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[转帖]7月3日 BOSTON 770 M51/V44

废话少说, 上一点点机经:


The following appeared as part of a newspaper editorial.

“Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates have reported some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board should use a greater portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in the district should adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.”

AI: “Since the physical work environment affects employee productivity and morale, the employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed."


1. Two lines, one cross origin with slope = 1/3, one cross (5,0) with slope = 2/3, choice is C

2. (D.S.) Noise level at two 8-hour shift, 0<T<8, 8<S<16, choice is D

3. (D.S), a, b, x, y are positive integers, a^x = b^y , what is x^y,   (a). a^2=b. (b) x^x = 4,  choice is C

4. (2^3 * 7^2 * 5)/(10*z) is an integer, what is z?       choose 98 (maybe C, or D)

5. (D.S) Is x+y>z?  (a). x,y,z are the sides of a triangle   (b) x^2+y^2=z^2    choice is D    (b)--> right triangle

6. the linear cost to produce a bicycle: 10 biclyes for $1000, 30 for $1500, how much the cost is for 40 bicycles?

7. 360 economists with stock and bond:  75% bought stocks, 40% bought bonds, those who buy neither stocks nor bonds are 5 times of those who buy both... How many with those only buy stocks?       Number here might be not correct



1. NIC, 亚洲国家出口发展的这篇    GWD哪篇我不知道, 我也是看机经才知道的...
2. 月亮上的BASIN怎么形成的        也是GWD的文章
引用:“many economists 认为 premodern European主要是patris...m父系社会,但是这个观点容易被认为女性是guardism的,其实不是。Nicolas写了本书,认为女性是 g的in flemish society。(问nicolas认为啥)
N的观点缺乏documentation。而且N不考虑A,B,C三个人的观点这种做法很incomprehensed (有个错误选项是说他comprehensed)。尤其是他base on Roman Law, as A已经明确指出,roman law不包括15th century 以前的(问N的研究如何)。
但是缺乏g的documentation 正说明了对g的研究不够。而实际上,对于一个p 并不完善和insystematic(有错误选项说是systematic的)社会,g经常会出现的。而且女性不但不是男性的附属品,还自己拿注意in family, in employment, and in ... (错误选项:男性对女性的影响只是在家)”  这篇难, 估计VERBAL全错这里了... 我看了半天不知道它说什么
第三段:猜测O人中有一些聪明的人发明了工具,其他人通过观察模仿也学会了同样的技能。O人的population density很高,他们很social,所以相互之间可以模仿。而河岸对面的另一群人,因为人少,不能总接触,而且河也阻挡了他们向O人学习制造工具。这篇我在"NATURE"上看到过(不过我不是学生物或者化学的), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orangutan, you can learn more about this animal... And I think the reading in GMAT is extracted from one of the paper in the link
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