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31道MATH年度最费时及易错题 阅读次数:1678 2002-08-18 13:09:43 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 下面是我认为(所以不是绝对的)的“本年度最费时及易错31题”,截止8。14,有2001 年个别难题,有答案的基本都正确,但还是希望高高手指导,尤其是两道我不敢写答案的 。大家还是要多看看考前当月的简单数学机警(以前的看这31题差不多了,不要浪费时间 去做过去的简单题,宁可背背数学术语),这样上51的机会更大。 1.2钥匙放入5个钥匙的钥匙环中,排在一起的概率 ANSWER 2C(5,1)/P(6,2) : 1/3 SURE 2. (1) 四个信封中随机取一个,假设为正确的地址,其他三个都不对,共有四种,然后剩下的 三封都装的不对,应该有2中可能,因此总的可能情况是C(4.1)*2=8 (2) 求总体的可能性,其实就是对四个信或四个信封进行全排列,P(4,4)=24,或用乘法原则 做,就是4*3*2*1 (3)概率= 8/24=1/3 一个对的是8种,2个对的有6种,4个都对的有1种,因此至少一个对的概率是5/8。如果题 目问的是只有一个对的,那就是1/3 2.说任何一个集合,与其平均数相差K个标准差的范围之内所含元素的比率至少为1- 1/K^2,问如果64个学生参加一个考试,平均分为74,标准差为6,问在62分到86分的范围内 至少有多少人? 48 3.m>n? 1)m/n>1 2)(m-n)/n>(m-n)/m E)把 n=-2,m=-3 n=2,m=3 4.DIGIT五个字母可以随意变化位置,问两个I之间至少用一个字母隔开的排法有多少? 36 5.150 houses,60% have A ,50% have B, 30% have C, 5 have none.5 have three of them. ask just how many have only two of them. 55 6.h is an integer greater than 1,is h a prime number? a.each prime factor is greater than square root h b.each prime factor is greater than h/2 d 7.小于1000的偶数中,是11的倍数或19的倍数或是二者的倍数的个数? 69 8.有一道概率题,有一个社区有四个大学,现要在社区成立一委员会,委员会由4人组成 ,二男二女,每个大学提一个名单,包括一男一女,问委员会如从每个大学名单中各取一人, 可有多少种取法? C4,2*C2,2=6 9.a(n)=a(n-1)-a(n-2), n>=2, a1=-1, a2=1, S(1000)=? my answer: a2=1 a3=a2-a1=2 a4=a3-a2=1 a5=a4-a3=-1 a6=-2 a7=-1 a8=1 a9=2 a10=1 a11=-1 a12=-2 a13=-1 a1000=1 10.the coin 抛三次,每次同一面概率:1/4 11.7^528 除以10的余数。 (1) 12.一群用于迁徙研究的鹅中雄鹅占30%,有一些鹅是迁徙的,在那些迁徙的鹅中雄鹅占 20%,问雄鹅的迁徙比例和雌鹅的迁徙比例的ratio。 给出定义:某一性别鹅的迁徙比例= 某一性别鹅中迁徙的数目/某一性别鹅的数目 (7/12) 13.100-999的三位数,不含2,5的有多少个? (7*8*8=448) 14.There are two sets, x and y . X is composed of multipples of 2, and y is comosed od multiples of 4, is it poosible for integer m be of x while not of y? (1) m is even (2) m/2 is not even integer key:C 15.股票市盈率那道题: This year stock price increase by k% from last year. Earning increases by m%.P》R 求Price/Earning ratio increases X%. What is the increase of ratio of increase in price and earnings ….问价格比收益的比例上升 百分之几? 列式得:[P(1+K%)/R(1+M%)-P/R]/(P/R)=(K-M)/(100+M) 16.一个出租车公司买入时(lots of five)一次买入5辆,租出时(lots of 3) 问如果 买入一辆或租出一辆都算是一次(什么的) 那么去年增长了14 辆车 一共是多少次。 A 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 E 7 此题的关键是理解lots的含义 答案: 买4次 租2次 共6次 (5*4-3*2=14) 17.There are 1200 respondants to a poll, each favoring their preference for candidates A, B, and C. 54% favored A, 48% favored B, and 42% favored C, and there is 30% favored both A and B. what's the largest possible number of respondants favoring C, but not C & b , nor C & A?? 28 18.the weights of 7 stones and 5 blicks equal to the weights of K stones and N blicks, if the weight of each stone is 0.4 kg, what is the weight of a blick? (A) K=11 (B) K=3N+2 C 19.16 members, 9 seniors, 7 juniors, choose 3, at least 1 senior and 1 junior, how many? 441 20.从1到N的自然数如果偶数之和为79*80,问N是多少? (159,老JJ) 21.三角形,有图,画出三条高,问周长>1? (1)两条高<1/3 (2)一条高>1/2 B 22.1圆盘有八数字(有图),求三连续为16 的可能数. 42 23.1982年,June 25 是星期五,1987年,June 25是星期几? 星期四 24.For all x, x is positive integer, "2-height" is defined to be the greatest nonnegtive n of x, what is the greatest number of 2-height when 2^n (2的n次方) is the factor of x? A. 2 B. 12 C. 40 D. 76 E. 90 C. 40(各选项质因数分解后,指数最大者) 25.In an insurance company, each policy has a paper record and an electric record. For those policies having incorrect paper record, 60% also having incorrect electric record; For those policies having incorrect electric record, 75% also having incorrect paper record. 3% of all policies have both incorrect paper and incorrect electric records. If we randomly pick out one policy, what's the probability that the one having both correct paper and correct electric records? 94% 设incorrect paper record为P, and incorrect electric record is E 60%P=75%E=3%I then P=1/20I, E=1/25I so I-PUE=1-(1/20+1/25-3/100)=0.94 26.X+Y是整数,问Y是否是整数? 1)X-Y 是整数 2)X+2Y是整数 答案B 27.已知抛一种硬币落地的正反面概率不是1/2,问抛两次硬币都是正面朝上的 概率是多少? 1) 每抛一次,正面朝上的可能性是反面的朝上的两倍 2) 抛两次,一正一反的概率是4/9 答案A 28.k和p是positive constants,问以下那个方程一定有一个负数解。 I、 X*X+kX+p=0 II、 X*X-kX+p=0 III、 X*X+kX-p=0 选项:(A)I , (B) II, (C) III, (D) II and III (E) I and II and III (C) 29.5个数的平均数是0,其中正数的个数大于负数的个数么? 1)正数的平均数是12 2)负数的平均数是-6. ( C ) 30. A survey conducted 10000 people tests people who like X, who like Y, how many like Y but not X? a. 2000 like X. b. 3000 neither like X nor Y Answer: C 31.某类电池以前价格5元,能用1.25小时,现在价格6.9元,能用1.5小时,问价格性能比 增加多少百分比 15%
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