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Georgetown MBA 在校生答疑总结帖

Georgetown MBA student taking questions

Hi all,

As a second-year MBA student at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, I would like to provide you an overview of our Full-time program and answer any questions you might have about the program from a student perspective.

Founded in 1789, Georgetown University has a deep-rooted Catholic and Jesuit tradition and enjoyed high prestige both domestically and internationally. The Robert Emmett McDonough School of Business has emerged as a top-notched institution for business and management education.

With an emphasis in global business, the full-time MBA program offers rigorous teaching and training in general management and leadership delivered by experienced and committed faculty. The integration of academic courses and the residency programs provides the students opportunities to experiment and exercise the learning.

This fall, we began the new school year in our new home, the state-of-art Rafik B. Hariri Building. Not only the new facilities complement our learning, the building brings together the entire community under the same roof.  It quickly becomes the venue for a series of lectures and conferences with leading political and business figures.

A Chinese student myself, I understand your constraints in visiting the school physically. I, therefore, would like to take your questions about our curriculum, student life, career management, etc. You may post your questions here or send me a message.

Many of you are probably preparing for the test or working on the essays.  I wish you all the best! Meanwhile, I encourage you start your application early. The online application to our program is now available on the school website. Below are the deadlines for those of you applying for Class 2012:

Round 1: November 1, 2009
Round 2: January 2, 2010
Round 3: March 20, 2010

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1. how many Chinese students will be admitted?

11 in 2009, 6 (or 7) are from mainland.
2.Could you talk sth about the prospective of intership or job-seeking this year?

The situation this year is certainly challenging. As of end of end September, the placement of Full-time (Class'09) and internshi (Class '10) is 83% and 92% respectively. Speaking about the students from mainland, three out of five did their internship back in China, one in DC and one did not do internship due to family reason.

I believe the challenge is across the board among business school especially for international students. Students, especially career switchers, certainly need to remain flexible and prepare Plan B or even Plan C in their search. Having said that, there are still opportunities out there. We certainly remain positive for our career prospect next year.

3.Could you please share some profile of the students in McDonough

The number of students from Chinese mainland (excluding green card holders/permanent residents status)class '09     approx. 6class '10     5class '11     9Are you asking about the profile of the Chinese students? It is a bit difficult to summarize for the entire group. We have mostly even number of male and female. Most students are about 27 - 30. The working experience ranges from 3 to more than 10 years. Students come from a variety of backgrounds, from non-traditional ones such as education, government to typical ones like consulting and investment. The career focus is also quite diverse.

4.With an emphasis in global business -- 能具体 elaborate一下么?中国同学都有奖学金么?

Georgetown MBA's global mindset is demonstrated throught the following aspects
  • Diverse student body with international experience: a majority of students have experience living abroad and work in international environment. A high percentage of students are proficient in two or more languages.
  • International component in coursework: A large amount of cases used in the class are related to international companies or business. Most of the faculty members have relevant international experience. In addition, students can take the program of international business diploma, which is a joint program with School of Foreign Services at Georgetown.
  • Global residency: Students travel to international locations to do consulting work for clients. For Class '10, we are given the choice of Prague, Johannesburg, Ho Chi Min city, Shanghai and Sao Paolo.
  • Washington, D.C.: Located in DC, we have access to many international organizations, incl. World Bank, IFC. We are also able to meet many global leaders.

Many of the Chinese students in Class '09 received scholarship. For Class '10, none of us had scholarship upon joining the program but three of us received the second-year scholarship this summer. So far as I know, one Chinese student received partial scholarship in Class '11.





The official figure as estimated by the school is $ 25, 000. I know many Chinese students certainly spend less than that.

A rough count of monthly expenditure

Rental: approx. $ 1300 (an unfurnished one-bedroom apt near school, $700 if you have roommate)

meals: $ 200 (cook by yourself and eat out occasionally)

cell phone, internet: $ 150

other: $ 200


女生,top univ. 本科GPA 3.98(均分91)

GMAT 740,雅思8.

截止到入校为止将有两年工作经验两年,Big 4 Auditor.


我知道我的缺点在于工作年限较短,但因为是女生,不想再等两三年申Magic 7,毕竟女生要考虑年龄和family的问题。


    I would say your academic achivements are quite impressive.

    While Georgetown, as most of the other business schools, would prefer candidates with working experience on par with the majority, ie 5 years. We certainly open up to young applicants with relatively short experience. After all, the quality counts more. We do have students who only worked for 2 years before coming to the school (roughly 1% of the program if I remember correctly) Fyi there is a Chinese girl with similar profile admitted this year.

    So feel free to apply as long as you think now is the right time for you to pursue your MBA. You may also want to use your optional essay to address the issue if you like.

8.雅思原件必须在R1的deadline 之前寄到office,才能算第一轮申请。虽然pdf已经提交,但是官方文件如果R1 的deadline没到,会被delay到第二轮,是吗?

The admissions office only starts review the application once all official documents are received. If the TOEFL official score report is received in between the deadlines for Round 1 and 2, the application will be for Round 2.

9.在选修的management里有个sports leadership的课程,有没有达人给分析一下,是什么内容的。

I found the below description of the course from the university course website. Hope it helps.The following topics will be covered in class:

1. Principles of Sports Leadership: Leadership is a critical element to success in any field, and sports is no different. We will discuss in class the basic elements of good leadership that are exhibited by Coaches and General Managers of sports teams. We will also discuss how to develop leaders. The principles discussed in class will be related to the business world.

2. Developing Teamwork: In sports, it is critical for all members of the team to understand their role on the team and the importance of their ability to work together towards a common goal of winning the game. In the class, we will show how a sports team achieves this and how this can be applied in the business world.

3. Motivation: It is easy to say that a company will only hire “self-motivated” individuals, but that is not always the case. Furthermore, those who are “self-motivated” are human and will still need motivation at times. In sports, you likewise try to recruit only “self-motivated” individuals, but you do not always end up with an entire team of them.

4. Media Relations and Crisis Management: A big part of sports is media relations. Everything done in professional sports – and to some extent, college and high school sports – is covered extensively by TV, radio, Internet, and print media. It is critical in sports to be able to deal with the media on a daily basis. In business, it is no less critical to be proficient in media relations, but the difference is that it is done on an infrequent basis. We will discuss in class the principles of media relations that will help the students have guidelines to deal with the media. In sports, when a crisis occurs with a team or player, it rarely escapes the news. In class, we will discuss how to deal with a crisis internally, as well as externally (with the media).

5. Selecting Talent: In sports – as well as business perhaps – the most critical factor in the success of a team is the talent on the team. The difference in sports, however, is that selecting talent for a team is much more restrictive due to the mechanisms you have to deal with, such as a draft, salary cap, and player contract restrictions. There are also restrictions on hiring front office personnel away from other teams so it is also important to be proficient in selecting talent, but also it is important to develop talent. In class, we will discuss what sports teams look for in selecting talent – both in players and head coaches (CEO).

6. Dealing with Different Situations: I have picked six common situations that happen in sports and will discuss how to handle each situation. These six situations are: Newly-named coach; Extended losing streak; Extended winning streak; Sustaining a winning streak; Sustaining success after a big season; and Rebounding from a poor season.

10.I have a question regarding the concentrations in the MBA program.

School's website mentions that there is no concentratoin under this unified program. But in the Career Management section, four career tracks are provided. Could you talk a little bit about what the career track is. Are students required to choose a track before or at the beginning of the program and accordingly take a particular set of courses to pursue that track?Georgetown MBA is a general management program. We will not have a specified concentration in our diploma. The career tracks in the career management session are for reference and students are not obligated to take a track or a set of courses under certain track (except for the core courses everyone takes.) However, the career tracks are very informative since the information is from comprehensive surveys of faculty, recruiters and alumni.


11.Official Transcripts/Academic Documents (Original copies must be mailed by the applicant’s undergraduate institution. Electronic copies are not accepted.)这是说成绩单只能由原来的学校寄送? 能不能自己邮寄学校密封好的成绩单? 因为让原来的学校寄送好像很麻烦的说
Yes you can. It is understood that many schools in China does not provide the transcript mailing service.

12.我想问下往年MBA毕业后回国工作的情况如何呢?都有哪些公司会给global pay呢?

I am afraid I do not have the statistics. Speaking only for Class of 2009, it seems all of the four students who return to China landed a job by now. I don't know any company would global pay if you are going back to your country of citizenship so far.















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