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[转帖]1/3,北美,750+, 有机经 (added new ones)

刚考完,趁着记忆还新鲜,赶紧写些JJ,算是报答CD. 说来好笑,开车回来的路上,拚命想着机经, 差点走错路。

感觉数学题很容易,做的时候感觉特好,还老是纳闷为什么题那么容易,是不是自己做错了很多。没考满分,很不好意思。费费上学的解难题的思路基本都没用上,有点失望。下面给大家一点机经,主要是数学的,语文的实在是想不起来,零星记得点,但不会对大家有帮助。好像有GWD上一道逻辑题 assemble TV in some town 那道),其他的都没见过。我的阅读都比较难,干扰项很讨厌, 第二题就是一篇文章,然后隔了一个语法后,又出了篇92行的文章!还很难读懂! 语法本是我的强项,但可能前面没做很好,因为线没越划越长 . 不过中不溜划线的反而更难选。语文 Pace 没掌握好,前面做得很快,结果还剩了5分钟。 对了,想提醒大家,考试时一定要专心,不要老是根据出的题瞎想: 为什么改错线划得不长? 或者为什么连着两三道逻辑?那样会浪费时间,还会影响心情。我就是因为改错线划得不长,搞到做最后78题时心情不好,以为语文考砸了,在那暗暗骂呢。其实不然。所以,大家一定要专心做题,不要胡思乱想。

Argument: Using PDQ pizza as supply of pizza will increase satisfaction and therefore improve sales profits. Because PDQ pizza is a best seller according to some survey in neighboring town, and also because PDQ branch in this town blahblah…

Issue: People only accepted a leader who has demonstrated ability to perform the same tasks that he or she expects others to perform.


  1. A quadrilateral ABCD (clock-wise), is ABCD a square? (there is a picture)

1) AB = BC = CD = DA

2) Angle BAD + Angle ADC = 180

The answer should be E ( I think that I might have picked D by accident and didn’t realize it until after pressing confirm, 5555)

  1. n is a positive integer. Is n divisible by 3?

1) when n-1 is divided by 3, the remainder is 2 (or something like that)

2) neither n+1 nor n+2 are divisible by 3

Answer: D

  1. when some light hits a planet (or something like that), 80% are reflected. Then the surrounding cloud absorbs 40% of the reflected light. Ask: what is the percentage of light that are reflected but not absorbed by the cloud? (maybe the question is not accurate. I first came up with the answer (1-32%)=68% but it is not in the answer choices (has 40%, 60%, 88%, …) . I think that the correct answer is either 60% or 40%. Forgot which one I chose. This one is a little tricky because the denominator you use to calculate the percentage is not 100%)

  1. The regular price is 20% less than the retail price; the sales price is 15% less than the regular price; the clearing price is 10% less than the sales price. Ask: what percentage less is the clearing price comparing to the retail price? Very simple.

  1. Machine A needs 20 minutes to warm up, and the total amount of something that A produces x units of product is 100x. Machine B needs 30 minutes to warm up, and the total amount of something that B produces x units of product is 30X+90. Is the amount of time used by A to produce all the units in an order greater than the amount used by B to produce all the units in the same order?

1) the total units need to be produced in this order is more than 1800 units

2) the total units need to be produced in this order is less than 2100 units

(Again, I made up the equations and the numbers. The answer is A, because with condition 1, you can conclude that the amount of time used by B is always greater than the amount used by A; but it is not true with condition 2) )

  1. On a line (there is a picture), there are dots w,x,y,z. w<x<y<z. wxyz<0, which one must be true?

Answer: xy>0.

  1. A coin is tossed three times, what is the probability of getting the same side every time? Answer: ¼

  1. 50% of Male employees are more than 35 years old; 40% of Female employees are more than 35 years old. 45% of total employees are more than 35 years old. What fraction of total employees are females? (cannot remember the exact numbers, but the answer is 4/5)

  1. The distance from town S to town T is 209 miles. A motorist drives from S to T at a constant speed of 55 and another motorist drives from T to S at a constant speed of 40. Ask: when they pass each other, what is the distance to S from the motorist? (Again, the numbers might not be accurate)

  1. What is the value of (1.00001*0.99999) - (1.00002*0.99998)? (it could be plus, I forgot), but the key is to change it to (1+10^-5)( (1-10^-5) - (1+ 2*10^-5)( (1- 2*10^-5).

  1. One question asks to calculate the perimeter of a quadrilateral. I can’t remember the question at all, but the answer is: 2(根号441) = 42

  1. 换算: the denominator is (根号3 - 根号2) Just multiply the denominator by (根号3 + 根号2)

1/4: tried hard and remembered a few more

13. Two sets A and B, each has 100 integers. the mean of A is less than the mean of B (may be greater than, forgot). Is the median of A greater than the median of B?

1) A has three items that are 50, and two items that are 100

2) B has two items that are 50, and three items that are 100

answer: E (not sure)

14. Three letter code selected from 26 letters. The middle letter is one of the vowels, and the first and last letters are different non-vowels, how many combinations? (have seen it somewhere...)


1. Just as... so

2. something like: In order to restore the population of salmon (a type of fish) in all seven rivers in some place, the government decided to do something to the rivers to do something in this particular river. Answers have all rivers, each river, etc. I chose each river


1. Whales originated from fresh lake in Asia 5 millions years ago, not until 1 million years later they developed kidney to be able to live in salt water. However, before that time fossils of this type of whales found in salt water. conclusion: they have stay close to fresh water .... Ask: which following most likely to be true?

I chose: no fossils of these whales can be found between 5 millions and 4 millions years ago on continents are are surrounded by oceans. (may be from GWD, please double check)

2. Because of a new regulation, companies cannot use one type of pesticide any more (say: pesticide A). The closest substitute is pesticide B. Company X used pesticide A last year and that costed 5 millions dollars. According to last year's price, it will cost company X 1 million more to use pesticide B for the same amount of pesticide. Therefore, after the implementation of the new regulation, it will cost company X 6 million dollars to use pesticide B for the same amount used in previous year. Ask: what weakens the conclusion?

I chose A - Because pesticide B was not used much, the manufactor of B couldn't produce it in a large, economic scale.

3. Last year, the number of the residents in town A who became unemployed is 1000. However, the total number of full-time and part-time jobs increased by 500. The population in the town hasn't changed much. Therefore, approximately 1500 jobs must have been taken by residents from outside of the town. Ask: what is the assumption?

I chose: If any, there is only a small percentage of residents in Town A who already have a full-time job took other part-time jobs last year.


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