Math: 51, Verbal: 40 数学:考前我很担心, 因为平时总是粗心, 这次发挥不错, 总之是仔细,仔细,再仔细。 语文:考试中和平常作GWD的感觉不一样, 觉得难度普遍加大, 特别是阅读, 我的感觉是GMAT实战(包括GMATPrepare)的文章难度比GWD大很多,而且出的题刁钻很多, 不知道大家有没有这种感觉。或许我做GWD不够,因为时间关系我只做了GWD1-10.平时做题时间听充裕,考试时时间很紧,最后几道题没看仔细,结果还只剩下十几秒, 建议平时加快速度 GMATPrepare:虽然重题很多,效果还是不错, 考前模拟750,760,770 不多说了,一点数学JJ: 1. (with figure) squreroot(3) + squreroot(2) --------------------------- = ? squreroot(3) - squreroot(2) (anw) there is a point in between 9 and 11
2. for savings into bank, for first 0 - 20,000, interest rate is 2 %, next 20,000 to 50,000 interest rate is 2.5%, and above 50,000 interest is 3.5%, what is the saving amount that the interest equal to 3%? (anw) 120,000 3. there are two set each with the number 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5, 6. ask randomly choose one number from each set, what is the probability that the products of the 2 number is divisable by 4 (anw) 12/25, Note: dont forget 4*1, 4*3, 4*5, same I am wrong with this one, the anwer should be (9+6)/36, or my memory is wrong? wait for others to verify the question and anwer 4. DS: ab> ? 1) a-b >0 2) a+b <0 (anw) E, 5. DS: there is a set of number, the mean is m, the standard deviation is R, if add a number x to this set, if r <= R? 1) x=m 2) m<x<m+R (anw) D, Note: not sure about 2), made a guess here 6. DS: r, s, t has the same remainder when divided by 5, what is t? 1) r+s=t? 2) 20 <= t <=24 (anw) B, t=20 7. X, Y, Z are points on a line, Y is between X and Z, W is another ponit that WX=WZ, which of the folloing must be true (anw) there is many choices, i choose that WX>WY 8. what is the units number of 32,941 * (10^12 - 10^11)/10^13 (anw) the first number (32,941) may not be correct, but the question is similar 9. DS: there is a car and a trunck, in the same duration, car traveled 120 miles, and trunk travelled 100 miles. what is the average speed of trunk in this period 1) in the first 30 min, car travelled 30 miles 2) the average speed of the car is 10 miles/hour more than the trunk (anw) B |