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1. Some applicants are concernedabout their past academic history and the competitiveness of their GPA. First, keep in mind that theAdmissions Committee reviews applicants with a very holistic approach. While important, a low undergraduate GPA in itself won’t prevent admission. Also notethat while your GPA may be below a school’s average, it may be within itsrange.  

That being said, a low GPA is still aweakness in your application that should be addressed. If possible, start byacknowledging this in the optional essay and providing an explanation (not anexcuse!). Finally, prove to us that you’re capable of handling an extremelyrigorous, and quant heavy, curriculum. You can do this by scoring well on theGMAT (or GRE), taking additional, supplemental classes beyond yourundergraduate degree and submitting well-written essays. It’s also important toclearly show us areas you do excel in; leadership, global experiences,community involvement, etc.


2. Regarding age as a factor in the admissions process, wedo see a wide range of candidate ages and years of experience. I am morefocused on why you want an MBA than your age. If you are a candidatewith 5 or more years experience than the average candidate in our pool (candidatesaverage 5 years professional work experience) you need to provide a compellingcase as to why the MBA makes sense. If you are already academically andprofessionally accomplished, why is the MBA the critical next step for you andhow does it make sense when added to your resume, for example. For some, it isthat critical next step to a career switch. The reason will be uniquely yoursand you just have to make the case to the committee.


3. Business school values unique experiences and individuals – many studentsdecide to go to business school with the intention of switching careers, so you won’t be alone. Show us through your essays and interview how that unconventional experience will actually bring a different and positiveperspective to your classmates. Also, whileyou may not have been crunching numbers, there’s a good chance you’ve beenhoning skills that will help you succeed in business; leadership traits,interpersonal skills, communication expertise, etc. Be sure to tell us thereality of the situation, not just what you think we want to hear. Is yourprevious work experience based on a passion of yours? Wonderful! Let us know.Additionally, take some time to reflect on some important questions – for youand for us. What are your long-term goals? How will an MBA help you achievethem? Why now?


4. Like everything else, global experience is an important factor in yourapplication, but certainly not the only one. You may have more global experience than you think. Have you worked or lived outside your home country?Have you visited for an extended period of time? Have you worked with globalclients within your home country? Do you know a second language? Or, maybe thisis the perfect time to jump on that international opportunity you’ve beenpostponing.

全球化的学习工作经验都可以为你的简历和申请材料添彩不少。 注意运用自己不同的特点让自己脱颖而出。

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