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1. 语法又一体gwd的,但是忘记是那题了,不好意思。 2 动物色素那篇,下面是以前的jj [版本1]关于哪种动物(究竟哪种我忘了)身上的色素。有个观点说是有两个用处,一个是可以吸引异性,一个是强健身体。另一种观点是说只有唯一的一个用处,就是吸引异性。最后作者说,色素有两种用途,首先是增加抵抗力,如果身体足够好的话,才用于吸引异性。 题不难 [版本2]2. 生物体内的色素对生物交配的影响,有人说色素多表示有能力抓到更多的昆虫,MM就喜欢。(人好像也也是,看谁能赚钱)。实际是色素多则表示健康,MM就会喜欢。 JJ 虫子体内的色素 一篇是什么虫子体内的某种物质,好像是色素什么的,主要有2个来源:一是from sth that produce them, and the second origin is from the plant they eat. 这种东东是雌性的虫子选择mating的一项重要指标:female虫子说你要是颜色不是很牛就不要找我。 Traditionally,人们认为之所以这样是因为他们吃的那种plant很少,所以如果你的颜色很牛就说明你就是牛人嘛。后来发现这种东东其实和immune system有很大关系。 版本二: 有种昆虫,其身上色素Pigment来于直接(植物)或间接途径(有题),起到吸引异性的作用,雌性趋向选择色彩鲜艳的异性交配.而这种色素有其他用途,一是免疫和解毒,二是显色,一般色彩鲜艳的个体免疫力较强… 版本二: 动物的身体颜色 动物身体颜色受体内的某物质影响,动物通过两种方式取得该物质,一种是直接取得(自力更生),另一种是间接取得(吃含该物质的食物)。老观点认为,动物取得这种物质就是为了求偶,以传宗接代。新观点认为,动物取得这种物质不仅仅是为了使自己更有利于求偶,也是为了生存,因为有的身体差的动物容易感染一种病,而通过取得这种物质可以有效的应付这种疾病.所以得出结论,强壮的动物就可以较少使用这种物质来预防传染病,而更多的用这种物质使自己性感;体弱的动物则只能大量使用这种物质来预防疾病了。 3Gwd3的一片 In its 1903 decision in the case

of Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, the United

States Supreme Court rejected the

Line efforts of three Native American tribes

(5) to prevent the opening of tribal lands

to non-Indian settlement without tribal

consent. In his study of the Lone

Wolf case, Blue Clark properly

emphasizes the Court’s assertion

(10) of a virtually unlimited unilateral power

of Congress (the House of Represen-

tatives and the Senate) over Native

American affairs. But he fails to note

the decision’s more far-reaching

(15) impact: shortly after Lone Wolf, the

federal government totally abandoned

negotiation and execution of formal

written agreements with Indian tribes

as a prerequisite for the implemen-

(20) tation of federal Indian policy. Many

commentators believe that this change

had already occurred in 1871 when—

following a dispute between the

House and the Senate over which

(25) chamber should enjoy primacy in

Indian affairs—Congress abolished

the making of treaties with Native

American tribes. But in reality the

federal government continued to nego-

(30) tiate formal tribal agreements past

the turn of the century, treating these

documents not as treaties with sover-

eign nations requiring ratification by the

Senate but simply as legislation to be

(35) passed by both houses of Congress.

The Lone Wolf decision ended this

era of formal negotiation and finally

did away with what had increasingly

become the empty formality of obtain-

ing tribal consent.


The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

  1. identifying similarities in two different theories
  2. evaluating a work of scholarship
  3. analyzing the significance of a historical event
  4. debunking a revisionist interpretation
  5. exploring the relationship between law and social reality


4.还用一片是关于黑人竞选多失败的主要原因,说以前专门研究那几个方面, 其实更应该研究黑人竞选的funding的问题,因为funding不足是黑人竞选失败的主要原因,但是因为fundingdata不齐全,研究有一定难度。

5cr:十月jj 24. 一厂商辩解他的某产品(some food)包装纸没有浪费资源,因为没有包装,产品会坏,更浪费。问反对。我答:包装用量大大多于防坏所需。



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