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Admissions MLHR Fisher OSU


MLHR - Recommended for admission (INTL) Fisher College of Business

We are pleased to recommend to the Ohio State University Graduate School that you be admitted into the Fisher College of Business Master of Labor and Human Resource (MLHR) program for Autumn 2008. Your formal notice of admission will be sent from the Ohio State University Admissions Office upon completion of the financial review process (see below).

The MLHR program is not able to provide you with merit-based financial assistance. At present your application is undergoing the financial review process.   The Fisher College of Business does not participate in this evaluation.  OSU Graduate Admissions will email you soon with instructions.   This process may take 4-6 weeks due to the number of applications the OSU Admissions Office has to process.

Your official notice of admission and form I-20 from the Graduate Admissions Office will be sent to you only after your financial documents have been reviewed and determined to be at a level sufficient to support your graduate studies. Delays in submitting the financial documents will delay in the financial review and in you receiving the official notice of admission. You cannot be admitted to the Ohio State University and receive your form I-20 until you submit all necessary financial documentation.

1月31号晚上电话面试,对方Melissa,英文说的很快,我不得不让她重复三次。最后跟她聊到OSU football输了两次,她也是个球迷,呵呵。面试经验应该没有大用,我属于比较晚的。有三个当时觉得不太好回答的问题,1,什么时候需要站在别人的立场上考虑问题,举个例子?2,如果你不同意你领导的决策,如何处理?3,之前没有看别人遇到过这个问题:什么时候你需要break the rule/policy来解决问题的例子?


感谢Arnold, Zhang Han, Carie, Tracy及其他同学的帮助。谢谢Kevin的贡献给大家的信息。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



career goals

my leadership experience


our program 感兴趣的课有哪些,能怎么帮助你

ideal relationship between manager and employees. 又延伸出来问我觉得这样的相处方式最好是因为我有这样的good manager 吗?




cheeriest experience

我面了40分钟 ,最后就是纯聊天了,厄……
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


osu macc phone interview

一共问了8道题 大部分之前的面经上都有。只有前两道比较没见过。建议phone interview的同学带耳机听电话,从头到尾都很清楚的,不会有噪音。
1 当你从macc program毕业后,你希望在什么样的工作环境下工作?
2 你的加入对macc prgram 的 diversity有贡献吗?
其他就是关于role model, teamwork, environmental concern, project you devote 100% but you don't care, take the other one's perspective to solve conflict
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


本帖最后由 myice 于 2010-6-29 11:43 编辑
AD from OSU Macc 和面经

收到了OSU的AD Package. 问题几乎全部都能在Topway的论坛里找到。感谢 论坛!同时祝福各位!

1. Why Macc now?
2. Why OSU?
3. Life Goal
4. Strength, how to reinforce?
5. Weakness, how to overcome?
6. The best leadership experience you can think of
7. Teamwork examples
8. Other schools
9. Cross-cultural communication
10. Diversity
11. When to break company's policy
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


本帖最后由 myice 于 2010-6-29 11:55 编辑

OSU MLHR详细面经分类[新加补充MACC面经]

刚刚面完OSU MLHR,感觉一般,虽然Katie一直说Excellent,不过筒子们不是说那是她口头禅么,不敢贸然乐观。回忆不起来具体哪些问题了,感觉答的时候头脑有些混乱,有些题目有点答非所问。她说6周内出结果,我目前还35呢,看着筒子们都拿到好offer/ad了,心里很焦急啊!为了攒人品,把我面试之前整理过的版内全部OSU HR的面经发在这里,取之于论坛,贡献于论坛,方便后来人查看(篇幅有点长,不过可以节省将要面OSU的筒子们搜索的时间)。

1. Career goal / Career plan / 对你的career goal 影响重大的事情或人 / Short-term and long-term professional goal / 毕业后准备回国还是留在美国
2. Personal goal
3. How to set a goal and achieve it

第二类:Why OSU
1. Why OSU / 主要的原因让你选择Fisher的MLHR / 你认为这个program最吸引你的地方?就是说fisher能给你带来些什么/ program怎么帮你实现职业目标 / favorite courses, 基于你说的喜欢的课,Fisher College能给你什么帮助。 / Why need academic background / The cause or relationship between my activities and my choice of HR / Why this time
2. when did you decide to pursue a master's degree in HRM? do you think this decision will be worthy the cost?

1. Balance leadership and membership / your leader experience / Have you ever been a team member? / leadership membership difference / an example of success in a team
2. Cheeriest achievement / past biggest achievement
3. 经历过的领导方式,professor也可以

第四类:Problem Solving
1. A time when you solve a conflict by taking others perspective / 什么时候需要站在别人的立场上考虑问题,举个例子
2. 这个人在office里面gossip,你会怎么办?
3. 假设你是一个团队成员,如果你已经完成了你的部分,而你的co-worker没有完成他的部分,但是他说他完成了,而且是你完成了他的部分,你会怎么办?/ 对团队中的free-rider的看法
4. leader acted wrong你怎么做 / 如果你不同意你领导的决策,如何处理?/ 当你觉得你的领导做的不对时,并且他的决定经常没有效率时,你会怎么做?
5. 对十分不想又必须做的task作为一个leader怎么处理
6. when to break policy(melissa)/ 什么时候你需要break the rule/policy来解决问题的例子?/你有没有过需要打破规定的经历(前提是你的行为是正确且必要的)
7. 怎么和公司的MANAGER处理好关系
8. 怎么避免拖延任务时间等问题 / how do you manage yourself to avoid doing your work till last minute

第五类:Personal experience
1. Internship
2. Cross-culture experience

1. Communicate with different people (different genders什么什么的) / diversity in work / How does diversity contribute to the company? / attitudes about diversity / relationship between diversity and company's bottom line
2. 有没有CHARITY的工作
3. 一个企业做公益事业的底线是什么?如何才不会超出公司的可承受范围?
4. Motivation / motivation 还要举例子
5. 跟商界的人有什么接触?
6. Network 怎么build 要举例
7. Preferred communication type(formal or informal) /如何EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION
8. 你做过很多research,能说一下你的research吗?/ 你做的research里面,你收获了什么呢?/ 在做研究时你主要运用的资源?
9. How to coordinate work and life / *平时怎样HANDLE PRESSURE IN SCHOOL
10. 有没有什么商界的偶像人物Idol
11. What challenges expected after arriving in the US and starting the program /觉得自己到美国之后的最大的挑战和将会遇到得困难是什么?
12. 公司的innovation
13. 有没有关心最近的商业新闻 具体是什么
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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