Good luck everyone!
Me: 抱着一大堆材料,手忙脚乱的把材料往桌上堆。
VO: smile
Me: Hello!
VO: Where are you going to?
VO: How long?
ME: 2 years
VO: I've taken GMAT four years before, can you show me your GMAT report?
ME: yeah, a second.
VO: Where is the total score? (指着单子问我)
ME: (指手画脚)here
VO: Great Job! you just said, how long will it take?
ME: 24 months, two years.
VO( smile): Have a nice trip!
ME: I passed?
VO: Yeah
几点感受:1- F1签证形势还是不错的,我看到几个自费的本科F1也都过了,也没看什么材料,不过大家也不要大意哦!
2- VO其实挺nice的,他们态度很认真
3- 签证大厅很嘈杂,要集中注意。我就pardon了一次。 |