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Course Options

At Goizueta, we recognize you as an individual, which is why we offer our students a variety of options to tailor coursework to fit their unique career goals. Because of our intimate, educational community, classes are small and faculty and students work closely. This also means we can be flexible, giving you the opportunity to design a course of study to best suit you. Each concentration encompasses a range of core classes and electives, and students have the opportunity to further customize their coursework through directed studies with faculty to courses with other Emory institutions to study abroad opportunities.


Professional Communication & Professional Development

The best business leaders are great communicators and consummate professionals. The Professional Communication and Professional Development courses provide you with guidance and practice in the "soft" skill areas that recruiters seek out in the MBA candidates they hire.

In the Professional Communication course, you will have focused opportunities to practice your presentation skills, persuasive speaking, and leading and facilitating teams. Through the Professional Development course, you will learn the skills you need to effectively showcase your talents in interviews, in networking opportunities and in your everyday business interactions.

Leadership Development

Leader development at Goizueta is not a series of discrete events, but a coherent process of individual development and growth over time.


Core Course Waivers
If you have a strong business or economics background, optional waiver exams are available. While the overall length of the MBA program does not change, passing waiver exams offers you the freedom substitute core courses with electives – offering greater customization for your desired career path.

Management Practice

The unique course, entitled Management Practice, provides you the opportunity to develop and practice a crucial managerial ability: solving a business problem with ambiguous or less than perfect information at one's disposal. This course is a vehicle for strengthening the links to practice real integration across each academic discipline. It will help you build the skills to frame problems and find the data you need to analyze a situation and make a supported, timely decision.


Flexibility to Specialize
You begin to develop mastery when you dig deeply into your areas of interest. With a variety of electives to choose from, you will have the opportunity to tailor your learning experience in a way that allows you to master the skills you need to succeed.

Core Courses

The foundations of your MBA education start with these required courses. They ground you in the basics of business, and provide a framework for your continued work in your elective courses.

Data & Decision Analysis
Leading Organizations & Strategy
Marketing Management
Financial Reporting
Processes & Systems Management



Curriculum Overview

When our faculty redesigned the curriculum for our Two- and One-Year MBA programs, they created an academic program that is flexible enough to offer depth in your field of study, while providing the structure to integrate what you learn across disciplines.

Integrated Core
A strong business education is built on a solid foundation.. The required core courses are designed and sequenced to ensure you develop the critical skill sets you need at the right time. By the end of the first semester, Two-Year students will have completed all but one required course. Students in the One-Year Program will have completed all required courses by the end of the summer term.


Goizueta Fellowships
Roberto C. Goizueta established The Goizueta Foundation in 1992 to provide financial assistance to educational and charitable institutions. In creating The Goizueta Foundation, he sought to acknowledge his indebtedness to this country and to continue the commitment to philanthropic endeavors that has symbolized the leadership of The Coca-Cola Company for more than a century.

Dean's Scholarships
The Dean’s Scholarship is funded by The Goizueta Business Fund for Excellence and awarded to several outstanding candidates each year.  The award covers tuition for the course of study.

For more information on Goizueta’s named scholarships, please visit the Invest in Goizueta website.

Research and Teaching Assistantships
Students may apply and interview with a faculty member for an assistantship position which would begin in the spring semester. These positions are paid hourly and include research, teaching assistantships and administrative positions.


Named Scholarships

Goizueta offers several prestigious named scholarships which provide assistance to select candidates.  These awards are funded by alumni, companies and organizations.

The University's most prestigious named scholarship, the Woodruff Fellowship, includes full tuition and fees and a $3,000 per year stipend guaranteed for the length of the Full-Time MBA program.

Robert W. Woodruff Fellowships
The Robert W. Woodruff Foundation is a charitable organization that supports education, health care, human services, economic development, art and culture, and the environment through grants. The foundation was established by Robert Woodruff, the long-time president of the Coca-Cola Company.

“I’m eternally grateful to the Woodruff foundation, and proud to be part of two impressive Atlanta legacies in Emory and Coca-Cola.  This Fellowship proves that the Goizueta admissions office truly practices what they preach, and that hard work really does pay off.”  Jennifer McDonald, Woodruff Fellow, MBA’10


For detailed information about student loans and how to apply please visit Emory’s Office of Financial Aid website.

The Admissions Committee awards scholarships from the Goizueta Business Fund for Excellence, our annual fund, based on academic achievement, quality of work experience, demonstrated leadership and extracurricular activities.  Scholarships typically range from partial to full tuition plus stipend.

All completed applications submitted by February 1, 2011, are eligible for scholarship consideration.  An application is considered complete when our office has received all materials, including transcripts and recommendations.  No separate application is required.  Scholarship recipients are notified at the time of admission decision.


Financial Aid and Scholarships

Financial Aid
Our MBA degrees offer students a better professional and financial future. Knowing the financial commitment is significant, Emory University’s Financial Aid Office is committed to assisting students with the process of obtaining the financial resources necessary to pursue a Goizueta MBA.

A variety of student loans are available for both domestic and international students.  Students can borrow up to the budgeted cost of attendance less any scholarships.  Some of these loans include:

Federal Stafford Loan
Graduate Plus Loan
Private Loan
International Student Loan


Program Costs

Estimated Two Year Program Cost — Per Year
Tuition $ 41,000
Fees* $ 476
Living $ 16,810
Books $ 2,000
Health Insurance $ 2,000
Annual Cost $ 62,286

* A one-time $100 Orientation fee will be due with admissions deposit.

Estimated One-Year Program Cost — Total Program
Tuition $ 63,600
Fees* $ 712
Living $ 25,215
Books $ 3,000
Health Insurance $ 2,000
Total Program Cost $ 94,527

* A one-time $100 Orientation fee will be due with admissions deposit.



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