(28) GWD原题:syxphoebe(6/18,分数不详)
Editorialist: Additional restrictions should be placed on drivers’ licenses of teenagers because teenagers lack basic skills. Even though drivers of age nineteen and younger make up only 7 percent of registered driers, there are responsible for over 14 percent of traffic fatalities.
Each of the following, if true, weakens the argument that teenagers lack basic driving skill EXCEPT:
(A) Teenagers tend to drive older and less stable cars than other drivers.
(B) Teenagers and their passengers are less likely to use seat belts and shoulder straps than others.
(C) Teenagers drive, on average, over twice as far each year as other drivers.
(D) Teenagers cause car accidents that are more serious than those caused by others.
(E) Teenagers are likely to drive with more passengers than the average driver.
对于乘汽车的儿童,在发生交通事故时不系安全带往往是要比系安全带冒更大风险的。在系了安全带的情况下,坐在后座的儿童 比坐在前座的儿童更加安全。Moreover, 在不系安全带的情况下,坐在后座的儿童仍然要比坐在前座的儿童更加安全。综上,无论如何都让儿童坐后面好了。问削弱。我选了:当孩子们坐在后座时,他们会很经常的在无意间解开安全带。另一个让我犹豫了许久的选项:当儿童系了安全带坐在前座时,他们并不会比不系安全带而坐在后座承担更大危险。
(29) GWD原题:syxphoebe(6/18,分数不详)
In Berinia, the age at which people could begin to drink alcohol legally used to be 18. In 1990, in an attempt to reduce alcohol consumption and thereby to reduce alcohol-related traffic deaths among Berinians under 21, the legal drinking age was raised to 21. Alcohol-related traffic deaths among people under 21 have decreased significantly since 1990. Nevertheless, surveys show that people in that age-group drink just as much alcohol as they did before 1990.
Which of the following, if true of Berinia, most help to resolve the apparent discrepancy?
A. For the population as a whole, annual alcohol consumption is no lower now than it was in 1990
B. Alcohol consumption away from home, for example in bars and restaurants, is much lower among people under 21 than it was in 1990
C. The proportion of people under 21 who own a car is higher now than it was in 1990
D. Alcohol consumption is lower among people under 21 than among adults in most other age-groups.
E. Alcohol-related traffic deaths among people over 21 have increased slightly since 1990