1. What do you consider the applicant’s primary talents or strengths? (Limit 2,800 characters)
2. In what areas does the applicant need improvement or growth? How would you describe the applicant’s insight into these areas? (Limit 2,800 characters)
3. How would you describe the applicant’s leadership skills/career potential? (Limit 2,800 characters)
4. Comment on the applicant’s interpersonal skills (effectiveness in establishing and maintaining relationships; working with supervisors, peers, and subordinates; willingness to work in a team environment.) (Limit 2,800 characters)
5. If applicable, describe the applicant’s experience working on international projects or with international teams. If you do not know of any international experience, describe any interest in international management expressed by the applicant? (Limit 2,500 characters)
6. For non-native English speakers, please comment on the applicant’s verbal and written English ability. (Limit 250 characters)
Additional Information If you would like to provide any further comments you feel would aid the committee in the evaluation of the applicant, you may attach additional information. Please compose your comments off-line and upload here.