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Historical documents have revealed that among theTimucua, a Native American people of Florida, the best from the hunt or the harvest was given to families of high social status, even in times of economic stress. Archaeological research suggests a similar relationship between social status and diet in the Dallas communities of eastern Tennessee, prehistoric Native American groups with a social organization and economy similar to that of the Timucua. The first real clue came when archaeologists discovered that skeletons of higher-status individuals tended to be several centimeters taller than those of people of lower states.
In the largest Dallas
communities, some individuals were buried in the earthen mounds that served as sub-structures for buildings important to civic and religious affairs. These burials included quantities of finely carried items made of nonlocal material, denoting the high political standing of those interred. Burials of lower-status individuals contained primarily utilitarian items such as cooking vessels and chipped stone tools and are located in more remote sections of the settlements. The burials actually formed a pattern, the tallest skeletons being found in the mounds, and the heights declining as burials became more distant from the mounds. While it is possible that taller people were simply more successful in achieving high social standing, it is more likely that a number of stresses, including those resulting from a relatively poor diet, which could affect stature, were common among the lower-status groups Excavations indicate that where food categories made up the bulk of the population’s diet: agricultural crops cultivated in the fertile alluvial soils where the communities were located, game, and wild edible plants, primarily nuts. Information about dietary variation among community members is derived by analyzing trace elements in human bone. Higher than normal levels of manganese, strontium, and vanadium probably indicate a less nutritious diet heavily dependent on edible plants. Very low concentrations of vanadium, which is scarce in meats and somewhat lower in nuts than in other plant resources, are good evidence of meat consumption and thus a better balanced-diet. As expected, vanadium was found in considerably greater quantities in skeletons in the burials of lower-status groups.
In lines 35_38, the author of the passage raises the possibility that taller people achieved greater success most probably in order to

A.suggest that two explanations for a phenomenon are equally plausible

B.introduce empirical data supporting a position

C.anticipate an objection to an argument

D.question the usefulness of relying solely on physical evidence

E.point out a weakness in a traditional argument

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句子最前面用了个‘while',然后马上又说it is more likely that..已经表明态度,就是while后面那块是不被作者认同的,出现这种’身高更高地位更高‘现象的两种解释之一:(A)身高更高,所以地位高,(B)地位高所以吃的好,身高更高。最后一大段对营养成分的分析也最后有力证明作者都是支持解释(B)的。所以while引入一个argument A, 然后马上就会来object A.


B选项,empirical data是实验数据啊,以经验为根据的数据~文中没有数据呀~



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