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31. A proposed ordinance requires the installation in new homes of sprinklers automatically triggered by the presence of a fire. However, a home builder argued that because more than 90 percent of residential fires are extinguished by a household member,[url=] residential sprinklers would only marginally decrease property damage caused by residential fires.[/url][c1]

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the home builder's argument?

[url=](A) [/url][c2] Most individuals have no formal training in how to extinguish fires.

[url=](8)[/url][c3] Since new homes are only a tiny percentage of available housing in the city, the new ordinance would be extremely narrow in scope.

(C) The installation of[url=] smoke detectors[/url][c4] in new residences costs significantly less than the

installation of sprinklers.

(D) In the city where the ordinance was proposed, [url=]the average time required [/url][c5] by the fire department to respond to a fire was less than the national average.

(E) The largest proportion of property damage that results from residential fires is caused by fires that start when[url=] no household member[/url][c6] is present. E








[url=]41.[/url][c1] Dental researchers recently discovered that toothbrushes can become contaminated with bacteria that cause pneumonia and strep throat. They found that contamination usually occurs after toothbrushes have been used for four weeks. For that reason, [url=]people[/url]

should replace their toothbrushes at least once a month.[c2]

Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the conclusion above?

(A) The dental researchers could not discover why toothbrush contamination usually occurred [url=]only after [/url][c3] toothbrushes had been used for four weeks.

(B) The dental researchers [url=]failed to investigate [/url][c4] contamination of toothbrushes by viruses,

yeasts, and other pathogenic microorganisms.

(C) The dental researchers found that among people who used toothbrushes contaminated with bacteria that cause pneumonia and strep throat, the incidence of these diseases was[url=] no higher than [/url][c5] among people who used uncontaminated toothbrushes. C

[url=](D)[/url][c6] The dental researchers found that people who rinsed their toothbrushes thoroughly in hot water after each use were as likely to have contaminated toothbrushes as were people who only rinsed their toothbrushes hurriedly in cold water after each use.

(E) The dental researchers found that, after six weeks of use, greater length of use of a

toothbrush did not correlate with a higher number of bacteria [url=]being present.[/url][c7]

[c1]推理链:C通常发生在人们用一支牙刷四周以后      牙刷上的细菌会导致由C引起的病     人们应该至少一个月就换一次牙刷








46. A study of marital relationships in which one partner's sleeping and waking cycles differ from those of the other partner reveals that such couples share fewer activities with each other and have more violent arguments than do couples in a relationship in which

both partners follow the same sleeping and waking patterns. Thus, [url=]mismatched sleeping and waking cycles can seriously jeopardize a marriage.[/url][c1]

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?

(A) Married couples in which both spouses follow the same sleeping and waking patterns [url=]also occasionally[/url][c2] have arguments that can jeopardize the couple's marriage.

(B) The sleeping and waking cycles of individuals tend to[url=] vary from season to season.[/url][c3]

(C) The individuals who have sleeping and waking cycles that differ significantly from those of their spouses tend to [url=]argue little with colleague sat work.[/url][c4]

(D) People in unhappy marriages have been found to express hostility by [url=]adopting a different sleeping and waking cycle from that of their spouses. D[/url][c5]

(E) According to a recent study, most people's sleeping and waking cycles [url=]can be controlled and modified easily.[/url][c6]








[url=]47.[/url][c1] In the past most airline companies minimized aircraft weight to minimize fuel costs. The safest airline seats were heavy, and airlines equipped their planes with few of these seats. This year the seat that has sold best to airlines has been the safe stone-a clear

indication that [url=]airlines are assigning a higher priority to safe seating than to minimizing fuel costs.[/url][c2]

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?

(A) [url=]Last year'[/url][c3] s best-selling airline seat was not the safest airline seat on the market.

(B)[url=] No airline company has announced[/url][c4] that it would be making safe seating a higher priority this year.

(C) The price of fuel[url=] was higher this year[/url][c5] than it had been in most of the years when the safest airline seats sold poorly.

(D) Because of increases in [url=]the cost of materials,[/url][c6] all airline seats were more expensive to

manufacture this year than in any previous year.

(E) Because of technological innovations, the safest airline seat on the market this year [url=]weighed less [/url][c7] than most other airline seats on the market. E

[c1]推理链:在过去,航空公司通过减少飞机重量来最小化燃油成本         安全座位非常重,所以公司尽可能让飞机少配备     近来安全座位销售很多给航空公司,所以结论



[c4]没公布不代表没有,Little effect





[url=]49[/url][c1] . Division manager: I want to replace the Microton computers in my division with Vitech computers.

General manager: Why?

Division manager: It costs 28 percent less to train new staff on the Vitech.

General manager: But that is not a good enough reason. [url=]We can simply hire only people who already know how to use the Microton computer.[/url][c2]

Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the general manager's objection to the replacement of Microton computers with Vitechs?

[url=](A) [/url][c3] Currently all employees in the company are required to attend workshops on how to use Microton computers in new applications.

(8) Once employees [url=]learn how to use a computer,[/url][c4] They tend to change employers more readily than before.

[url=](C)[/url][c5] Experienced users of Microton computers command much higher salaries than do prospective employees who have no experience in the use of computers. C

(D) [url=]The average productivity[/url][c6] of employees in the general manager's company is below the average productivity of the employees of its competitors.

[url=](E)[/url][c7] The high costs of replacement parts make Vitech computers more expensive to maintain than Microton computers.









50. Crops can be traded on the futures market before they are harvested. If a poor corn harvest is predicted, prices of corn futures rise; if a bountiful corn harvest is predicted, prices of corn futures fall. This morning meteorologists are predicting much-needed rain for the corn-growing region starting tomorrow. Therefore, [url=]since adequate moisture is essential for the current crop's survival, prices of corn futures will fall sharply today.[/url][c1]

Which of the following, if true, most weakens the argument above?

[url=](A)[/url][c2] Corn that does not receive adequate moisture during its critical pollination stage will not produce a bountiful harvest.

(B) Futures prices for corn h[url=]ave been fluctuating [/url][c3] more dramatically this season than last season.

(C) The rain that meteorologists predicted for tomorrow is expected to extend well [url=]beyond the corn-growing region .[/url][c4]

(D) Agriculture experts announced today that a disease that has devastated [url=]some of the corn crop [/url][c5] will spread widely before the end of the growing season. D

[url=](E) [/url][c6] Most people who trade in corn futures rarely take physical possession of the corn they trade.




[c4]无关,不影响结论。做错是因为没读懂选项:这场雨的范围超出了corn growing region,而不是超出了corn grow需要的量




80. To evaluate a plan to [url=]save money on office-space expenditures by having its employees work at home[/url][c1] , XYZ Company asked volunteers from its staff to try the arrangement for six months. During this period, the productivity of these employees was as high as or higher than before.

Which of the following, if true, would argue most strongly against deciding, on the basis of the trial results, to implement the company's plan?

[url=](A)[/url][c2] The employees who agreed to participate in the test of the plan were among the company's most self-motivated and independent workers. A

[url=](8)[/url][c3] The savings that would accrue from reduced office-space expenditures alone would be

sufficient to justify the arrangement for the company, apart from any productivity increases.

[url=](C) [/url][c4] Other companies that have achieved successful results from work-at-home plans have workforces that are substantially larger than that of XYZ.

[url=](D) [/url][c5] The volunteers who worked at home were able to communicate with other employees as necessary for performing the work.

(E)[url=] Minor changes[/url][c6] in the way office work is organized at XYZ would yield increases in

employee productivity similar to those achieved in the trial.








81. Political Advertisement: Mayor Delmont's critics complain about the jobs that were lost in the city under Delmont's leadership. Yet the fact is that
not only were more jobs created than were eliminated, but each year since Delmont took office the average pay for the new jobs created has been higher than that year's average pay for jobs citywide. So it stands to reason that [url=]throughout Delmont's tenure the average paycheck in this city has been getting steadily bigger[/url][c1] .

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument in the advertisement?

[url=](A)[/url][c2] The unemployment rate in the city is higher today than it was when Mayor Delmont took office.

[url=](8)[/url][c3] The average pay for jobs in the city was at a ten-year low when Mayor Delmont took office.

[url=](C[/url][c4] ) Each year during Mayor Delmont's tenure, the average pay for jobs that were eliminated has been higher than the average pay for jobs citywide. B

[url=](D)[/url][c5] Most of the jobs eliminated during Mayor Delmont's tenure were in declining industries.

[url=](E) [/url][c6] The average pay for jobs in the city is currently lower than it is for jobs in the suburbs

surrounding the city.



[c3]没有weaken结论,因为文中说明了the average pay for the new jobs created has been higher than that year's average pay for jobs citywide

[c4]割断因果,weaken reasoning

[c5]没有weaken,因为不知道declining industries有多少





X6. [url=]The amount of time it takes for most of a worker’s occupational knowledge and skills to become obsolete has been declining because of the introduction of advanced manufacturing technology (AMT)[/url][c1] . Given the rate at which AMT is currently being introduced in manufacturing, the average worker’s old skills become obsolete and new skills are required within as little as[url=] five years.[/url][c2]

Which of the following plans, if feasible, would allow a company to prepare most effectively for the rapid obsolescence of skills described above?

(A) The company will develop [url=]a program[/url][c3] to offer selected employees the opportunity to receive training six years after they were originally hired.

(B) The company will increase [url=]its investment [/url][c4] in AMT every year for a period of at least five years.

[url=](C)[/url][c5] The company will periodically survey its employees to determine how the introduction of AMT has affected them.

[url=](D)[/url][c6] Before the introduction of AMT, the company will institute an educational program to inform its employees of the probable consequences of the introduction of AMT.

[url=](E) The company will ensure that it can offer its employees any training necessary for meeting their job requirements.[/url][c7] E








ReasoningIt should be clear that some type of training or retraining will be involved, since (at least in certain types of industry) it is unlikely that any company in that industry can afford to avoid introducing AMT if its market competitors are doing so.



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