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84.    GWD-30-Q22-Q25 拉丁美洲妇女从农村移到城市对其生活的影响
     While acknowledging that    社会科学理论家认为,城市比农村为
    there are greater employment          拉美妇女提供更多就业机会,但城市
    opportunities for Latin Ameri-         迁移损害了妇女的地位。
Line    can women in cities than in the
(5)    countryside, social science
theorists have continued to
argue that urban migration
has unequivocally hurt
women’s status.  However,         迁移的影响比理论家说的要更复杂。
(10)    the effects of migration are
more complex than these
theorists presume.  For            影响随妇女的财务状况和社会阶级
example, effects can vary           而变化。
depending on women’s
(15)    financial condition and social
class.  Brazilian women in the      最低层的巴西妇女比男人获得更多工
lowest socioeconomic class         作机会但无证据表明她们摆脱了贫穷
have relatively greater job
opportunities and job security
(20)    in cities than do men of the
    same class, although there is
    no compelling evidence that
for these women the move to
the city is a move out of pov-
(25)    erty.  Thus, these women
may improve their status in
relation to men but at the
same time may experience
no improvement in their
(30)    economic standing.
     In addition, working out-     城市里更常见的外出工作,让最底层
side the home, which is more        妇女取得联系,延伸交流网络。
    common in urban than in rural
areas, helps women in the
(35)     lowest socioeconomic class
make contacts to extend
exchange networks—the flow
of gifts, loans, or child care
    from those who currently
(40)    have access to resources
to those who do not.  More-        城市里的穷女人主动找长期稳定的
over, poor women working in        雇主。
urban areas actively seek to
cultivate long-term employer-
(45)    employee relations.  When        万一有事雇主可以照应。
an emergency arises that
requires greater resources
than an exchange network
can provide, these women
(50)    often appeal for and receive
aid from their wealthy employ-
ers.  However, the structure        但很多穷女人工作的结构使她们不能
of many poor women’s            组织起来改善经济条件。
work—often a labor force
(55)    of one in an employer’s
home—makes it difficult for
them to organize to improve
their economic conditions in
(60)          Not surprisingly, then,      拉美妇女对城市迁移对自己生活的影
Latin American women in the       响意见不一。
lowest socioeconomic class
differ in their opinions about
the effects of urban migration
(65)    on their lives.  Some find         一些喜欢能用电和水,一些讨厌挤逼
urban living, with access to         和罪恶。
electricity and running water,
an improvement and would
never return to the country-
(70)    side.  Others, disliking the
overcrowding and crime,
would return to the country-
side if there were work
opportunities for them there.
(75)    Thus, urban life has had both       所以城市生活对妇女有正面和负面
negative and positive impacts       的影响。
on women’s lives.  In gen-         总体上,城市迁移不能为最底层妇女
eral, urban migration has not        带来经济富裕或爬升。
provided economic pros-
(80)    perity or upward mobility for
women in the lowest socio-
economic class, despite their
intelligent and energetic utili-
zation of the resources
available to them.

The author mentions which of the following as a disadvantage of urban employment for Latin American women in the lowest socioeconomic group?
A.    It is difficult for these women to obtain reliable, long-term employment.
B.    It is difficult for these women to organize effectively in order to obtain better wages.
C.    It is difficult for these women to find employers who are supportive when emergencies arise.
D.    The structure of their jobs makes it difficult for these women to participate in exchange networks.
E.    Working in urban areas makes these women more vulnerable to health problems than they would be in rural areas.
24 D选项怎么不对呢
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In addition,working out-    side the home, which is more common inurban than in rural areas, helps womenin the (35)   lowest socioeconomic class make contacts to extendexchange networks

这些人到了城里,working out-    side the home就比起在农村more common了,帮助了这些最低社会经济阶层的女性。

However, the structure of many poor women’s work—oftena labor force (55) of one in an employer’s home—makes it difficult for them to organize to improve their economicconditions in general.




However, the structure of many poor women’s work—often a labor

force of one in an employer’s home—makes it difficult for them to

organize to improve their <<<economic conditions >>>in general.
不是exchange networks



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