reptiles are related to dinosaurs
B.    That bone growth in dinosaurs was periodic in nature
C.    That dinosaurs were warm-blooded
D.    That dinosaurs had an intermediate type of physiology
E.    That fibro-lamellar bone is the product of a rapid growth rate
GWD-9-Q36 G-9-Q36:
The author of the passage mentions bone growth patterns in juvenile crocodiles most likely in order to
A.    provide support for the argument that reptiles are not related to dinosaurs
B.    undermine the claim that most reptiles are slow-growing
C.    offer an explanation as to why juvenile crocodiles differ from most modern reptiles
D.    suggest the juvenile crocodiles have a type of physiology intermediate between-f mammals and that of reptiles
E.    suggest that the presence of fibro-lamellar bone does not resolve the debate over dinosaur physiology


V2 by 伯那乌的云 3月11日,北美温哥华,一战640 (M50,V26)
第二段:开始讲述海豚具体的辨别声音的过程,比较复杂,大概是收到声音后再自己发出声音,然后通过通过频率,重复的模式,回音的间隔时间等.此处讲到海豚的emission(发射)是有规律的频率变化。[有题,问 emission的性质。答案是频率改变,但是有规律可循,可以预测。]
Q3:它们通常会在发出声音之后, 等一下听回音之类的, 藉以分辨出她们自己的声音和海底其它吵杂的声音

Echolocation - the location of objects by their echoes - is a highly specialized faculty that enables dolphins to explore their environment and search out their prey in a watery world where sight is often of little use. As sound travels four and a half times faster in water than in air, the dolphin's brain must be extremely well adapted in order to make a rapid analysis of the complicated information provided by the echoes.
Although the ability to echolocate has only been proven experimentally for a few odontocete species, the anatomical evidence - the presence of the melon, nasal sacs and specialized skull structures - suggests that all dolphins have this ability.
The dolphin is able to generate sound in the form of clicks, within its nasal sacs, situated behind the melon. The frequency of this click is higher than that of the sounds used for communication and differs between species. The melon acts as a lens which focuses the sound into a narrow beam that is projected in front of the animal.
When the sound strikes an object, some of the energy of the soundwave is reflected back towards the dolphin. It would appear that the panbone in the dolphin's lower jaw receives the echo, and the fatty tissue behind it transmits the sound to the middle ear and thence to the brain. It has recently been suggested that the teeth of the dolphin, and the mandibular nerve that runs through the jawbone may transmit additional information to the dolphin's brain.
      As soon as an echo is received, the dolphin generates another click. The time lapse between click and echo enables the dolphin to evaluate the distance between it and the object; the varying strength of the signal as it is received on the two sides of the dolphin's head enable it to evaluate direction. By continuously emitting clicks and receiving echoes in this way, the dolphin can track objects and home in on them.   
The echolocation system of the dolphin is extremely sensitive and complex. Using only its acoustic senses, a bottlenose dolphin can discriminate between practically identical objects which differ by ten per cent or less in volume or surface area. It can do this in a noisy environment, can whistle and echolocate at the same time, and echolocate on near and distant targets simultaneously - feats which leave human sonar experts gasping.


V1. 关于动物身体的大小和领地范围大小的关系:
以下考古 by  rebecca_wang以下是考古狗:经本人核对基本上就是这篇了~!
讲一种鸭子body size 与 home size 关系之类的,后面说实验结果跟两个之前预测的都相反了
5.作者提到的breeding ability的作用是什么?
后 面就有人不同意这种说法,他们认为其实其他因素才是影响领地大小的关键。比如湿地站动物活动范围的百分比。举了一个例子,说在灌木地占多数的地方(也就是 湿地占少数),由于灌木会影响动物们的视线,因此动物间交流就不多,动物间的摩擦、不和谐就少,因此竞争就少。这些人的结论是随着湿地所占的百分比越大, 个体领地就越小。


V3 by sunshinerui  3/9/2011
V5. 是说有一些小的器官可以使动物更好的猎食,然后有2个科学实验,第一个实验是一个A开头的动物,第一下左转,然后第二下右转的概率是左转的2倍,是因为这个动物脑子里有个什么S,一转弯就从一边移动到另一边了,然后就加强了另一边转弯的概率。第二段是另一个实验,一个水里游的动物P, 给湖里撒食物,发现这个P一次就转36度,科学家说这样可以最大程度上获取食物。 题目一个是主旨题,选claims一个conclusion,用了2个research。 另一个是第二段的作用,支持主旨。 第三个是个细节题。


2.3 Other Natural Science
2.3.1. CO2
V8 by 伯那乌的云 3月11日,北美温哥华,一战640 (M50,V26)
好像还有一道Infer 题(具体的不记得了) "


V1    by cyy鬼鬼  (51,35) 3/1/11
P2:好像就说科学家假象,有很多公式什么的,每个星球上呢,都有不同的solution(就是解),可能正好是因为地球上的这一组解【就是那些constant】,特别适合生命的存在,所以我们就存在了。所以科学家就假想,在不远的未来,可能会发现,这些公式只有only solution。
(1)好像问告诉了什么?我就说以后会发现只有only solution。【但是我觉得其他有两个也挺对的。。。凭第一感觉做的。】
(2)还有一个说only solution 表示了什么?【我觉得应该选其他地方没有生命什么啊,但好像没有,A比较像,我就选了。】


2.3.4   tenna....什么的望远镜
by pan365  北美3/1/2011
讲道美国有10颗在太空服务,首先讲他工作的原理,是收集signals,每一颗在太空收集到太空的signals在这个Tenna..什么record成signals tap,然后发送到地面observation center,然后再由scientis分析,利用。他们收集(貌似释放记不清)的signal比光速都快,(这里有一个考点的),------------这个是工作原理。。
* KG: tenna....什么的望远镜
V1 by ft67795252
V2 by jojojjz
我只碰到一篇新的,是第一篇~ 讲什么美国有个新技术呀,他们在xxx地方造了一堆类似雷达的东西,一共有十个,长得跟卫星电视接收器似的,每个重多少多少,直径多少多少。这个东西可以干嘛呢?它可以发射wave stronger than light do,然后十个对准一个object就能得到非常非常清楚的图像啦,举了例子说明了下有多精确。这个东西怎么运作呢?它们还有一个超级超级厉害的钟,把接收到的信息和钟的信息一起做成磁带,每天送到一个yyy地方,那里的科学家再把它们拼起来。而且它们也是统一由那个地方远程控制的(似乎是跟科学家同一个地方,记不清了。。><)。后面的忘记了。。。。我是黄鱼脑袋,orz。。。。
相关联接 by jojojjz
From Wiki:
The Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) is a system of ten radio telescopes controlled remotely from the Array Operations Center in Socorro, New Mexico (USA) by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. The array works together as the world's largest dedicated, full-time astronomical instrument using the technique of very long baseline interferometry. Its construction began in February 1986, and was completed in May 1993. The first observation using all ten sites occurred in May 29, 1993. The total construction cost was US$85 million.
Each VLBA station consists of an 82-foot (25 m) diameter dish antenna and an adjacent control building which houses the station computer, tape recorders and other equipment associated with collecting the radio signals gathered by the antenna. Each antenna weighs 240 short tons (218 t) and is nearly as tall as a ten story building when pointed straight up. The longest baseline in the array is 8,611 kilometres (5,351 mi).


2.3.5. ceramics的工艺发明和生产
V1   by  Tinayamap(2/25/2011)  
说某个地方的人其实很早就了解了这种东西,但是很久以后才开始知道ceramic container。然后科学家们试图解释这种lag。解释中有一种是和agriculture的发展有关,说因为农业发展了,人们对container的需求变大,然后才促进了这个东西的发展。后面又扯到了妇女要照顾家庭,然后制造pottery可以使妇女在承担家庭责任和工作之间平衡什么的..这篇也云里雾里的,大家可以看看有没有更清晰的回忆,我是真的被几篇阅读搞得有点晕,真没怎么看懂
就是讲ceramic container的出现比ceramics的种植工艺晚了一些时间,本文主旨就是讨论这个的原因(主旨题),首先讲了一个B教授说了神马观点,然后作者针对B的一个观点进行了反驳。第二段就说了别的神马真正的原因。总体觉得V2写的比较对:
KG: ceramics的工艺发明和生产
第二篇好像是说美国西南的印第安人很早就会陶瓷的技术, 但是几百年以后才开始做pottery和container. 于是有个哥们就开始研究为啥. Y调查以后发现做pottery很适合印第安妇女的schedule, 但是作者马上否定, 说人家印第安妇女同志要照顾孩子, 收拾家里很忙di. 然后作者说其实是印第安人生活水平提高了, 要储存东西了, 所以才开始做pottery.
第一段说ceramic container随着人们对农业得依赖,而欲来愈盛行,接着分段讲述原因,如可以保存食物...学 者们发现印第安妇女做的装粮食的containers 的出现比种粮食的技术引进晚100年?为什么由lag,一个学者a就解释:当印第人(原先是游牧的)发现这种技术稳定后才开始大量种粮食,定居于某地,而 妇女做容器的劳动力成本是很低的。(但别的学者认为劳动力成本其实不低。)a又说由于粮食少,印地安妇女要提高营养水平,而放在容器里储藏和cook可以 提高营养水平。由于人口密度低(有一个in order to 题),印第安人又……。考了两条suggest 和 infer 的题题目:
Q about the last statement of the whole passage: why did it mention the low density of people there?
Q由于人口密度低(有一个in order to 题),印第安人又……。
Q:两条suggest 和 infer 的题 Q有问主体题Q:最后一句话的作用


V3    by min0625  (51,** 710)3/1/2011
早期的photography。第一段说人们认为相片会反映美一点每一滴,包括irregularities 和(几个贬义词),"photos can't lie"。第二段说也不尽然,举了一个例说有一张很早期的巴黎街头照片,因为曝光时间长,显得在一个midmorning的繁忙街头,只有两个人register在相片了,而其他物体和行人都在motion中,所以看起来好像只有那两个人一样...
The second passage I had was the camera one. The first paragraph was talking about how camera was able to perserve the truth and cited a phrase: cameras can't lie. The second paragraph suggested that camera can lie because it cannot capture everything accurately. The example given as how a picture of a paris boulvard only has two people in it. The reason was that the camera at the time had long exposure time and therefore, couldn't capture anything that is moving.
One question I can recall was about the picture. It asks why there are only two ppl in the picture and the answer was because other ppl are moving.
Question #1: what can be inferred: photographers didn’t mean to disappoint somebody Question #2: why only two people on the photo: others are in a motion


2.3.7.钟 Clock
V1  by ashitawa (2011/2/26 ) M50 V30 680
第一段,一个钟非常的准确是一个叫David什么的人1842年?发明的,然后就描述了钟的两个钟摆怎样function, (有一道细节题问这段可以infer出什么) 定位就是这个部分但是必须读懂
第三段,介绍另一个人用其他的电子设备模拟钟的实验,(有一道问something not mentioned类的题只须泛读我觉得)
第四段,潮汐对钟准确性的影响 (也有个选项涉及这个建议泛读)
KG: 2.3.3  clock一种异常准确的机械钟
第一段:说这种钟可以说是世界上最后的机械钟了,而且有两个,一个在爱丁堡,一个在某observing station(记不清了,但此处无题)。这种钟就两个钟摆(pendulum), the first 在一个真空(vacuum)的容器中(此处对真空有题),另一个来管钟的各指针(大概是这个意思)。第一个钟摆会适时第第二个钟摆信号,来进行适度调整。这个钟就是靠这个运行的
第三段:讲在1984年做的一个试验,将这种机械种与automatic clock做比较,结果发现(一堆数字比较)。后又说日月引力,不但能影响海潮,还能影响陆地。而这种引力会使机械种有一定的误差。
2、通过运用这个东西在XX学,发现了什么? 选的是发现地球的季节性的什么什么变化。
我选的seasonal rotation的改写的那个
[我选发现地球地面(ground)和ocean一样会有tide的变化(具体记不清了。。。反正有关键词 ground,tide,change甚么的)。是文中一句话的改写,那句话后面还说了是如何变化的。
迷惑选项:发现地球rotation yearly change,文中说的是seasonal,不是from year to year。(或者相反,反正大家考的时候留心!)]
6、primary pendulum(钟摆)哪个true
我选:它是被firmly sealed(密封)的,因为文中说是真空。
千万记得不是土地的tidal movement,而应该选地转速度一年里的速度不一样(seasonal对应答案的one time in the year from another)
8、Which of the following can NOT be experimented in 1984?

考古经ashitawa确认的考古:我来确认一下钟的吧,文章跟考古相似度98%, 题目我跟730那位大牛好像是一模一样的,选的也一样。不过有个770的大牛提醒了一个题看看我好像的确选错了那道
【BY joyzhuoy  730】11.8日
1.    这个东东主要是说什么的:我选的是某样clock的发明和组成。(我觉得不对)
2.    通过运用这个东西在XX学,发现了什么?我选的是发现地球的季节性的什么什么变化
3.    这个东东里面有个chamber是干什么的?我选的是有个什么mechanism与second什么鬼东东相连,相互影响。
4.    作者最有可能同意什么:乱选的,不记得了。貌似是选1921年以前没这种类似的东东存在。
5.    问这个钟导致了什么发现。我选了发现tide change。
6.    问其中一个pendulum(这个钟有2个pendulum)所在的chamber有何特点。文中提到chamber是vacuum的,所以我选了sealed so that no air can get in什么的。
7.    问这片文章用意何在。我选的好像是衡量一个东东(就是钟)功能准确不准确什么的。
8.    What is truth about the first pendulum (in the first paragraph)?选和真空有关的
9.    Which of the following can NOT be experimented in 1984?选了一个更准确的钟。
10  What does this clock coincidentally find?
11. 选地球转速因引力而不同。(有人说这个选项有问题)因为原文说的是seasonal rotation. 但是答案里面是year one year 的rotation。所以没选这个,那个人选的是对大陆,海洋的tidal都有影响。(请大家确认)
12.     有infer题  第一段讲指针运动那里有考题
13.    primary钟摆怎么了答装它的盒子是密封的,有一道题很阴说作者文中直接的说这个钟为什么现象提供了证据,千万记得不是土地的tidal movement,而应该选地转速度一年里的速度不一样(seasonal对应答案的one time in the year from another)
14.    问到第一个钟摆的chamber作用, 但是没看到vacuum的选项, 我选了 irregular...对second...的影响

  The Shortt clock had two pendulums. The first, known as the master, swung freely in an evacuated case. Its only job was to synchronize the swing of the second pendulum, called the slave, which was housed in a neighboring cabinet. Every 30 seconds the slave sent an electrical signal to give a nudge to the master. In return, via an elaborate electromechanical link, the master ensured that the slave never got out of step.

  Shortt clocks were standard provision in astronomical observatories of the 1920s and 1930s, and are credited with keeping time to better than 2 milliseconds a day. Many were on record as losing or gaining no more than 1 second a year – a stability of one part in 30 million. The first indications of seasonal variations in the Earth’s rotation were gleaned by the use of Shortt clocks.

  In 1984 Pierre Boucheron carried out a study of a Shortt clock which had survived in the basement of the US Naval Observatory since 1932. Using the modern optical sensing equipment instead of the electromechanical coupling, he measured its rate against the observatory’s atomic clocks for a month. He found that it was stable to 200 microseconds a day over this period, equivalent to two to three parts in a billion. What is more, the data also reveal that the clock was sensing the distortion of the Earth due to tides from the Moon and the Sun.



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