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XDF补充材料 XDF-13-2 疑问

2. It can be inferred from the passage that Korean scholars in the field of women’s studies undertook an analysis of Freudian theory as a response to which of the following?

(A) Attacks by critics of the Ewha women’s studies program

(B) The superficiality of earlier critiques of Freudian theory

(C) The popularity of Freudian in Korean psychiatric circles

(D) Their desire to encourage Korean scholars to adopt the Freudian model

(E) Their assessment of the relevance and limitations of Western feminist theory with respect to Korean culture.

疑问:题干中的Korean scholars是指文中第一、二段中的critics, supporters, founders 还是 the Korean theorists?为什么选E? 求助各位,谢谢!

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