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In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, many Western Pueblo
settlements in what is now the southwestern United States may have possessed
distinctly hierarchical organizational structures. These communities’
agricultural systems ―which were “intensive” in the use of labor rather than
“extensive” in area ―may have given rise to political leadership that managed
both labor and food resources. That formal management of food resources was
needed is suggested by the large
size of storage spaces located
around some communal Great Kivas (underground
ceremonial chambers). Though no direct evidence exists that such spaces were
used to store food, Western Pueblo communities
lacking sufficient arable land to support their populations could have
preserved the necessary extra food, including imported foodstuffs, in such
apparently communal spaces.


Moreover, evidence of specialization in producing raw materials and in
manufacturing ceramics and textiles indicates differentiation of labor within and
between communities. The organizational and managerial demands of such
specialization strengthen the possibility that a decision making elite existed,
an elite whose control over labor, the use of community surpluses, and the
acquisition of imported goods would have led to a concentration of economic
resources in their own
hands. Evidence for differential distribution of wealth is found in burials of
the period: some include large quantities of pottery, jewelry, and other artifacts,
whereas others from the same sites lack any such materials.


According to the passage,
which of the following is probably true of the storage spaces mentioned in line



They were used by the
community elite for storage of their own food supplies.


They served a ceremonial
as well as a practical function.


Their size is an
indication of the wealth of the particular community to which they belonged.


Their existence proves
that the community to which they belonged imported large amounts of food.


They belonged to
and were used by the community as a whole.

原文说“That formal management of food resources was
needed is suggested by the large
size of storage spaces located
around some communal Great Kivas  underground
ceremonial chambers).
” ,为什么B不对呢?谢谢大虾!

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我第一次做的时候也选的B 但回头看时发现storage spaces located around some communal Great Kivas (underground ceremonial chambers). ceremonial chambers是用来解释communal Great Kivas 的 这并不代表在communal Great Kivas 周边发现的storage也是ceremonial的~相反得出E选项要从整段中推断 就像是计划经济 物品都是属于大家的 只是有专人来分配而已(management of food resources)~


第一次我也选了B, 对于细节题,有时候不回视的题目还是需要定位来验证下,全句理解概念和细节定位结合。


此题注意第一段最后一句话:in such apparently communal spaces。可以排除B,选E。



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