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[转帖]11月30日,多伦多 JJ




A2. (黄金80)

“Constant innovation and change within an organization are as likely to damage the organization as they are to improve it.”

2. (黄金80)

The following appeared in a memorandum from the business department of the Apogee Company.

“When the Apogee Company had all its operations in one location, it was more profitable than it is today. Therefore, the Apogee Company should close down its field offices and conduct all its operations from a single location. Such centralization would improve profitability by cutting costs and helping the company maintain better supervision of all employees.”


第一篇:有关服务联盟 service-align Q3~6 这篇我好像没有在JJ里看到。

一般有两种联盟类型,一种是基于brand,比如在飞机上提供某种brandcoffee。另一种是基于资产asset 的。当然啦,服务联盟有很多好处,比如对于第一种联盟,可以使顾客cross- buying,还举了例子,比如在杂货店里面卖音像制品。

但是,服务联盟也可能有不利影响。对于基于asset的联盟,危险risk是和好处同比例增长的。对于基于品牌的联盟,可能导致两个都卖不好。而且举例说明,比如一个budget limit restaurant luxury restaurant联盟就没有两个budget limit restaurants联盟好(这里有考题,问下面哪个例子体现了这种关系,比如加油站和快餐店联盟)。


第二篇:wlee226说的很详细了,我的题目都是一样的。 Q8~10


【版本3】(wlee226-111--4) 文章4: 非洲一地草原的起因:现在非洲有个地方,遍布野草,许多人认为那里原来就是草地环境. 但是作者来反驳.作者认为原来可能是森林.理由是,现在那里生存的动物们都是习惯于栖息在森林里的,又举了动物数目的例子,和植物种类的例子.原来有人认为那里的半年旱半年涝的环境造成了那里的草原环境,理由是树木需要水.可是作者说,那里现在有很多地衣苔藓类的植物能起到固定水的作用,因而认为水不足是没有理由的.然后作者又说,那里的动物植物之所以还有很多森林的痕迹,是因为那里变成草原环境的时间还不是很长,所以动物,植物还没来得及变.结论是,作者推测可能是由于自然灾害把那里的环境搞成这样.文章比较长,70行左右.有很多细节要定位.这是最后一篇,出现在30多题. 问:(1)主题, (2)作者举了哪个例子来说明以前可能是森林?(3)作者举苔藓地衣是为说明什么?(答案是:半年旱半年涝不是没有树木的理由.) 

第三篇 原来的JJ也描述很详细了。 Q16~18


还有一个题目是问文章采用了什么结构。答案不确定。有一个选项是,trace several scholars’ theories about…



第四篇 前人JJ也描述详细。 Q30~33

[1]: 存款多少对公司扩大规模的影响

【版本1】(garving2001-1117-北美-4) 关于存款多少对公司扩大规模的影响。 for that savings and company's expansion topic: generally thought was that people savings increase, there is more money to borrow and interests rate will go low and companies will be more likely to expand. however, the author reasoned that it wont be the case. since companies will be worried that the market is shrinking because people are saving much of their money. So instead, they will lay off people.

CR 有一道是GWD-5-33


Wolves generally avoid human settlements. For this reason, domestic sheep, though essentially easy prey for wolves, are not usually attacked by them. In Hylantia prior to 1910, farmers nevertheless lost considerable numbers of sheep to wolves each year. Attributing this to the large number for wolves, in 1910 the government began offering rewards to hunters for killing wolves. From 1910 to 1915, large numbers of wolves were killed. Yet wolf attacks on sheep increased significantly.

还记得有一道,是说Superior Lake上发生了翻船事故。救助人员发现有两个东东还粘在一块。可是这两个东东飘在水面上经历了风暴后是应该分开的。问解释原因。(回忆不是很准确)


SC 就更不记得了,但最后一道是有争议的GWD-13-11。没有多想,就选了B

A South American bird that forages for winged termites and other small insects while swinging upside down form the foliage of tall trees, the graveteiro belongs to the ovenbird family, a group of New World tropical birds that includes more than 230 species and that are represented in virtually every kind of habitat.

  1. graveteiro belongs to the ovenbird family, a group of New World tropical birds that includes more than 230 species and that are

  2. graveteiro belongs to the ovenbird family, a group of New World tropical birds that includes more than 230 species and is

  3. graveteiro belongs to the ovenbird family, a group of New World tropical birds that include more than 230 species and is

  4. graveteiro, which belongs to the ovenbird family, a group of New World tropical birds that includes more than 230 species and that are

  5. graveteiro, which belongs to the ovenbird family, a group of New World tropical birds that includes more than 230 species and is


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