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No.1 工作证明
No.2 工作和收入证明
No.3 请假证明
No.4 申诉信参考
No.5 父母工作证明
No.6 工作证明
No.7 工作证明
No.8 国内单位的工作supporting letter
No.9 经济担保书
No.10 工作证明应注意的几个问题
No.11 资金证明应注意的几个问题
No.12 如何写各种留学证明材料
No.13 关于出国留学存款证明
No.14 陪读邀请函的范文
No.15 一些英国的证明(仅供参考)
No.16 大学获奖证明
No.17 健康证明
No.18 关于申诉信的撰写
No.19 财力证明
No.20 存款证明
No.21 申请延期一年
No.22 F-2 visa application 所需资料大全
No.23 签F-2带的材料
No.24 F-2 签证问题集粹
No.25 F2签证十大注意事项:
No.26 关于陪读的几个重要问题
No.27 招商银行存款证明书
No.28 如何办理存款证明?
No.30 关于出国留学存款证明
No.31 开具存款证明
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No.1 工作证明

发信人: Eden (cc), 信区: Visa
标 题: 注意了注意了~,万众瞩目的工作证明样板
发信站: BBS 大话西游站 (Mon May 13 13:20:17 2002)

Dear Sir or Madam:
This is to certify that Mr. XXX is the general manager assistance.
Our company support Mr. XXX's decision to study MSc.
In XXX SUBJECT in the University of XXX from Oct. 2000 to Oct.
2001 in the UK. We welcome Mr. XXX to come back to our company
after he obtains his master degree in the UK.
His position will be remained until then.
His annual salary then will be 100,000 RMB.
Yours Faithfully
Economic Trade Ltd.


No.2 工作和收入证明

This is to certify that ****(male, born on Oct. 29,1975) was employed by *****
*from July 1998 to present. During this period Mr. ****worked very hard and ha
ve done a good job.
According to records of personal income kept by the financial department o
f ****the details of ****'s annual income during this period are listed as fol
lows (unit: RMB/Yuan).
Annual salary 11,820
Allowance for post 11,000
Bonus 10,000
Total 32,820
This is to certify the authenticity of all listed above.

Certifier (signature):
The Personal Section Of *****
Dec. 31,2002


No.3 请假证明

This is to certify that Mr. ******(male, born on Oct.29, 1975) has been offere
d a three-month leave-of-absence in order to visit his wife in the United Stat
es. The leave-of-absence begins Feb.1, 2003 and ends April 30, 2003.

Certifier (signature):
The Personal Section Of ****
Dec. 31,2002


No.4 申诉信参考
发信人: erain (红花会主), 信区: Visa
标 题: 我的签证准备 - 申诉信
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Fri Aug 9 01:54:55 2002)


August 6, 2002
Dear Visa Officer,

My F-1 visa application was rejected on June 26, 2002. The Visa Officer told
me that my major is “management”, so I do not need to pursue a Ph.D. degree.
I believe that the rejection was due to misunderstanding of my major.

1. What is Management Science? Why I need a Ph.D.?
Management Science also can be called Operations Research. It is to solve m
anagement problems and optimize operations by scientific methods such as mat
hematics, statistics and computer science. It is to help the manager to make
scientific decision by quantitative methods.

My career plan is to become a TOP ONE professor in this area in China. Mana
gement Science originates in US. A US Ph.D. degree is an important credential
to realize my dream. The University of Texas at Austin’s Management Science
has been ranking top 3 in the States for many years. Such a degree can
provide me with the most advanced theory, rigorous academic training and
modern research methodology.

2. Why I will come back?
After graduation, I will come back to my School of Economics & Management to
be a professor in Tsinghua University. My reasons to come back are:
1) Several leading Chinese business schools already can provide me with a
decent position and high salary, generally with a starting salary about 20,000
RMB per month for associate professor. That’s nearly USD 40,000 a year after
bonus. Besides, I can get quicker promotions in China.
2) It will be a right time to come back to China when I graduate in 2006.
According to the government’s reports, Chinese universities will admit 15,000
MBA from a 60,000-applicant’s pool this year and accept 3,000 more each year
later. That is to say, in 2006 the number will climb up to 27,000 from
a pool of 135,000. So to be a professor in Chinese business school will be
very promising. I’d like to train domestic MBA to help develop China econo
my more effective and robust by using scientific management methods. I won't
be silly to give up such opportunities.
3) Unlike other major, Management Science is not only pure theory. As a bu
siness major, the culture background is crucial to perform research in this
arena. China is the best place to develop my career as a professor in business.
I have studied here, worked here and lived here for so many years. I
can easily understand the operations of Chinese corporations. Because of the
language and culture gap, it will be very hard to get a proper academic po
sition in American business schools. There is little room for me to develop
my career in the States.

I sincerely hope that you will reconsider my situation and grant the F-1 vis
a for me to attend the University of Texas at Austin. Your favorable consid
eration will be highly appreciated.

With best regards!

Sincerely yours,



No.5 工作证明


( 地址,电话,传真等)

Certificate of Employment


This is to certify that

Mr. *** commenced to work with this company in August 1999 after having studied for four years in *** University. Mr. ***'s working experiences are as followed:

Period *** employer *** Position ***

Mr. ***'s duty is to ***. ***'s income history in our company is as followed:

Period Salary/Month Salary/Year Bonus/Year Annual Income

*** *** *** *** ***

*Personal income taxes have been deducted and the figures listed are net income after tax.

We approve him of pursuing his proposed study in Australia. We will retain his position and continue to hire him after his coming back to China.

I would be happy to answer further inquiries about Mr. ***'s employment with our company.

Sincerely Yours


General manager



No.6 工作证明

July 11, 1986

To Whom It May Concern,

This is to certify that Mr. Shu duly passed the qualification examination as a Mechanical Engineer and has been granted a certificate, Taikong No. 6314 dated February 3, 1982 to this effect by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Particulars of the certificate follow:

Name: Shu

Native Place: Sichuan Province

Date of Birth: November, 1955

Classification : Mechanical Engineering

Sincerely yours,

K. A. Wang

Director General


No.7 工作证明
To Whom It May Concern:

This is to certify that Mr. *** works in our company as Vice Manager From 1992 to the present.

Mr. * is a hard-working and talented analyst, and is highly respected member in our company. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me.

Sincerely yours,


General Manager:



No.8 国内单位的工作supporting letter

This is to state that we approve XXX (male, born on XXX), a full-time employee of XXX Co.,Ltd., of pursuing his proposed study in Australia. We will retain his position and continue to hire him after his coming back to China.

Yours sincerely,




XXX Co.,Ltd.


No.9 经济担保书


This is a letter of intention to indicate that I have financial capability and I am willing to support my son/daughter, Mr./Miss. XXX, during his stay in Australia to pursue his postgraduate study for master's degree in the field of XXX for whatever he may need financially. My support will include his tuition fees, living costs and travel expense to and from Australia. He will be guaranteed to get XXX per year. The money will be sent to him by bank draft.


Sincerely yours,




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