JJ我好好想想,從早上考完到下午頭都痛著呢!!! 感謝女朋友,愛妳!!! 還要感謝GavinDing的閱讀JJ,真的很有用!!!(就是我自己) 另外要感謝台北來斤欠方老師,分數出來的那一瞬間你的臉就浮現在我眼前!!! RC樓 SC 1. incumbent後的介系詞: 加for 加to(此選項有兩個) 加on(只有一個)剛好這單字小弟我不小心背到過,就是它 2. 什麼東西的用處:(這種考法我也嚇到了,傷了我元氣不少) 但發現後面是考平行的,這更傷啊,我懷疑我掉到低分區了!? 但吸了一口氣之後讓自己平靜一下 答案就是最簡潔的那個,記得好像是A 這用處好像是讓學生做啥,讓科學家做啥,and讓...做啥 不難,好好分析即可 3. GWD17-Q32: Navigators have known for thousands of years that the ocean has variable currents, but it is only in the last half century that a reasonably clear picture has emerged of the patterns and causes of ocean currents. A. a reasonably clear picture has emerged of the patterns and causes of ocean currents B. a reasonably clear picture of the patterns of ocean currents and their causes have emerged C. a reasonably clear picture emerged of ocean currents, their patterns and the causes of them D. there have emerged a reasonably clear picture of the patterns of ocean currents and what caused them E. there had emerged a reasonably clear picture of the patterns of ocean currents and their causes 4.
18. GWD27-Q18: The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft will orbit the asteroid Eros for a year, slowly moving closer to the surface of the object to make ever more precise measurements that scientists hope will enable them to understand how the solar system formed some four billion years ago. A. to make ever more precise measurements that scientists hope will enable them to B. to make ever more and more precise measurements, which scientists are hoping to enable them C. for making ever more precise measurements, and scientists hope that they will be able to D. with the purpose of making more precise measurements than ever, and which scientists hope will enable them to E. in order to make more precise measurements than it ever did, and scientists are hoping they will be able to 5. 複數of單數-(插入句)-blah blah blah are 複數of單數-(插入句)-blah blah blah is 這去掉後只剩下兩個are的,比個邏輯意思 6. 有一題是單數名詞後接了一個that子句(子句很亂有單、複數名詞) 後面就來了 it, them還是it, they it it them 對到主詞之後就沒問題的,其實多半這樣可以刪掉兩個,剩下的不是很冗言,就是看起來不舒服!!! 總結,我嚴重懷疑題庫程度往上的是介系詞這種用法,我就考了幾題,這是靠閱讀跟背單字片語的 另外我好像極少全劃線,是不是全劃線是美國人的低分題庫,因為他們一看就覺得選項怪異!? 我也不知道,純屬猜測!!! 我知道這個分數不算高啦,但我滿足了!!!謝謝那麼多牛人提供JJ讓我省了不少時間 閱讀不知道要不要上JJ,因為其實很齊了... Anyway 大家加油囉 Math 數學一開始做就心神不寧 一半要歸功於豐富的夜晚: 凌晨:00:00~01:00貓叫春 凌晨:01:00~02:00樓上洗衣服 凌晨:02:00~03:00蚊子攻擊 但做到第十題的DS題的時候突然發現 靠,剛剛有一題兩個都充分,結果B算完就點了B,天啊!!!(之後就嚇醒了) |