以下是引用bigmouser在2008-12-9 20:36:00的发言:
In this case, therefore, since none of the seven small companies can afford to convert their production lines to a new set of manufacturing specifications, only the three large companies will be able to remain in business.
therefore之后都是结论: 7个小公司都负担不起, 只有3家大公司才能存留.
问结论的前提? 对于小公司来说, 结论说小公司负担不起, 前提就是 E. 7个小公司都需要整改
对于大公司来说, 结论说大公司不破产, 有2种前提: 第一, 大公司不需要整改. 第二, 大公司能负担得起. 这些在选项里都没有.
A说如果政府不规范那么如何如何... 和结论无关. 如果把A改成None of the three large companies will go out of business if the government regulates the manufacture of the product. 则是结论的改写. 也不构成前提.
把句子用中文想一遍意思, 应该就能推理出.