26. Vegie is more nutritious for farmed fish and costs less, but fish farmer use B to feed fish because the fish prefer B's taste. Company produced a new type of feed, C. C's nutritions values won't compensate its high cost compared to B, but it will sell well.
which strengthen the argument?
a. fish likes to eat mix of vegie&C
b. 1lb of C has higher protein than 1lb of B
c. Company will charge artificial low price on C at the beginning so fish farmed to continue to buy C after C's price back to normal
其他答案不记得了, 也不make sense所以不影响...记得好像选了A
V9 对于鱼类来说,一种NEW PRODUCT 比另外一种A饲料更加有营养,而且更加便宜。然而鱼类更喜欢A饲料的味道,因此吃得更多,长得更快,因为养鱼者还是喂给鱼类A饲料。然而一家公司最新推出了一个B饲料,虽然他能够让鱼类长得更快,但是采用这种饲料的成本大于收益。然而,生产商还是预测B饲料会有很好的商业前景。也是变体问的是削弱...我选的是 this B product has the same composition as the new product.
27. Milk cows have higher milk yield when feed on both B & C than only on C. a survey let the cows feed on WHEREVER they like on the field that has both B & C (my understanding is that the cows can walk around instead of being confined...). And the cows in the survey have higher milk yields than ever before.
Which of the following can most possibly be concluded based on the above info.
a. Proportion of B & C on the survey field doesn't matter....
b. Milk cows weight less after the survey than normal cows....
c. Milk cows in the survey feed on both B & C....
28. 2 groups of people in a control blood pressure research, group1 control breath, group2 read poems aloud. The doctor found that after the research group2 has lower blood pressure than group1, so he concluded that read poems aloud is more effective in controlling blood pressure than control breath.
Which of the following is most useful to evaluate the conclusion made by the doctor?
a. How long does it take for the blood pressure to resume original level after the research?我选的, 不知道对不对