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她让我walk through简历,我就说"在大学,我作为班长..." 她马上打断!问"why do you want to be a class monitor? how are you able to be that? why not others? " 当时立刻意识到 今天可能会被这样问N次... 然后我就实话实说了 -- 性格+兴趣+能力

当说到我工作的部分的时候 她就主要抓一点: teamwork.
主要的问题:have you ever worked with team member who is tough? how did you handle that? (我说完后) what if he still ...? (我说完后) what if ... still .. ? what if ... ? what if ... ?
很明显,这是LBS在考验我们在压力下的思维能力 表达能力,而且我感觉她就想逼我说我会放弃这个team member,但是我当时没这么想 也没这么说 而是假设出各种可能的情况和可能的解决办法,并说坚信任何人总有他的价值,尽管价值/缺点可能在某些情况下<50%。
当然 也说到了和不同culture的人相处的问题,我举了许多自己碰到的例子,比如我给她模仿了 关于同一个问题,德国人,日本人,印度人,中国人 打电话过来时的不同,她很感兴趣。
恩 就关于teamwork这块 我俩谈了1个小时,感觉最后她还是比较满意,因为在她的狂轰滥炸下我没有慌乱,而且说出了她没有想到但是合情合理的观点。

然后就是why LBS&MBA这里了,由于我准备的比较充分而且确实喜欢LBS,所以说起来比较自如。
比如我说到了LBS近期的CLUB活动 --> 联系到我的兴趣
MBAT(欧洲商校间的运动会)上LBS的成绩 --> 联系到我的特长
LBS某校友的疯狂举动(请求shadow Steve Jobs) --> 联系到我对LBS 课程的兴趣
Youtube 上LBS的视频(一个学生的课堂发言) --> 联系到LBS学生素质对我的吸引...
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到最后 就完全变成了聊天,而且她的话中 好像我已经是LBS一员了似的

然后是presentation,题目不难,关键是体现出你的逻辑,同时展现你的presentation skills,让对方想听,并让对象理解。

临走时已经晚上9点半了,办公室都空了,我和她说,"这可能是你唯一一次加班没有加班费吧?不过我没法补给你了,但是晚饭改天一定补给你 "  
(录取后我给她打电话,约定把这句话实现了 呵呵)

恩 最后想告诉大家几点我体会出来的面试经验:
- 拉近距离。自然地 用语言,眼神,话题和一切来融洽气氛。注意观察细节,体会interviewer的反应,抓住她感兴趣的东西;
- 真诚。说实话 用感情说话;
- 自信。把自己放在和interviewer同一高度来交流,不管她是CEO还是Junior Consultant, 保持你的气质;
- 逻辑性。无论说什么,都要让对象觉得你是一个对自己出口的话负责的人,这样才可信;
- 最重要的一点: Be prepared! Be prepared! Be prepared!

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



地点,上海,淮海路某写字楼   日期,2009年3月7日


面试的问题基本就是Why LBS? Did i apply for any other school?  Why? What do i think about leadership?问题很常规.这部分时间很短,十来分钟的样子.然后就是一个五分钟的presentation. 对方给我的话题是"List 5 most powerful people in the world"有5分钟准备时间.


个人背景:四大 3年  G 750  Toefl 105   上外贸 金融    对LBS来说我可能很年轻.祝自己好运,祝大家好运.
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


[原创]LBS MBA 06 Interview completed

终于今天把LBS 的面试做完了. 地点: 悉尼, 面试校友是个前麦肯锡的顾问; 时间: 一个小时左右.

问题问得都比较客气, 没有特刁钻的. 但是集中问了"如果上不了MBA, 怎么实现你的目标?". 即席演讲是"是否应该申办奥运会"

似乎关于LBS的申请资料比较少, 以下是我根据LBS对MBA申请人的五大方面要求归类的面试准备提纲, 可能有些分类有些牵强, 仅供参考, 希望对大家有所帮助.

别的暂时也没什么跟大家分享的, LBS是我申请的唯一的一所学校, 有了录取再回来吹吹牛吧, 没有就算了.(有趣的是, 面试我的校友说根据我"没有MBA如何实现目标"的计划, 我可能更快达成我的目标要是我足够努力... )

Intellectual Capacity

You are the professor in a strategy class, what would you present to the class as "what worked" or "what did not work" based upon your industry/work experience

What do you want your obituary to say?

The US Federal Reserve Board had raise interest that morning, what you thought of that decision and why the timing of it

The process you went through in writing the essays and why you chose the answers

What's your favourite book? Who is the author?

What was your biggest intellectual challenge?

What historical event would you like to have witnessed and why?

Ask about faculty research and interests, especially in areas that concern you.

Why did you choose your undergraduate major?

It is the year 2010 and you have been invited to give a keynote speech, showcasing your career development since graduating from London Business School. Who have you been invited by, what is the occasion and what are the key points in your speech?
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Management Potential         

What is your management/leadership style?

Leadership style admired

How to make people follow me

Tell me a business person you admire

What is the most important factor for managerial success?

What would you think is different about business leadership now vs 20-25 years ago

What are your leadership development goals?

What do you think are the skills of a good manager?

Describe occasions when you exhibited leadership at work and outside work

What is the biggest problem facing your industry and what would you do to solve it

What areas I thought my company was weak in and how would I improve it.

What is the biggest opportunity and challenge facing your industry?

What would you change in the way your organization works?

Describe an ethical dilemma faced at work

How do you define success?
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Personal Motivation & Maturity

Why MBA (most important factors)

Why LBS (most important factors); what distinguish LBS from other schools

Why now

What would you do if you never got an MBA?

What do you want to learn during the MBA? What are the skills you need and what do you need them for?

What would you bring to LBS MBA?

Job progress, current job and function

Why this career choice/Why do you want to go back to your current industry?

Future career goal

Tell me about a recent project you've worked on

Do you enjoy you current job? Why, what do you enjoy most? What do you like the least?

What is a typical day like at work?

What are your biggest challenges at work?

Problems with client, how to handle it

Describe your career progress along with learnings and failures.

How did you choose your job after college?

Why did you choose your current job?

Your strengths and weakness

Have you ever failed at anything/Describe a situation where you brought an idea forward, and it failed.

Greatest challenge you have solved

What have been your biggest achievements?

Tell me about yourself

Describe yourself as a person

Ask three people to describe your strengths and weaknesses; a personal friend, a professional colleague and another person of your choice. How did they describe you, what were their reasons and what are your reactions?

What do you want to do with your life? Long term plans

Leisure activities (personal activities and motivations in addition to professional accomplishment)

What is an activity you are involved in* Why is it important to you*

What do you do to relieve stress?

Tell me something about yourself that is not on your application

What matters most to you?

What/who has been the single most influential event/person in your life to date? Why?
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Team Skills:

Team conflict

What would you look for if you were recruiting your own team?

A situation where you had to choose a team and why you chose who?

Any problems with the team members, how did you deal with the situation?

What position you normally take up in teams

What kind of communication skills you use when interacting with peers/customers/bosses etc

What would you bring to your study team?

Resistance from your team

How do you deal in an international team environment?

What would you do if a team member wasn't pulling his own weight?
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International Exposure:
Culture experience

How to deal with different culture situation

What kind of barriers you might face when working in a multicultural environment, how do you cope with them?

What benefits have you gained from working with people from other countries?

What should you take into consideration when working with people of different cultures?

Places you have lived
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1) alumni面试和adcom面试的区别:alumni对面试要比adcom不重视的多,因为这是利用他们的自己的时间,所以alumni基本上就是按照学校吩咐的程序,并严格局限与学校发给他的面试题目集合;alumni一般是和你在一个城市或比较接近的背景,所以可以有比较多的共同语言;如果你在alumni的面试中犯了某些下错误还有机会弥补,但是如果给adcom留下了坏印象可能会是致命的;

2) 面试前的背景调查工作。绝对有必要对alumni做一定的调查,一是可以琢磨他可能的思路,譬如我的面试者是一个managing director,那么可以推测他考虑问题会比较可能从更抽象和高层次的角度,而一个technical背景的manager更有可能问一些detail的问题;另一个是可以准备一些和他的industry比较有关的话题,这样到时候可以比较有共同语言;

3) 一定要收集资料,所谓不大无准备之仗。最好的地方就是business week的forum,可以从前一年开始,把所有可以搜索到的这个学校的问题都总结起来。在我的面试当中>90%的问题我都事先掌握了。

4) work hard。千万不要偷懒,一个问题的回答要不仅仅停留在浅层次上面,一要注意和自己其他材料的温和,不要穿帮;另一个是要准备好面试者对你第一轮回答的第二,三,四轮的穷追猛打;

5) 要注意细节,有时候一个好的印象可以决定一切,只要你的大方向问题对了,alumni才不管其他的小问题呢。细节当然包括穿着打扮,另外大家可能没有想到的是刚见面的寒暄,和再见时候的招呼,最好准备几个小的笑话(不能太长),活跃一下气氛;还有就是准备一些大家有共同语言话题的有趣的观点,到时候一旦抛出,气氛马上就不一样了;

6) 对LBS而言,它非常非常非常重视how you deal with different culture situation; team conflicts; 我在这两个问题上起码被穷追猛打了20分钟,大家一定要准备好充分的事例来支持自己的话。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



Started off with team skills and 'how will you handle this situation' type of questions.

Covered my job progress, current job and function, future career goals, leisure activities.

Instead of the usual 'Why MBA' and 'Why LBS' was asked to name the most important factor for wanting to do an MBA and LBS (each).

Dwelt a lot on foreign experience and questions about my perception of people (and how they perceived me) and places that I have lived in.

Other questions: cultural experiences, teamwork activities, career goals, job progress, opinion of your friends,

- What is your management style ?

- How your colleagues would describe you?

- What kind of barriers you might face when working in a multicultural environment ? How do you cope with them ?
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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