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OG p290 读不懂

有劳GGMM帮忙解释一下第二段.读了几遍,总是不太理解 REGIONAL BANK 到底出了什么问题.;'; 第二段与文章主题的关系到底是什么? 感激不尽!

The fact that superior service can generate a competitive  
advantage for a company does not mean that every attempt
at improving service will create such an advantage. Invest-
ments in service, like those in production and distribution,    
5) must be balanced against other types of investments on the 
 basis of direct, tangible benefits such as cost reduction and
 increased revenues. If a company is already effectively on a
 par with its competitors because it provides service thatavoids a

damaging reputation and keeps customers from
(10) leaving at an unacceptable rate, then investment in higher
   service levels may be wasted, since service is a deciding 
   factor for customers only in extreme situations.

     This truth was not apparent to managers of one regional
    bank, which failed to improve its competitive position
(15) despite its investment in reducing the time a customer had
    to wait for a teller. The bank managers did not recognize
    the level of customer inertia in the consumer banking
    industry that arises from the inconvenience of switching  
    banks. Nor did they analyze their service improvement to
(20) determine whether it would attract new customers by pro-
    ducing a new standard of service that would excite cus-
    tomers or by proving difficult for competitors to copy. The  
    only merit of the improvement was that it could easily be
   described to customers. 

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。。。没有人鸟我。。。是不是问题太多了? 要不就解释一下这句也行的!不胜感激!

    The bank managers did not recognize the level of customer inertia in the consumer banking industry that arises from the inconvenience of switching banks. Nor did they analyze their service improvement to determine whether it would attract new customers by producing a new standard of service that would excite cus tomers or by proving difficult for competitors to copy.






可不可以理解为: 银行经理们没有意识到由于转换银行带来的不便所造成的顾客懒惰的程度。(换言之,就是银行没有意识到 顾客有多么懒得换银行。)

嘻嘻,不知道理解对不对,不过很谢谢你,我比较明白了~~ 如果我理解有偏差,麻烦帮忙指正!


I agree with 3rd floorers' translation.

my understand of 2nd paragraph is:

2nd paragraph gave more detail description ( from  regional bank's case ...)  to explain what 1st paragraph wants to say.

welcome any feedback..



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