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12.(Z) The average hourly wage of television assemblers in Vernland has long been significantly lower than that in neighboring Borodia.  Since Borodia dropped all tariffs on Vernlandian televisions three years ago, the number of televisions sold annually in Borodia has not changed.  However, recent statistics show a drop in the number of television assemblers in Borodia.  Therefore, updated trade statistics will probably indicate that the number of televisions Borodia imports annually from Vernland has increased.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.        The number of television assemblers in Vernland has increased by at least as much as the number of television assemblers in Borodia has decreased.
B.        Televisions assembled in Vernland have features that televisions assembled in Borodia do not have.
C.        The average number of hours it takes a Borodian television assembler to assemble a television has not decreased significantly during the past three years.
D.        The number of televisions assembled annually in Vernland has increased significantly during the past three years.
E.        The difference between the hourly wage of television assemblers in Vernland and the hourly wage of television assemblers in Borodia is likely to decrease in the next few years.


13.(Z)In Teruvia, the quantity of rice produced per year is currently just large enough to satisfy domestic demand.  Teruvia’s total rice acreage will not be expanded in the foreseeable future, nor will rice yields per acre increase appreciably.  Teruvia’s population, however, will be increasing significantly for years to come.  Clearly, therefore, Teruvia will soon have to begin importing rice.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.        No pronounced trend of decreasing per capita demand for rice is imminent in Teruvia.
B.        Not all of the acreage in Teruvia currently planted with rice is well suited to the cultivation of rice.
C.        None of the strains of rice grown in Teruvia are exceptionally high-yielding.
D.        There are no populated regions in Teruvia in which the population will not increase.
E.        There are no major crops other than rice for which domestic production and domestic demand are currently in balance in Teruvia.


14(Z). Three large companies and seven small companies currently manufacture a product with potential military applications.  If the government regulates the industry, it will institute a single set of manufacturing specifications to which all ten companies will have to adhere.  In this case, therefore, since none of the seven small companies can afford to convert their production lines to a new set of manufacturing specifications, only the three large companies will be able to remain in business.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the author’s argument relies?

A.        None of the three large companies will go out of business if the government does not regulate the manufacture of the product.
B.        It would cost more to convert the production lines of the small companies to a new set of manufacturing specifications than it would to convert the production lines of the large companies.
C.        Industry lobbyists will be unable to dissuade the government from regulating the industry.
D.        Assembly of the product produced according to government manufacturing specifications would be more complex than current assembly procedures.
E.        None of the seven small companies currently manufactures the product to a set of specifications that would match those the government would institute if the industry were to be regulated.


15.(Z)Exposure to certain chemicals commonly used in elementary schools as cleaners or pesticides causes allergic reactions in some children.  Elementary school nurses in Renston report that the proportion of schoolchildren sent to them for treatment of allergic reactions to those chemicals has increased significantly over the past ten years.  Therefore, either Renston’s schoolchildren have been exposed to greater quantities of the chemicals, or they are more sensitive to them than schoolchildren were ten years ago.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.        The number of school nurses employed by Renston’s elementary schools has not decreased over the past ten years.
B.        Children who are allergic to the chemicals are no more likely than other children to have allergies to other substances.
C.        Children who have allergic reactions to the chemicals are not more likely to be sent to a school nurse now than they were ten years ago.
D.        The chemicals are not commonly used as cleaners or pesticides in houses and apartment buildings in Renston.
E.        Children attending elementary school do not make up a larger proportion of Renston’s population now than they did ten years ago.


1(Z). A significant number of complex repair jobs carried out by Ace Repairs have to be reworked under the company’s warranty.  The reworked jobs are invariably satisfactory.  When initial repairs are inadequate, therefore, it is not because the mechanics lack competence; rather, there is clearly a level of focused concentration that complex repairs require that is elicited more reliably by rework jobs than by first-time jobs.

The argument above assumes which of the following?

A.        There is no systematic difference in membership between the group of mechanics who do first-time jobs and the group of those who do rework jobs.
B.        There is no company that successfully competes with Ace Repairs for complex repair jobs.
C.        Ace Repairs’ warranty is good on first-time jobs but does not cover rework jobs.
D.        Ace Repairs does not in any way penalize mechanics who have worked on complex repair jobs that later had to be reworked.
E.        There is no category of repair jobs in which Ace Repairs invariably carries out first-time jobs satisfactorily.


2(Z). With a record number of new companies starting up in Derderia, and with previously established companies adding many new jobs, a record number of new jobs were created last year in the Derderian economy. This year, previously established companies will not be adding as many new jobs overall as such companies added last year. Therefore, unless a record number of companies start up this year, Derderia will not break its record for new jobs created.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?

A.        In a given year, new companies starting up create more new jobs on average than do previously established companies.
B.        The number of people seeking employment is no larger this year than it was last year.
C.        This year, the new companies starting up will not provide substantially more jobs per company than did new companies last year.
D.        Previously established companies in Derderia will be less profitable this year than such companies were last year.
E.        The number of jobs created in the Derderian economy last year was substantially larger than the number of jobs lost.


3.(Z)Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as preservatives.  However, since there are several wine makers who add sulfites to none of the wines they produce, people who would like to drink wine but are allergic to sulfites can drink wines produced by these wine makers without risking an allergic reaction to sulfites.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.        These wine makers have been able to duplicate the preservative effect produced by adding sulfites by means that do not involve adding any potentially allergenic substances to their wine.
B.        Not all forms of sulfite are equally likely to produce the allergic reactions.
C.        Wine is the only beverage to which sulfites are commonly added.
D.        Apart from sulfites, there are no substances commonly present in wine that give rise to an allergic reaction.
E.        Sulfites are not naturally present in the wines produced by these wine makers in amounts large enough to produce an allergic reaction in someone who drinks these wines.


4.(Z)When storing Renaissance oil paintings, museums conform to standards that call for careful control of the surrounding temperature and humidity, with variations confined within narrow margins. Maintaining this environment is very costly, and recent research shows that even old oil paint is unaffected by wide fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Therefore, museums could relax their standards and save money without endangering their Renaissance oil paintings.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.        Renaissance paintings were created in conditions involving far greater fluctuations in temperature and humidity than those permitted by current standards.
B.        Under the current standards that museums use when storing Renaissance oil paintings, those paintings do not deteriorate at all.
C.        Museum collections typically do not contain items that are more likely to be vulnerable to fluctuations in temperature and humidity than Renaissance oil paintings.
D.        None of the materials in Renaissance oil paintings other than the paint are vulnerable enough to relatively wide fluctuations in temperature and humidity to cause damage to the paintings.
E.        Most Renaissance oil paintings are stored in museums located in regions near the regions where the paintings were created.


5.(Z)For similar cars and drivers, automobile insurance for collision damage has always cost more in Greatport than in Fairmont. Police studies, however, show that cars owned by Greatport residents are, on average, slightly less likely to be involved in a collision than cars in Fairmont. Clearly, therefore, insurance companies are making a greater profit on collision-damage insurance in Greatport than in Fairmont.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.        Repairing typical collision damage does not cost more in Greatport than in Fairmont.
B.        There are no more motorists in Greatport than in Fairmont.
C.        Greatport residents who have been in a collision are more likely to report it to their insurance company than Fairmont residents are.
D.        Fairmont and Greatport are the cities with the highest collision-damage insurance rates.
E.        The insurance companies were already aware of the difference in the likelihood of collisions before the publication of the police reports.


6.(Z)Agricultural societies cannot exist without staple crops. Several food plants, such as kola and okra, are known to have been domesticated in western Africa, but they are all supplemental, not staple, foods. All the recorded staple crops grown in western Africa were introduced from elsewhere, beginning, at some unknown date, with rice and yams. Therefore, discovering when rice and yams were introduced into western Africa would establish the earliest date at which agricultural societies could have arisen there.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.        People in western Africa did not develop staple crops that they stopped cultivating once rice and yams were introduced.
B.        There are no plants native to western Africa that, if domesticated, could serve as staple food crops.
C.        Rice and yams were grown as staple crops by the earliest agricultural societies outside of western Africa.
D.        Kola and okra are better suited to growing conditions in western Africa than domesticated rice and yams are.
E.        Kola and okra were domesticated in western Africa before rice and yams were introduced there.



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