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3月RC JJ整理 (23日更新至第54篇下载版)
















RC-1: 员工跳槽原因


RC-3:  植物,利用黄蜂(wasp/parasitic wasp寄生蜂)----毛毛虫(caterpillar)的天敌,攻击毛毛虫。

RC-4: England中世纪领主与农奴的关系

RC-5:  恐龙灭绝

RC-6: 温室效应

RC-7 美国黑人GWD原文)

RC-8  物种灭绝 (同RC-5...... 应该是一样的。)

RC-9 灰尘

RC-10 珠穆朗玛
  GWD 原文,注意JJ作者确认第一道题有变化)

RC-11 产品储备

RC-12 医生malpractice

RC-13  恐龙,冷血?热血?

RC-14 半合法市场(山寨市场…^ _ ^) (gray market)

RC-15 纸币与硬币

RC-16  冰川变迁

RC-17 弦论

RC-18 Food Intolerance (医:对食物、药物等的不耐性)


RC-20  加大技术投入

RC-21  16世纪科学的进步

RC-22 商店运营模式

RC-23 某地Architecture

RC-24 migration

RC-25 矛盾

RC-26 力--机械


RC-28美国前六位总统和之后的总统在一些政策上的差别 (PREP 原文


RC-30 Sea Serpent

RC-31 公司合并之后的策略

RC-32 星星发光

RC-33 ant  

RC-34 change in earth‘s orbit影响气候

RC-35 Supermarket 对比 wet fresh market (Completeness > 80%, 新加入大段八神白话03/14)

RC-36 房地产市场的future

RC-37 bacterin 治疗Lyme disease

RC-38 science city

RC-39 dodder和tomato

RC-40 Taylor’s "Scientific Management”

RC-41 企业的集合型生产模式

RC-42 出国学习  发展本国教育

RC-43 sanction 和组织



RC-45 两种商业的ALLIANCE (商业的两种Alliance)

RC-46 residual stress

RC-47 Kuiper Belt Objects

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RC-1: 员工跳槽原因


问题(1)主题题 (2)in order to 题 (3)except细节。




【版本2】也做了这篇:讲关于早年经历对作家的影响  主要就是说年轻时候的经历或者阅读什么的会影响作家后面的创作
   最后举了黑人一个人的例子 说他读大学时当编辑 对他后面很有影响 只记得其中一题是逻辑题 看哪个选项weaken了这种说法 开篇有个和juvenile很像的词 大概就是说青少年的意思  还有formative这个词 adj. (影响)形成[构成, 发展]的

【版本3】刚刚看别人的机经, 想起来我也考了前期文学作品对后期的文学作品的影响. between juvenila and formative stage of literature . 文章讲了早期作品常常被人忽略但对后期作品的tendency and thought 还是有影响的. 然后举了个黑子例子, 说他前期的作品led to the formation of his later pieces. 有一题是问哪一个weaken了上面说的早期对后期的影响, 我选了C, 说人后期和前期作品中有很大的break.


RC-3: 某种植物,利用黄蜂(wasp/parasitic wasp寄生蜂)----毛毛虫(caterpillar)的天敌,攻击毛毛虫。(俺“冒然”推测,本篇是本月高频)

【版本1】一篇是讲毛毛虫,植物,还有捕捉一种毛毛虫的动物,这三者之间的关系,这篇是最长的,我没太看懂....不好意思啊各位... 主要是讲什么/怎么样导致植物分泌一种物质使捕食者来消灭毛毛虫 ;第一段猜测这三者的关系 第二段就是科学家通过试验来验证这个猜测
有益补充(已经过JJ作者确认):WASP会把它的幼虫LAVAE寄生到一种虫身上. 这种虫吃一种植物.这种植物在这种虫吃它时会分泌一种CHEMICAL, 这种CHEMICAL 会吸引WASP. 所以这种植物是通过另外一种生物来抵抗它的天敌.

【版本2】还真碰到了那个Caterpillar的题, 这篇阅读比较长而且逻辑关系很强, 没把眼镜差点看破了. 关键词:caterpillar, wasp, attractive chemicals. 主要讲plants have developed their own defensive system by attracting wasps, the predator of caterpillar host.  caterpillar咬完树叶后, 树叶会自己分泌chemical attracion 引来wasps, 科学家开始怀疑是caterpillar自己在吃剩下的树叶上留下的chemical attraction 后来发现不是. 第一个题问文章concern什么, 我选E, 关于defensive system 第二个是inferred from the passage, wasp would be attracted by which of following , 忘选什么了

[旧JJ相关内容1]植物利用黄蜂攻击毛毛虫讲一种树在受到caterpillar的攻击的时候可以释放出一种气味以吸引wasps来攻击这种caterpillar, 不仅如此,科学家还发现这种树还可以判断caterpillar是否在攻击自己而释放出不同的气味.




Parasitic and predatory arthropods often prevent plants from being severely damaged by killing herbivores as they feed on the plants.

Recent studies show that a variety of plants, when injured by herbivores, emit chemical signals that guide natural enemies to the herbivores. It is unlikely that herbivore-damaged plants initiate the production of chemicals solely to attract parasitoids and predators. The signaling role probably evolved secondarily from plant responses that produce toxins and deterrents against herbivores and antibiotics against pathogens. To effectively function as signals for natural enemies, the emitted volatiles should be clearly distinguishable from background odors, specific for prey or host species that feed on the plant, and emitted at times when the natural enemies forage. Our studies on the phenomena of herbivore-induced emissions of volatiles in corn and cotton plants and studies conducted by others indicate that (i) the clarity of the volatile signals is high, as they are unique for herbivore damage, produced in relatively large amounts, and easily distinguishable from background odors; (ii) specificity is limited when different herbivores feed on the same plant species but high as far as odors emitted by different plant species and genotypes are concerned; (iii) the signals are timed so that they are mainly released during the daytime, when natural enemies tend to forage, and they wane slowly after herbivore stops.


第一段:提出植物、caterpillar、wasp/parasitic wasp之间关系的假设or现象:caterpillar是herbivore,caterpillar feed on plants. 这样plants就有可能被过度破坏,为了防止这种过度破坏,植物会释放一种chemical/odor,借以吸引wasp----毛毛虫的天敌(natural enemies),这样wasp就会干掉(kill) caterpillar。植物得以免于被过度破坏。



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RC-4 England中世纪领主与农奴的关系





RC-5 恐龙灭绝




RC-6 温室效应的产生过程 (温室效应:greenhouse effect,多么经典的话题)


【版本1】(本月JJ) 考了温室效应产生过程的一段  不长 3段



第一段 温室效应是由于汽车尾气等造成的

第二段 但是,科学家发现,植物和温室效应有很大关系,植物会释放出一种x气体。

第三段 历史上,冰川期的后期,都伴随着x气体的发出,因此科学家猜测,是植物释放此x气体,导致温度上升。但是有科学家反驳,因为此x气体是存在于植物的某个器官里面(记不清楚了),而冰川期后期,温度上升的时候,此器官并没有释放任何气体。


K对传统认识有质疑, 认为既然引起温室效应的物质是北半球工业区多, 在某一时间段,为何温室效应发生在更多在南半球?提出S打头的一个解释(有题),

San(科学家)质疑K。 解释南半球多是海水, 忘了, San的观点与K和传统认识根本不同。有主旨题





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 hey can ny1 tell me where  can i find the whole RC jj



RC-7 美国黑人(GWD原文)

【版本1】阅读碰到一篇GWD 刚搜到了 在TN 第7套

GWD-9-Q21-Q23 G-9-Q21-Q23       

       In the 1930’s and 1940’s, African American industrial workers in the southern United States, who constituted 80 percent of the unskilled factory labor force there, strongly supported unionization. While the American Federation of Labor (AFL) either excluded African Americans or maintained racially segregated unions, the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) organized integrated unions nationwide on the basis of a stated policy of equal rights for all, and African American unionists provided the CIO’s backbone. Yet it can be argued that through contracts negotiated and enforced by White union members, unions—CIO unions not excluded—were often instrumental in maintaining the occupational segregation and other forms of racial discrimination that kept African Americans socially and economically oppressed during this period. However, recognizing employers’ power over workers as a central factor in African Americans’ economic marginal unionization, African American workers saw the need to join with White workers in seeking change despite White unionists’ toleration of or support for racial discrimination. The persistent efforts of African American unionists eventually paid off: many became highly effective organizers, gaining the respect of even racist White unionists by winning victories for White as well as African American workers. African American unionists thus succeeded in strengthening the unions while using them as instruments of African Americans’ economic empowerment.

GWD-9-Q21 G-9-Q21:

The passage is primarily concerned with

A.    demonstrating that unions failed to address the concerns of African American workers during a particular period

B.    arguing that African American workers’ participation in unions during a particular period was ultimately beneficial to them

C.    contrasting the treatment of African American workers by two different labor organizations during a particular period

D.    giving reasons for the success of African American unionists in winning victories for both African American and White workers during a particular period

E.     questioning one explanation for the attitudes of African American workers toward unionization during a particular period


GWD-9-Q22 G-9-Q22:

According to the passage, which of the following was true of many racist White unionists during the period discussed in the passage?

A.    Their attitudes toward African American union organizers changed once they recognized that the activities of these organizers were serving workers’ interests.

B.    They were a powerful element in the southern labor movement because they constituted the majority of the unskilled factory labor force in the southern United States.

C.    They persisted in opposing the CIO’s adoption of a stated policy of equal rights for all.

D.    Their primary goal was to strengthen the negotiating power of the unions through increasing White union membership.

E.     Their advocacy of racial discrimination hampered unions in their efforts to gain more power for workers.


GWD-9-Q23 G-9-Q23:

The author of the passage suggests which of the following about African American workers who participated in union activities in the 1930’s and 1940’s?

A.    They believed that the elimination of discrimination within unions was a necessary first step toward the achievement of economic advancement for African Americans.

B.    They belonged exclusively to CIO unions because they were excluded from AFL unions.

C.    They believed that the economic advancement of African American workers depended on organized efforts to empower all workers.

D.    Some of them advocated the organization of separate African American unions because of discriminatory practices in the AFL and the CIO.

E.     Many of them did not believe that White unionists in CIO unions would tolerate or support racial discrimination against African American workers.


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RC-8 物种灭绝

【版本1】最长的那篇大概起码是一点五倍屏幕...是说extiction的 提出一个理论说星体撞地球,通过天气的变化使物种大量灭绝了.
    然后有fossil evidence来反驳这个理论 说有一些对温度敏感的生活没有受到影响  最后又反过来说 其实如果考虑什么什么的话还是能解释清楚的.




RC-9 灰尘

【版本1】还碰到一个关于 dust and wavelength的阅读,这个也挺长,最后决定不能再看了, 再看电脑屏幕都龟裂了. dust will obsorb most light except for red, since dust articles are too large compared to wavelength of red light. 有个analogy跟ocean light比来说明dust的大小影响光线的吸收。


RC-10 修改测量数据 GWD 原文,注意JJ作者确认第一道题有变化)



【版本2】测量珠穆朗玛峰高度, 中国人改正了英国人在测量中的一些问题.(我看到Chinese眼睛就发亮了)


GWD-26-Q32-Q35 中国人改进了英国人测量珠峰高度的方法


   In 1975 Chinese survey teams

remeasured Mount Everest, the highest

of the Himalayan mountains. Like the


British in 1852, they used the age-old

Line (5) technique of “carrying in” sea level:

surveyors marched inland from the

   coast for thousands of miles, stopping

   at increments of as little as a few feet

   to measure their elevation, and mark-

(10) ing each increment with two poles.

To measure the difference in elevation

between poles, surveyors used an

optical level—a telescope on a level

base—placed halfway between the

(15) poles. They sighted each pole, read-

ing off measurements that were then

used to calculate the change in eleva-

tion over each increment. In sight of

the peaks the used theodolites—

(20) telescopes for measuring vertical and

   horizontal angles—to determine the

   elevation of the summit.

The Chinese, however, made

efforts to correct for the errors that

(25) had plagued the British. One source

of error is refraction, the bending of

light beams as they pass through air

layers of different temperature and

pressure. Because light traveling.

(30) down from a summit passes through

many such layers, a surveyor could

sight a mirage rather than the peak

itself. To reduce refraction errors, the

Chinese team carried in sea level to

(35) within five to twelve miles of Everest’s

    summit, decreasing the amount of air

that light passed through on its way to

their theodolites. The Chinese also

launched weather balloons near their

(40) theodolites to measure atmospheric

temperature and pressure changes

to better estimate refraction errors.

Another hurdle is the peak’s shape.

When surveyors sight the summit.

(45) there is a risk they might not all

measure the same point. In 1975

the Chinese installed the first survey

beacon on Everest, a red reflector

visible through a theodolite for ten

(50) miles, as a reference point. One

more source of error is the uneven-

ness of sea level. The British

assumed that carrying in sea level

would extend an imaginary line from

(55) the shore along Earth’s curve to a

point beneath the Himalaya. In

reality, sea level varies according

to the irregular interior of the planet.

The Chinese used a gravity meter to

correct for local deviations in sea level.



It can be inferred from the passage that

refraction would be most likely to cause

errors in measurements of a mountain’s

elevation under which of the following


A.    When there are local variations in sea


B.     When light passes through humid air

C.     When theodolites are used relatively far

from the mountain peak.

D.    When weather balloons indicate low air


temperature and pressure.


E.     When sea level has been carried in to

within five to twelve miles of the summit.




Which of the following best describes the

purpose of the sentence in lines 23-25

(“The Chinese…the British”)?

A.    Introduce a definition

B.     Signal a transition in focus


C.     Summarize the preceding paragraph

D.    Draw a contrast between two different


E.     Present information that contradicts the

Preceding paragraph.




Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a

possible source of error in surveying mountain


A.    Mirages

B.     Refraction

C.    Inaccurate instruments


D.    Variations in sea level

E.     Uncertainty about the exact point to be





The primary purpose of the passage is to

A.    provide details about improvements to a




B.     challenge the assumptions underlying a

new method

C.     criticize the way in which a failed project

was carried out

D.    call for new methods to solve an existing


E.     explain the theory behind a new technique

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RC-11 产品储备

【版本1还有一道就是讲smooth production stock model的。就是用来buffer the unexpected increase or decrease in demand .



RC-12 医生malpractice


【版本1】还有就是:第一段: malpractice suit 对检查医生由于ignorance犯的错影响很小。因为it is blunt.紧接着说了两个原因(2道细节题):一个是只有2% 的病人sue医生的ignoranceEven so,其中也有很少重病的人是真的由ignorance造成的。



RC-13  恐龙,冷血?热血?

一个讲两个科学家DO关于恐龙是冷血动物还是热血动物的课题,具体是怎么分辨的我记不起来了,D通过一些列的证明说恐龙是热血动物, O然后也做了一些实验,说D的实验结果不正确。考了一个主题题, 一个O对这个D的学说的破斥题。还有个什么题忘记了。几篇阅读都有主题,


GWD-9-Q33-Q36 G-9-Q33-Q36  


Scientists studying the physiology of dinosaurs have long debated whether dinosaurs were warm- or cold-blooded. Those who suspect they were warm-blooded point out that dinosaur bone is generally fibro-lamellar in nature; because fibro-lamellar bone is formed quickly, the bone fibrils, or filaments, are laid down haphazardly. Consistent with their rapid growth rate, warm-blooded animals, such as birds and mammals, tend to produce fibro-lamellar bone, whereas reptiles, which are slow-growing and cold-blooded, generally produce bone in which fibrils are laid down parallel to each other. Moreover, like the bone of birds and mammals, dinosaur bone tends to be highly vascularized, or filled with blood vessels. These characteristics, first recognized in the 1930’s, were documented in the 1960’s by de Ricqlès, who found highly vascularized, fibro-lamellar bone in several groups of dinosaurs. In the 1970’s, Bakker cited these characteristics as evidence for the warm-bloodedness of dinosaurs. Although de Ricqlès urged caution, arguing for an intermediate type of dinosaur physiology, a generation of paleontologists has come to believe that dinosaur bone is mammalianlike. In the 1980’s, however, Bakker’s contention began to be questioned, as a number of scientists found growth rings in the bones of various dinosaurs that are much like those in modern reptiles. Bone growth in reptiles is periodic in nature, producing a series of concentric rings in the bone, not unlike the growth rings of a tree. Recently, Chinsamy investigated the bones of two dinosaurs from the early Jurassic period (208-187 million years ago), and found that these bones also had growth rings; however, they were also partially fibro-lamellar in nature. Chinsamy’s work raises a question central to the debate over dinosaur physiology: did dinosaurs form fibro-lamellar bone because of an innately high metabolic rate associated with warm-bloodedness or because of periods of unusually fast growth that occurred under favorable environmental conditions? (Although modern reptiles generally do not form fibro-lamellar bone, juvenile crocodilesraised under optimal environmental conditions do.) This question remains unanswered; indeed, taking all the evidence into account, one cannot make a definitive statement about dinosaur physiology on the basis of dinosaur bone. It may be that dinosaurs had an intermediate pattern of bone structure because their physiology was neither typically reptilian, mammalian, nor avian.




GWD-9-Q33 G-9-Q33:


The author of the passage would be most likely to agree that the “caution” (line 29) urged by de Ricqlès regarding claims about dinosaur physiology was


A.      unjustified by the evidence available to de Ricqlès


B.       unnecessary, given the work done by Bakker and his followers


C.      indicative of the prevailing scientific opinion at the time


D.      warranted, given certain subsequent findings of other scientists


E.       influential in the recent work of Chinsamy




GWD-9-Q34 G-9-Q34:


The primary purpose of the passage is to


A.      discuss the influence on other scientists of Bakker’s argument concerning the warm-bloodedness of dinosaurs


B.       provide evidence that supports the claim that dinosaurs were cold-blooded


C.      challenge the contention that dinosaur bone tissue is innately fibro-lamellar


D.      evaluate the claim that dinosaur bone tissue provides evidence for the warmbloodedness of dinosaurs


E.       resolve the disagreement between de Ricqlès and Bakker over the nature of dinosaur physiology




GWD-9-Q35 G-9-Q35:


According to the passage, the discovery of growth rings in the bones of certain dinosaurs served to undermine which of the following claims?


A.      That modern reptiles are related to dinosaurs


B.       That bone growth in dinosaurs was periodic in nature


C.      That dinosaurs were warm-blooded


D.      That dinosaurs had an intermediate type of physiology


E.       That fibro-lamellar bone is the product of a rapid growth rate




GWD-9-Q36 G-9-Q36:


The author of the passage mentions bone growth patterns in juvenile crocodiles most likely in order to


A.      provide support for the argument that reptiles are not related to dinosaurs


B.       undermine the claim that most reptiles are slow-growing


C.      offer an explanation as to why juvenile crocodiles differ from most modern reptiles


D.      suggest the juvenile crocodiles have a type of physiology intermediate between-f mammals and that of reptiles


E.       suggest that the presence of fibro-lamellar bone does not resolve the debate over dinosaur physiology



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