正确答案的模样和错误答案的模样 第四部分:正确答案的模样
1、在must be/cannot be true的选项中:
(1)重新改写的答案-Paraphrased Answers:Paraphrased Answers are answers that restate a portion of the stimulus in different terms. Because the language is not exactly the same as in the stimulus, Paraphrased Answers can be easy to miss. Paraphrased Answers are designed to test your ability to discern the author’s exact meaning. Sometimes the answer can appear to be almost too obvious since it is drawn directly from the stimulus.
(2)组合的答案: Answers that are the sum of two or more stimulus statements (Combination Answers) Any answer choice that would result from combining two or more statements in the stimulus will be correct. The correct answer to the flavonoid question earlier in this chapter is an excellent example of this idea in action.
1、在must be的选项中:
(1)有可能正确的选项-can be true or likely to be true:这类选项有可能对,但不是绝对的。
(2)夸大的选项-exaggerated answers:这类选项往往范围过大,和原文不符。比如说:some software vendors,答案会变成most software vendors,还比如Recent advances in the field of molecular biology make it likely that many school textbooks will be rewritten,答案变成Many school textbooks about molecular biology will be rewritten,这里把make it likely给省去了,结果意思全变了。
(3)新元素的选项-new element answer:答案中有新元素是非常有意思的一件事情,在must be 中出现新元素,那一定是错误选项,还有在cannot be 中出现的新元素很多时候也是需要好好推敲的。在assumption/weaken/strengthen/justify/resolve the paradox等类型出现新元素,那就有可能是对的,在以assumption为代表的类型题目,新元素视为整个argument的一部分。
(4)帽子戏法的选项-shell game :这类选项往往张冠李戴,把A的特性用到了B中去,A和B在argument中都出现过。这类错误选项也是整个logical reasoning出现频率最多的选项中,有时候还利用相似的概念来偷梁换柱,比如dropout rate变成dropout student或者highest dropout rate,这些都需要格外注意的。
(5)相反的答案-opposite answers:这类选择在assumption中可能起到作用,但是在must be 题目中会增强或者削弱题目。
(6)因果关系倒置的选项-reverse answers:比如A导致了B,选项中是B导致了A,这类选项往往和原文中的用词语句都很相似,但是里面的因果关系弄反了。
2、在main idea的选择中:
(1)选项有悖于作者观点的-Answers that are true but do not encapsulate the author’s point.
(2)选项是片面的或者只是重复假设条件的-Answers that repeat premises of the argument.
3、在method of reasoning的选择中:
(1)新元素的选项-new element answer:由于method of reasoning是一个高度概括的题目,所以很多选项都是很抽象,但是会出现一个新元素。
(2)半对半错的选项-half right, half wrong.
(3)夸大的选项-exaggerated answer:
(4)相反的选项-opposite answer
(5)因果关系倒置的选项-reverse answer
Garbage in this neighborhood probably will not be collected until Thursday this week. Garbage is
usually collected here on Wednesdays, and the garbage collectors in this city are extremely reliable.
However, Monday was a public holiday, and after a public holiday that falls on a Monday, garbage
throughout the city is supposed to be collected one day later than usual.
The argument proceeds by
(A) treating several pieces of irrelevant evidence as though they provide support for the conclusion
(B) indirectly establishing that one thing is likely to occur by directly ruling out all of the alternative possibilities B就是一个半对半错的选项,one thing is likely to是对的,all of the alternative possibilities就是错的,文中没有讲所有的可能性。
(E) treating something that is probable as though it were inevitable. E选项是夸大的选项,没有说inevitable不可避免的,文中只是说supposed to be有可能罢了。
4、在point at issue选择中:
(1)合乎道德和事实的选项-ethical vs factual situation:比如两个讨论一战,一个说是1910年,一个说是1914年,那point at issue是一战的具体时间,而不是一战的参与国有哪些。
(2)双方都同意或者双方都不同意的选项-dual agreement or dual disagreement,比如双方讨论一种食用油里含有危害人体健康的物质,但是A说替代品可以杜绝这类物质危害健康,B说这类食用油里的物质含量没有肉类里的含量高,就算有替代品,人类还是会从别的渠道吸入这类危害物质的,那他们双方讨论的是食用油,但是真正的意思是替代品是不是一个有效的方法杜绝人类吸入这类危害物质。双方涉及的话题,但是不一定是整个argument的焦点所在,有时候只是“影子”部分。
比如:Lea: Contemporary art has become big business. Nowadays art has less to do with selfexpression than with making money. The work of contemporary artists is utterly bereft of spontaneity and creativity, as a visit to any art gallery demonstrates.
Susan: I disagree. One can still find spontaneous, innovative new artwork in most of the smaller, independent galleries.
Lea’s and Susan’s remarks provide the most support for holding that they disagree about whether
(B) most galleries contain some artwork that lacks spontaneity and creativity
(D) some smaller art galleries still exhibit creative new artwork
我当初选了B,我的思路是双方都出现了spontaneity and innovative/creativity的意思,我想那Susan是不同意Lea的大观点,但是在Susan回答Lea中,并没有她的具体表达,而是说了小画廊可以找到一些原创的和新颖的作品。
另外,在point at issue中解法有两种思路:一种是双方很直接的就某个观点提出不同看法,然后找两个人对话的共同点就可以了,还有一种思路是,一方提出一个观点,另一方没有表达整个事物的看法,就表达了自己的不同观点,这个时候只要看后者的不同观点就是正确选项。 |