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IVEY Business School (Canada) MBA毕业生经验分享会 上海(5/20) 北京(5/26)

他们是一群热情洋溢,追逐梦想的IVEY人,四月刚刚毕业走出IVEY校园,5月就来到中国与几所著名高校进行STRATEGY案例教学的交流活动。本次的分享会是很难得的机会了解IVEY MBA项目的优势,以及IVEY特色的案例教学,同时也可以了解到IVEY多元的文化和紧张而难忘的校园生活。活动分为上海(May 20)和北京(May 26)两场,建议对IVEY Business School感兴趣的同学前来参加。

Shanghai:[url=http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-i ... tration-11185384787]http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-i ... tration-11185384787[/url]

Beijing: http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-ivey-experience-a-panel-discussion-with-mba-students-beijing-registration-11185537243

Through a panel discussion with Ivey students, you will gain insight into the Ivey MBA experience.  Students will share their candid thoughts about the Ivey Case-Method, quality and diversity of classmates, the leadership skills they develop and the role Ivey Career Management plays. Attendees will have a chance to interact with the panel through Q&A and a networking reception.  Light dinner will be served.
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