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UK:reading university,city university,leeds university,essex university

AU:UNSW,UTS,university of Melbourne,university of Sydney,Macquarie university


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I can only say that essex, reading and leeds are not in the top in terms of finance in UK. LBS, Warwick, Imperial, LSE and Lancaster have good finance programme with excellent reputation

God helps those who help themselves!




just for your reference------------熱門留學國家(英、澳、加)前21位大學排名   排名 校名 國家 總分 世界排名   1 cambridge uk 73.4 5   2 oxford uk 59.5 9   3 imperial uk 50.1 17   4 ucl uk 48.9 20   5 toronto can 45.8 23   6 ubc can 38.2 35   7 edinburgh uk 36 43   8 anu aus 33.9 49   9 bristol uk 32.7 55   10 sheffield uk 29.7 68   11 king‘s coll uk 29.2 75   12 mcgill univ can 28.4 79   13 mcmaster univ 27.7 86   14 melbourne aus 26.8 92   15 sydney aus 23.68 105   16 sussex uk 23.52 106   17 liverpool uk 22.02 123   18 alberta can 21.98 124   19 birmingham uk 20.72 140   20 nottingham uk 20.5 142   21 queensland aus 20.18 144   european top ten (歐洲前十)   1 univ cambridge uk 5   2 univ oxford uk 9   3 imperial uk 17   4 ucl uk 20   5 sfit- zurich switzerland 25   6 kis sweden 39   7 utrecht netherland 40   8 edinburgh uk 43   9 zurich switzerland 45   10 munich germany 48   aisa top eleven (亞洲地區前十一)   1 tokyo univ jap 19   2 kyoto univ jap 30   3 anu aus 50   4 osaka univ jap 53   5 tohoku univ jap 64   6 nagoya univ jap 68   7 univ melbourne aus 92   8 tokyo inst tech jap 103  

God helps those who help themselves!





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