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82. Every photograph, because it involves the light rays that something emits hitting film, must in some obvious sense be true. But because it could always have been made to show things differently than it does, it cannot express the whole truth and, in that sense, is false. Therefore, nothing can ever be definitively proved with a photograph.

Which one of the following is an assumption that would permit the conclusion above to be properly drawn?

A. Whatever is false in the sense that it cannot express the whole truth cannot furnish definitive proof.
B. The whole truth cannot be known.
C. It is not possible to determine the truthfulness of a photograph in any sense.
D. It is possible to use a photograph as corroborative evidence if there is additional evidence establishing the truth about the scene photographed.
E. If something is being photographed, then it is possible to prove definitively the truth about it.

前提:the photograph in some obvious sense be true, but it cannot express the whole truth .
推论:nothing can ever be definitively proved with a photograph. The problem is which of the following can permit the conclusion be properly drawn.

A. what cannot express the whole truth cannot furnish definitive proof. Right!
B. it is obviously wrong
C. sometimes the photograph cannot express the whole truth but not in any sense. Wrong.
D. this sentence said that photograph can use as an extra evidence for the truth, but it is no relations with the problem.
E. it is obviously wrong according to the passage.


Questions 83-84
Some cleaning fluids, synthetic carpets, wall paneling, and other products release toxins, such as formaldehyde and benzene, into the household air supply. This is not a problem in well-ventilated houses, but it is a problem in houses that are so well insulated that they trap toxins as well as heat. Recent tests, however, demonstrate that houseplants remove some household toxins from the air and thereby eliminate their danger. In one test, 20 large plants eliminated formaldehyde from a small, well-insulated house.

83. Assume that a person who lives in a small, well-insulated house that contains toxin-releasing products places houseplants, such as those tested, in the house.

Which one of the following can be expected as a result?

A. There will no longer be any need to ventilate the house.
B. The concentration of toxins in the household air supply will remain the same.
C. The house will be warm and have a sage air supply.
D. If there is formaldehyde in the household air supply, its level will decrease.
E. If formaldehyde benzene are being released of each will decrease.

思路:the passage point out that something will release toxins into the air. This is not a problem in well-ventilated houses but a problem in insulated houses. But houseplants can remove some household toxins from the air. In one test 20 large plants eliminated one kind of toxins from a small well-insulated house.

The problems is a person live in a small ,well-insulated house that contains toxin-releasing products. We places some houseplants in the house as those tested. Which one can be a result?

A. we can not include from the passage that houseplants can eliminate all kinds of toxins from the house so ventilation is needed in some way.
B. formaldehyde will be eliminated and the concentration of toxins won’t remain the same.
C. make reference to A
D. it can conclude from the passage! Right!
E. make reference to A


84. The passage is structured to lead to which one of the following conclusions?

A. Houseplants can remove benzene from the air.
B. Nonsynthetic products do not release toxins into houses.
C. Keeping houseplants is an effective means of trapping heat in a poorly insulated house.
D. Keeping houseplants can compensate for some of the negative effects of poor ventilation.
E. The air in a well-insulated house with houseplants will contain fewer toxins than the air in a well-ventilated house without houseplants.

思路:the problem is which one of the following is truth concluded from the passage!
A. we can not include from the passage that houseplants can eliminate all kinds of toxins from the house. Benzene is not mentioned above. Wrong!
B. the passage does not mention which kind product don’t release toxins. Wrong!
C. including from the passage that houseplants can eliminate one kind of toxins , formaldehyde ,from the house but can not trap heat. Wrong!
D. right! Ventilation is better than keeping houseplants in a house.
E. wrong, just the opposite.

Questions 85-86
In opposing the 1970 Clean Air Act, the United States automobile industry argued that meeting the act’s standards for automobile emissions was neither economically feasible nor environmentally necessary. However, the catalytic converter, invented in 1967, enabled automakers to meet the 1970 standards efficiently. Currently, automakers are lobbying against the government’s attempt to pass legislation that would tighten restrictions on automobile emissions. The automakers contend that these new restrictions would be overly expensive and unnecessary to efforts to curb air pollution. Clearly, the automobile industry’s position should not be heeded.


85. Which one of the following most accurately expresses the method used to counter the automakers’ current position?

A. The automakers’ premises are shown to lead to a contradiction.
B. Facts are mentioned that show that the automakers are relying on false information.
C. A flaw is pointed out in the reasoning used by the automakers to reach their conclusion.
D. A comparison is drawn between the automakers’ current position and a position they held in the past.
E. Evidence is provided that the new emissions legislation is both economically feasible and environmentally necessary.

The automakers use the reason that these new restrictions would be overly expensive. However, in the past, the automakers previously also used the same reason and their position is proved to be wrong. Consequently the passage draws a comparison, that is, an analogy to disprove the reasoning of the automakers. Thus, D, a comparison is drawn between the automakers’ current position and a position they held in the past, is the most accurate and thus the best choice.

A. The automakers’ premises are not shown to lead a contradiction. Actually if the premises are true, they support their standing point.
B. There is no fact to show that the automakers are relying on false information.
C. The automakers’ reasoning itself does not contain error. The reasoning could only be shown not correct when confronted with past case.
E. There is no evidence that is provided for such purpose here in the passage.

86. Which one of the following, if true, lends the most support to the automakers’ current position?

A. The more stringent the legislation restricting emission becomes, the more difficult it becomes for automakers to provide the required technology economically.
B. Emissions-restriction technology can often be engineered so as to avoid reducing the efficiency with which an automobile uses fuel.
C. Not every new piece of legislation restricting emission requires new automotive technology in order for automakers to comply with it.
D. The more automobiles there are on the road, the more stringent emission restrictions must be to prevent increased overall air pollution.
E. Unless forced to do so by the government, automakers rarely make changes in automotive technology that is not related to profitability.

The automakers’ currently contends that these new restrictions would be overly expensive. If the situation is still the same, if there is no increased difficulty for the automakers to reach the difficulty, the reason here mentioned by them would be simply a scapegoat here for them to escape the necessary effort. However, if the truth is as said in choice A, the more stringent the legislation restricting emission becomes, the more difficult it becomes for automakers to provide the required technology economically, which means that because the current situation asks for even more advanced technology and the increased difficulty could not be overcome economically, the protest of the automakers is well supported.

B. actually weakens the automakers’ current position
C. it has nothing to do with supporting the automakers’ current position. Actually this claim could only express that the automakers do not need to protest that much.
D. If provided together with other information, such as “there are more and more cars on the roads”, the claim of D could serve as a weakening the automakers’ current position.
E. It only makes clear about why necessary for government to intervene and how to realize the plan about reducing the air pollution; in fact, it does not weaken or strengthen the automakers’ current position.


87. A survey was recently conducted among ferry passengers on the North Sea. Among the results was this: more of those who had taken anti-seasickness medication before their trip reported symptoms of seasickness than those who had not taken such medication. It is clear, then, that despite claims by drug companies that clinical tests show the contrary, people would be better off not taking anti-seasickness medications.

Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the conclusion above?

A. Given rough enough weather, most ferry passengers will have some symptoms of seasickness.
B. The clinical tests reported by the drug companies were conducted by the drug companies’ staffs.
C. People who do not take anti-seasickness medication are just as likely to respond to a survey on seasickness as people who do.
D. The seasickness symptoms of the people who took anti-seasickness medication would have been more severe had they not taken the medication.
E. People who have spent money on anti-seasickness medication are less likely to admit symptoms of seasickness than those who have not.

The passage concludes that the medicine is not useful at all because the people taking the drug appear to be sicker than those people not taking the drug. However, it does not consider the people taking the drug could appear to be even sicker if they do not take the drug. It does not make the wise comparison between two originally the same survey group. So D most accurately point out the lope hole in the reasoning of the passage, thus the best answer.

A. By eliminating the difference of the two survey groups, actually support the conclusion.
B. Without further information, the conclusion will not be changed a little whoever conducted the test.
C. By eliminating the difference of the two survey groups, weakly support the conclusion.
D. As discussed.
E. By even further decrease the sampling difference, E actually support the conclusion.


88. Court records from medieval France show that in the years 1300 to 1400 the number of people arrested in the French realm for “violent interpersonal crimes” (not committed in wars) increased by 30 percent over the number of people arrested for such crimes in the years 1200 to 1300. If the increase was not the result of false arrests, therefore, medieval France had a higher level of documented interpersonal violence in the years 1300 to 1400 than in the years 1200 to 1300.

Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

A. In the years 1300 to 1400 the French government’s category of violent crimes included an increasing variety of interpersonal crimes that are actually nonviolent.
B. Historical accounts by monastic chroniclers in the years 1300 to 1400 are filled with descriptions of violent attacks committed by people living in the French realm.
C. The number of individual agreements between two people in which they swore oaths not to attack each other increased substantially after 1300.
D. When English armies tried to conquer parts of France in the mid-to late 1300s, violence in the northern province of Normandy and the southwestern province of Gascony increased.
E. The population of medieval France increased substantially during the first five decades of the 1300s, until the deadly bubonic plague decimated the population of France after 1348.
A. “1300-1400年间,法国政府的暴力罪范畴将越来越多的非暴力人际关系罪包括在内。”
B. “在有关1300-1400的历史记述中,充满了关于法国境内居民进行暴力攻击的描述。”无关选项。
C. “1300年以后,二人之间立誓不去互相攻击对方的个人协议大量增加。”无关选项,不能说明犯罪案件是否增加(协议增加可能会使犯罪减少,也可能因为犯罪增加导致协议增多)
D. “1300年中期至末期,在英国军队试图征服法国时,诺曼底北部省份及加斯科涅西南部省份的暴力犯罪有所上升” 支持结论
E. “致命的黑死病使法国人口在1348后大量减少,在此之前,14世纪前50年中法国人口大量增加” 无关选项,人口增加与人际关系犯罪案件上升无必然联系。


89. Rhizobium bacteria living in the roots of bean plants or other legumes produce fixed nitrogen, which is one of the essential plant nutrients and which for non-legume crops, such as wheat, normally must be supplied by applications of nitrogen-based fertilizer. So if biotechnology succeeds in producing wheat strains whose roots will play host to Rhizobium bacteria, the need for artificial fertilizers will be reduced.

The argument above makes which one of the following assumptions?

A. Biotechnology should be directed toward producing plants that do not require artificial fertilize.
B. Fixed nitrogen is currently the only soil nutrient that must be supplied by artificial fertilizer for growing wheat crops.
C. There are no naturally occurring strains of wheat or other grasses that have Rhizobium bacteria living in their roots.
D. Legumes are currently the only corps that produce their own supply of fixed nitrogen.
E. Rhizobium bacteria living in the roots of wheat would produce fixed nitrogen.

思路:原文的结论是“如果生物工程可以成功培育出能寄生根瘤菌的小麦品种,对人工肥料的需求就会减少”;“生活在大豆或其它豆科植物根部的根瘤菌产生固氮(一种重要的植物养份)”是结论的major premise,应该在二者之间搭桥建立联系,即小麦上寄生的根瘤菌同样能产生固氮。


90. Current legislation that requires designated sections for smokers and nonsmokers on the premises of privately owned businesses is an intrusion into the private sector that cannot be justified. The fact that studies indicate that nonsmokers might be harmed by inhaling the smoke from others’ cigarettes is not the main issue. Rather, the main issue concerns the government’s violation of the right of private businesses to determine their own policies and rules.

Which of the following is a principle that, if accepted, could enable the conclusion to be properly drawn?

Government intrusion into the policies and rules of private businesses is justified only when individuals might be harmed.
The right of individuals to breathe safe air supersedes the right of businesses to be free from government intrusion.
The right of businesses to self-determination overrides whatever right or duty the government may have to protect the individual.
It is the duty of private businesses to protect employees from harm in the workplace.
Where the rights of businesses and the duty of government conflict, the main issue is finding a successful compromise.

Current legislation that requires designated sections for smokers and nonsmokers on the premises of privately owned businesses is an intrusion into the private sector that cannot be justified (conclusion from the argument). The fact that studies indicate that nonsmokers might be harmed by inhaling the smoke from others’ cigarettes is not the main issue (refute a possible reason that could be used to counter the conclusion). Rather, the main issue concerns the government’s violation of the right of private businesses to determine their own policies and rules (induce reason for the conclusion to be drawn).

C,答案,it makes clear that the right of business is more important than the duty for government to protect individual, building a bridge for the conclusion to be drawn.



91. Leachate is a solution, frequently highly contaminated, that develops when water permeates a landifill’s site. If and only if the landfill’s capacity to hold liquids is exceeded does the leachate escape into the environment, generally in unpredictable quantities. A method must be found for disposing of leach ate. Most landfill leachate is sent directly to sewage treatment plants, but not all sewage plants are capable of handling the highly contaminated water.

Which one of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. The ability to predict the volume of escaping landfill leachate would help solve the disposal problem.
B. If any water permeates a landfill, leachate will escape into the environment.
C. No sewage treatment plants are capable of handling leachate.
D. Some landfill leachate is sent to sewage treatment plants that are incapable of handling it.
E. If leachate does not escape from a landfill into the environment, then the landfill’s capacity to hold liquids has not been exceeded.

A是B的充要条件,那末他的逆否命题比正确! 非B推出非A

If and only if the landfill’s capacity to hold liquids is exceeded does the leachate escape into the environment, ---------〉If leachate does not escape from a landfill into the environment, then the landfill’s capacity to hold liquids has not been exceeded.

原文中If and only if A then B(从B可推出A);选项E为If not A then not B(非A推非B)正确

A. 原文没有说
B. 条件不对
C. 原文是一部分plants没有这种能力
D. 原文只说明并非所有的污水灌溉的植物都有能力处理这种被高度污染的水,没说some Leachate一定是被送去浇那些无此能力的植物。


92. Baking for winter holidays is a tradition that may have a sound medical basis. In midwinter, when days are short, many people suffer from a specific type of seasonal depression caused by lack of sunlight. Carbohydrates, both sugars and starches, boost the brain’s levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that improves the mood. In this respect, carbohydrates act on the brain in the same way as some antidepressants. Thus, eating holiday cookies may provide an effective form of self-prescribed medication.

Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the passage?

A. Seasonal depression is one of the most easily treated forms of depression.
B. Lack of sunlight lowers the level of serotonin in the brain.
C. People are more likely to be depressed in midwinter than at other times of the year.
D. Some antidepressants act by changing the brain’s level of serotonin.
E. Raising the level of neurotransmitters in the brain effectively relieves depression.

从这句话, boost the brain’levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that improves the mood, 得知, 只是serotonin有抗忧郁的作用, 而不是所有的neurotransmitter.
D is correct.
A,most easily treated forms和原文无关
E,把原文的信息扩大范围了,原文说的是a neurotransmitter, E中变成了所有neurotransmitters。

93. The efficiency of microwave ovens in destroying the harmful bacteria frequently found in common foods is diminished by the presence of salt in the food being cooked. When heated in a microwave oven, the interior of unsalted food reaches temperatures high enough to kill bacteria that cause food poisoning, but the interior of salted food does not. Scientists theorize that salt effectively blocks the microwaves from heating the interior.

Which one of the following conclusions is most supported by the information above?

A. The kinds of bacteria that cause food poisoning are more likely to be found on the exterior of food than in the interior of food.
B. The incidence of serious food poisoning would be significantly reduced if microwave ovens were not used by consumers to cook or reheat food.
C. The addition of salt to food that has been cooked or reheated in a microwave oven can increase the danger of food poisoning.
D. The danger of food poisoning can be lessened if salt is not used to prepare foods that are to be cooked in a microwave oven.
E. Salt is the primary cause of food poisoning resulting from food that is heated in microwave ovens.

In my view, the reasoning in this argument is that:
On the one hand:
the presence of salt in the food being cookedà salt effectively blocks the microwaves from heating the interiorà The efficiency of microwave ovens in destroying the harmful bacteria frequently found in common foods is diminished
On the other hand:
unsalted food is heated by microwaveà the interior of unsalted food reaches temperatures high enoughà kill bacteria that cause food poisoning

So , D is the best choice.

A. is out of scope because the exterior of food is not mentioned in this argument.
B. is also out of scope too. We never know what will happen if microwave ovens were not used by consumers to cook or reheat food. Because the statement have no the relevant information.
C. is puzzle. The statement just infers that the harmful bacteria frequently found in common foods is keep same. The salt only prevent microwave from destroying such bacteria. Even though the addition of salt to food will significantly prevent the efficiency of microwave ovens, we can not reach the conclusion that the addition of salt to food that has been cooked or reheated in a microwave oven can increase the danger of food poisoning. So C is problematic choice.
D. is the best choice.
E. may be the extreme pole. The statement not mention that salt is the primary cause of food poisoning resulting from food. It is possible that salt is the relevant factor in determining the efficiency of microwave ovens.



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