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albany                                        "the best economics phd is in Albany.
bing had good undergraduate programs,but the graduate program is ""Xiang Dang"" bad.
Bufflo is decent in both.
SB is good only in pure science.
Albany has better gradate programs than under program.
location concern: SB> albany>bufflo>bing
it's convinent to find jobs in albany. and it's once ranked top ten most comfortable cities.
bufflo is an old,big, poor city.
My information might not be accurate, but it's generally true
"        纽约州立大学系统在国内还是有认知度的。但是albany的location的确不吸引人。目前我没有听到有人对他家会计硕士做的什么评论。好像有人说过,他家2年的项目(我就是2年的)中国人多,学得基础,不好就业。


ASU                                        "ASU 亚利桑那凤凰城坦佩区 优势:商学院排名暴高 会计专业也排名不错    缺点:气候炎热 不是我喜欢的地方。

"         2年是ASU说我不符合1年项目的要求 1年要会计本科的。。2年是要补一些课程的。。        "ASU 优势:商学院及会计排名。项目时间短因此总费用4W3左右较GWU两年的费用要低,“沉没成本”相对低,签证相对有把握。



Baylor        n/a        81                基本上没有别的信息了        学术声望67;综合排名81;2007,2006PAR排名24;09B-school 65        "Prerequisite Requirements
Students should have completed the following undergraduate prerequisite accounting courses to be considered for admission to the MAcc program:
Course  Required Hours  
Introductory Financial Accounting  3  
Introductory Managerial Accounting  3  
Intermediate Financial Accounting  6  
Income Taxation  3  
Cost Accounting  3  
Accounting Information Systems  3  
Auditing  3  
Prerequisite courses must focus on United States generally accepted accounting principles for an application to be considered.


baruch                                check是否真的要工作经验;不过基本上要申还是等等吧        "2008:号称穷人的哈佛;完全没有奖学金,但是有很多机会赚钱,GA/TA/RA工资很高,时薪13.88,实习也可以赚一些钱。如果你是60学分(我44分),那么学费就是500×60=30K,活动费,注册费每学期共119刀,另外英语课如果4门都要上的话预算2100元,另外整个项目预算400元买书。每个月生活费预算1000块。

45分以下差不多1年半可以念完,45分以上要2年,甚至加最后一个暑假。"        "2008:BARUCH 不是不招应届生,而是不招国内应届生对于在baruch读under的校友,只要GMAT 550,GPA3.2,他们是拍着胸膛说,欢迎回到母校就读。而且优惠大大的有,一年的program,但是对于本科拿的是accounting major,没的挑,你只有上MS in tax,这就是为什么那么多intern 都是TAX dep.楼主应该人生JOEY YE吧。。。


bentley        43        n/a        离boston只有1小时车程        2007/2006PAR排名:17 22/ Bschool ranking 43, 但是综合大学无排名,总的来说,在经济形势好的情况下,此校值得选,(可有intern机会),但是由于其综合排名不高,名声在boston地区之外就没有了,对于回国就业不是很好。 在和UTD的比较中落败。                                      1、intern是算学分的?intern是自己找么 2.CPT是什么?3.prefer在职学生?4.会计本科一年,非会计1.5年---check 5.要面试?        "Bentley的MSA program要求10门graduate level课程,和5门prerequisites,录取的时候program director会根据你的background决定你需要补哪些prerequisites,你可以秋季入学之前就补,也可以学期中慢慢补。或者你也可以通过考proficiency exam来waive掉这些prerequisites,但accounting专业课不能waive。

10门graduate level课程里,有4门是核心必修课,2门accounting专业任选课,剩下4门是任选,你可以依据自己的兴趣和career方向来选。我面世的时候常被问到选了什么课

其他关于课程什么的我不在这里罗嗦了,只是提个醒:大部分课都要求team project和课堂presentation。对英语口语不好的同学来说是挑战也是很好的锻炼机会。还有team project中要想想该怎样表现和参与,我面世的时候经常被要求说说自己在学校team work的事。

说到英语技能,Bentley给外国学生安排了English Tutor,graduate students的English Tutor是一个英语系的老师。建议大家多去参加那个老师给外国学生组织的seminar,还是很锻炼口语的。平时有要交的论文或简历什么的,也可以找那个老师帮忙组织语言,改改语法错误什么的。

Bentley的career service很不错,有许多让你深入了解某职业和networking的机会,譬如请回四大里的校友讲public accounting职业,做financial anlyst的校友讲corporate finance职业,上课的时候也有老师会请业界的人来介绍他们公司的相关职能部门以及大家都做些什么。大家尽量多参加学校的networking活动,包括career fair,这样正式找工作的时候心里会比较有谱,不会连自己应聘的工作到底是做什么都不知道。

再来说说Bentley的credit internship course(国际学生办公室会给你CPT),这个要求你修过4门accounting graduate level的课以后才可以做intern,而且必须是full-time的internship。所以国际学生只可能选择summer或最后一学期做intern,但summer internship的竞争非常激烈,所以如果你有绿卡,最好选春季的intern机会。但要不要做intern还是个人的选择,有同学跟我说应该先找工作,找不到工作再找intern,我春天的时候是intern和工作一起找,最后只拿到了一个intern的offer,就去做了那个summer internship,后来感觉internship的经历对找正式工作还是有帮助的。

最后我来说说Bentley的Taxation program。如果你决定了想做tax,Bentley有单独的MS in Taxation program。如果你进了MSA,然后又想往tax方向发展,可以拿tax certificate,就是任选课时选tax的几门课,还是很方便的。----------


这所学校是我很心仪的学校。但是无论是MSA还是MSF,都很倾向要有至少一年工作经验的人。我是2008年毕业的,从事一份与会计并不是非常相关的工作,但是也被录取了。这所学校好像是在国内并不是很知名,但是在美国,尤其是东部,声誉真的是非常好。我觉得特别适合那些已经工作、打算在美国找工作长期生活下去的人。学校在Boston,好像离市中心也挺近,对找工作还是非常有帮助的。        这次BENTLEY四大实习全军覆没,不知道是他们政策关系还是我们实力不济,都没有拿到AUDIT面试。找到实习的不多,现在陆续有几个找到了,公司有比较好的,也有一般的。这几个同学都是应届生。        "又是每年一度的新生录取季节,收到很多人对BENTLEY的咨询,由于国内盛传ACCOUNTING在美国好找工作的说法,今年(申2007fall)BENTLEY报名的中国学生达到了120人,真是盛况空前啊。记的3年前刚来美国时,BENLEY在大陆一共只招了2名中国学生,就是我和我的室友,而其ACCOUNTING专业一个大陆中国学生都没有,没想到3年一过,报名的人一下来了120个。
随着ACCOUNTING的热门和BENTLEY COLLEGE在国内熟悉度的增加,吹嘘和贬低BENTLEY的人也相应而增。吹嘘的人就自不必说了,国内大众崇洋之风就一直没有平过。买衣服不想买MADE IN CHINA的,取名字非加几个字母,以为来这里学会计就能大赚一笔。而其实,ACCOUNTING在美国是属于比较稳定,收入中等的职业。而且ACCOUNTING的职位增加也是由于在会计业的几件丑闻曝光后美国通过立法强化会计程序所造成的,决不是能轻易赚大钱或前途无量的行业。随着中国学生的涌入和其它学习会计专业的人的增加,就业难度也会越来越大,稳定性自然也会下降。所以是否一定要来美国读会计,还是值得考虑的。
说到美国学校招人的标准,其也从不以GMAT做为录取标准。记的去年去MIT的一个校长家里做课时,就亲口听其证实过MIT GMAT分数不重要之说,除非你的GMAT分数到了忍无可忍的地位,比白痴还差。而其子曾在中国为BERKELEY招生时,对中国学生询问所谓录取分数线一说也大为不解。 之所以这么不考虑GMAT分数,就是因为GMAT不能反映学生的领导能力和品德。 和中国考生只看考试分数不同,在美国学校学生的成绩单里,PRESENTATION和PARTICIPATION成绩一般会占40%以上,在高考中,社会活动会为考生增加筹码,所以他们的GPA是反映了比较全面的能力的。正是因为知道中国的教育唯分论,美国学校招人更看中申请人的工作经验或论文发表情况。你在国内是尖子生,到了这里分数不见的比这里的 '二流生' 强。职位不一定比'二流生' 好,工资也不一定比'二流生' 高。那些你看不起的'二流生' 可以拿你三倍工资,还可以做你的BOSS,还可以比你对增加学校的知名度有更好的影响力。BENTLEY更喜欢那些在职的学生也正是为此。"        "Bentley College is the key recruiting school for most employers in the field of accounting& IT in New England area and New York.Not sure if you guys have heard of ""3B"", which means BC, Babson, and Bentley. In the east coast, graduates from 3B has distinct advantages than students from other schools. However, a degree from a decent school doesn't garantee you a decent job. when it comes to accounting job hunting, you are not only compete with Chinese, you are compete with brilliant Americans. Accounting is one of the toughest business major for many Americans. Most of the accounting major graduate students are smart and hard-working. That's why it's relatively harder to get an offer from ""big 4"" in U.S

I am sure that Bentley's international reputation is going to rise, as well as it's accounting/IT ranking. Bentley used to focus on professional training and only offer MS and MBA degree. Right now, the school is going to invest heavily to build up its academic reputation by starting its first accounting PHD program.  

Last but not least, few people know that Bentley has the world's No.1 research resources in the field of business ethics. It is the first school in the world to research on topics in business ethics and has the most completed database. Every year,scholars from everywhere of the world come to Bentley and are amazed at what they find here.

You guys don't have to love Bentley. But every Bentley alumni are just proud of being part of it. As Bentley alumni,I feel sorry about those biased comments and hope every one who decides to come to Bentley a successful future in U.S., because so many Chinese alumni have established themselve as talented in the workforce,some of whom already break the banboo ceiling and play a core leadership role in the corporate life .

You will explore more about Bentley once you join this great community...

"        "BENTLEY在会计上的声誉不错(问搞会计的老美基本上都知道,但是不搞会计的就差点了),大BOSTON地区也会给你带来很多就业机会,不过DC就业机会也很多。

BENTLEY整体上相对差点,US NEWS把她定义为MATER LEVEL的学校,不是国家研究性大学,说白了就是影响力啥的不如GWU(最起码我咨询的老美们都知道GW,老美更倾向管GWU叫GW),所以这是我为什么没有申BENTLEY的原因,但是每个人要求不一样的。



会计本科一年,非会计1.5年        "比suffolk排名好,但是地理位置不如suffolk;两者都有广泛的公司和校友网络。
"        http://forum.Topway.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=14&ID=344362        "Guys I live literally two minutes from the Bentley campus, so I would know.  Waltham, which is the town that Bentley is in, is definitely NOT rural at all.  There are so many things going on in downtown Waltham - Moody Street (5 minutes from Bentley campus) that many Bostonians are likening it to the famous Newbury Street in downtown Boston, a street that is filled with upper-class restaurants, boutiques and clothng stores.  Also yeah, the CPI an cost of living are about the same in Waltham as in Boston due to their proximity to each other.

As for comparison between Suffolk and Bentley, in my honest opinion, there is no comparison.  Bentley is better in many ways.  Bentley's faculty members are much more well-known in the industry than Suffolk's.  Go see it for yourself at the schools' websites.  I never see Suffolk's professors quoted on TV newspapers articles or online, I do with Bentley's occasionally.  The depth of the curriculum is much deeper at Bentley.  Like LZ said, Bentley has a much better reputation in the area, it has extensive connections with local big hirers, State Street, Fidelity, EMC, Bank of America, Boston Scientific, etc.  I believe State Street always offer a fixed number of summer internships to Bentley students each year.  I am sure Suffolk does not have quite the level of relationships with the aforementioned companies  Furthermore, Bentley is really a school that is committed to technology-based learning.  I went to its Trading Center a couple of times and the facilities there are definitely unique and state-of-the-art.  I visited Suffolk three years ago, it really does not have a campus or the facilities offered at Bentley.

Before anybody asks, no, I am currently not an alumni, a student or an employee at Bentley, at least not yet.  I got accepted into the MSF program at Bentley for Spring 2009 and I am not sure whether I will go there.   I was planning to apply to Suffolk as my bottom-line school but ceased all plans of doing so after I received the acceptance from Bentley.  I would gladly go there for my degree
"        "Bentley is only a famous college in CD, people tend to exaggerate its advantages.

"        "2009:事实上据我所知,今年它家的就业形势并不是很乐观,当时这是大环境不好
它家也明白说到,帮international students找intern很难
"        "今晚10点Bentley电面完毕。


1. 为什么选这个学校的这个专业。

2.为什么选Marketing Analytics这个这么narrow的专业,而不选其他的。

3. 问我托福分数比较低会不会觉得自己到了美国没法适应。

4. 有没有其他认识的人申请Bentley。

"        "2009年2月刚刚面完,市场,Karen人很好,但是真的说话很快,我托福听力28都是只能明白她的大体意思,而且面的时候我觉得这次肯定完了,不行了,因为有一个题我不懂她的意思,我们就在反复说,结果后来她说Ok,才不说了。但是结果貌似还不错,她说我口语很好,qulified,她会告诉committee的。呵呵,但是说到奖学金她说机会小,我的托福不到100.


1. 为什么到美国来读研究生

2. 为什么选择这个专业,从你的essay来看你喜欢收集数据那些,而不是analytics.还说我为什么不去读mba,而是master.就是这个题我很疑惑,以前的面经都没有,而且她绝对是研究我的简历和essay的,她知道上面的好多内容,大家小心。我现在想想,她可能问的是看我的经历我更适合做收集数据这样的实践性工作,而这些是mba的focus,不是master的,说是我的经历看起来很符合市场的一个具体的专业方向。这个问题完全没想过她会这么问,我只准备了为什么选择marketing analytics这个这么窄的专业,但是回答了,她又觉得不充分。

3. 托福不到100能不能适应英语学习环境。

4. 然后换我问问题。

"        "和Bentley的Debbie约了今晚10点的面试,他家MSA的面试一般都是这个人,很准时~~我们谈了有差不多半个小时,问了很多问题,大的小的都有,也有互相交流一部分。大概有以下一些问题,之前的面经也有部分提到。










除此之外,还和Debbie聊到寒假有多长,如何过,平时会不会出去travel,大四的课程情况等等,就是像聊天的感觉。除此,Debbie还介绍了一下他家的课程设置、career service等等的一些情况。一长串的话有些没太懂。。。


Bentley 比suffolk排名好一些,但是地理位置不如suffolk,Bentley距离boston市中心开车45分钟。两者都有广泛的公司和校友网络。所以找工作容易些。不过Bentley给奖学金不慷慨,只能拿到几千刀吧,他们还是愿意把机会给美国学生。        "I don't really like someone's comment on Bentley's education. I am an accounting student here and I am satisfied with the accounting program. Ture I met a terrible professor on one class. However, the others were pretty great. You may choose a course from Prof. Burnaby if you're interested in internal audit. All I heard were great learning experices (several chinese and some americans).
No need to argue that the job markert is really bad. But I don't think even internship is hard to get. I know many student took summer interns at Bentley this summer inlcuding me. Bentley is one of the top accounting school in New England. Even a car dealer I met could tell that when I was looking for a car.
To find a job, you need to try every possible way not only applying through the school's website. Networking is important. An example, I made a friend who works at Statestreet. She passed my a resume to their recruiter. So If you have time to complain here, why don't you try to work harder? Although there's no guarteen to find a job even if you tried, it's way better than to blame God here. Also, going back to china is not a bad thing, right?
"        "1、这个学校其他一般,会计比较好  能上USNEWS的前25的会计排名。商学院的排名:前年是62  去年是63  由于2008年的商院排名只到63名,所以bentley2008年确定是滑出了63名  但具体到了多少名不知 (有知道的分享一下)

"        我想知道Bentley对您啥态度,那son of a bitch之前给我寄这个寄那个最后连个AD也没给我。。。


Binghamton:        121        86                "Bschool-121,usnews86,1.比buffalo差一点(binghamton is the best for overall ranking while buffalo is the best for business
);2.本科生会计好找工作,MS不行(binghamton在四大口碑不错);3.有说是suny系列中最好的,又说是suny系列中最差的;4.中国人太多;时间比较长;5.提供CPT么?"        "优势-最引人注目的优势莫过于性价比,时间长,能以相对较低的成本在那呆上2年多,省下不少钱可以干别的。课程补得比较多,适合我这种半路出身的人,应该能学的比较扎实。据说商学院声誉在NY地区还不错,四大会直接进学校招人。进四大的比率据网站数据非常之高,当然在现在形势下,对国际学生仅作参考而已。对国际学生比较友好。
劣势:location.in the middle of nowhere. 地方小,荒凉,对商科尤其是会计来说不利。离大城市颇有些距离是不是说明离一些直接的机会也就远了呢?据在那就读此专业的一个兄台说就业不好。教师名校背景的比较少,CPA头衔的也寥寥无几。建校相对晚,环境不是很优美。这个虽说是次要的,但也是挺重要的吧。"



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