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吐血推荐: 无论是国内考的还是国外考的XDJM,因为有10个小时左右的时差,务必在考试前2-3小时上网看看"当天"的JJ.哪怕你早上8点考哟!!全球同一天考试的JJ重复率高的惊人!!有可能遇到10-20个数学JJ的!!!!偶真佩服那些能回忆出10-20道JJ的XDJM,你们太高尚伟大了!!!

偶只记得第2题,做了5分钟,没做出来,只好放弃---讲一个什么东东,由35 buket increase 到 40, 问这个东东increase了多少如果total是243million的话(243可能有误,但35和40是准的),最后括号里给了一个换算公式(1bucket=100percent,不肯定).总之是看晕了.选项有a.150 b.1500.c.15000.d.150000.e.1500000


不好意思,忘记把重复考的JJ贴出来了. 38. 去海边,去时50miles/H,回来时候38miles/H,路程是95miles,问来去花了多久。


93.2的R次方乘3的S次方 为243(数字忘了),问2的S次方+3的R次方等于?

89.1000元存款,年息7%,按月记息,问T年后的BALANCE 是?复利----类似但问1年后的.

52.On the first day, a company sells orange beverage mixed with the same mount of orange juice and water. On the next day, the company add the water twice as much as the amount of orange juice sold on the first day. If the company sells a glass of the beverage at $0.6 on the first day. How much is the price on the next day if the company get the same revenue?

81.PS 1 / 1+1/2 落在下列選項裡的哪個區間? 記得選項好像有 0~1/2 0~1 1~ 3/2 之後忘了

77.X tank has 200gallons 每分鐘加Mgallon,Y tank has 500gallons , 每分鐘抽R gallon, how many minutes X gallons equal to y gallons 1. 300/M+R 2. 300/M-R 3.700/m+R 4.700/M-R 参考答案:1

.In xy-plate,Y=ax^2+bx+c ,Does the graph intersect with X axis?--类似,只是问与X轴有没有交点



38. 去海边,去时50miles/H,回来时候38miles/H,路程是95miles,问来去花了多久。 参考答案:4小时24分--完全一样,除了问多少小时,而不是分钟.

24.On a number line, points A, B, C, D, E and F are equally spaced, E: 3^12, F: 3^13. Ask which point represents –(3^12). 解题思路:EF=2*3^12 且每两点间距离相等 so D点represents –(3^12)--类似,除了点多到G,但答案是一样的.

15.一个跑道宽15英尺,跑10圈,问沿外面跑的比里面跑的多跑多少? 解题思路:2¶(R+15)-2¶R=2*15¶=30¶, so 10*30¶=300¶

39DS: 问圆O是否与X轴相截 a) 圆心O到X轴的距离比到Y轴的距离远 b)圆与Y轴相交 参考答案:E

45一个管道x花了4 个小时排走水池一半的水, 管道y 加入后一起花了3 小时排完剩下的水, 问y单独派走两各管道排走的水要花多长时间.

54In xy-plate,Y=ax^2+bx+c ,Does the graph intersect with X axis?--类似,只是问有没有交点 1). a>0 2). c<0


经验2: 偶是整晚未睡!!!昨天试着进入考试状态---早9点起床,然后10点喝咖啡,10:30吃早午饭---偶是下午考的.结果试出了付作用---肚子坏了一整天;整晚没睡.在这偶来讲是史无前例的!!偶大小考试参加过不少,从未因任何事情失眠过.但是偶晚上不到11点躺在床上,就是睡不着.偶没象XDJM们那样数绵羊个数,but回想偶的最爱----Friends里的精彩片段.但仍然睡不着.偶安慰自己睡不着就睡不着吧,闭目养神也不错呀!再说了,象小安这样的NN不也是考前没怎么睡吗?早上8点起床后,第一件事情照镜子,发现眼不红,头不疼.看样子是好照头.果然考试的时候发挥正常.所以,在这里说一下,如果有和偶一样容易激动考前睡不好觉的XDJM,不要慌,调整好心态,没所谓的.



-------------------------------------------- AA:为了确定我们杂志最近销售下降的原因,我们给过去9个月中取消了订阅的顾客送去了一份调查。结果显示450个回答者中的80%觉得Reel含有太多的广告。为了保持现在的顾客并争取回取消订单的顾客,我们应该减少广告数量。这个解决方法不但可以提供顾客满意度,而且可以通过增加杂志销售提供我们的收入。



RC: 偶连着5个SC之后,是1个CR,1个SC,然后是连着2篇RC,真是死亡题.第1段讲1个观点--妇女在家里可能对社会没贡献;第2第1句说这个观点是mistake,然后说就算不怎样怎样的话(下面讲妇女有多重要);第3讲事实上是怎样怎样,和第2段第2句话相反,说妇女可以织布呀,balabala. 总之是反驳第一段的观点的;好象以前有这个JJ;还有一篇也是JJ的mournful那篇;还有2篇暂时想不起来.





Historian: In the Drindian Empire, censuses were conducted annually to determine the population of each village. Village census records for the last half of the 1600’s are remarkably complete. This very completeness makes one point stand out; in five different years, villages overwhelmingly reported significant population declines. Tellingly, each of those five years immediately followed an increase in a certain Drindian tax. This tax, which was assessed on villages, was computed by the central government using the annual census figures. Obviously, whenever the tax went up, villages had an especially powerful economic incentive to minimize the number of people they recorded; and concealing the size of a village’s population from government census takers would have been easy. Therefore, it is reasonable to think that the reported declines did not happen.

In the historian’s argument, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

  1. The first supplies a context for the historian’s argument; the second acknowledges a consideration that has been used to argue against the position the historian seeks to establish.
  2. The first presents evidence to support the position that the historian seeks to establish; the second acknowledges a consideration that has been used to argue against that position.
  3. The first provides a context for certain evidence that supports the position that the historian seeks to establish; the second is that position.
  4. The first is a position for which the historian argues; the second is an assumption that serves as the basis of that argument.
  5. The first is an assumption that the historian explicitly makes in arguing for a certain position; the second acknowledges a consideration that calls that assumption into question.




偶在第2个break的时候,坐在工作人员对面,一个女MM说,你可以walk around,我说怕超过了5min,她说,不要紧的,她不输入secret,是不会开始的.偶窍喜,说那偶就get some fresh air了.但也没敢太耽搁时间,休息了6-7min吧.考前问了几个弱智问题---如果1个section做完了的话,screen上的timer在counting down的话,要不要紧.


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