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LBS MBA申请面试全攻略



1) alumni面试和adcom面试的区别:alumni对面试要比adcom不重视的多,因为这是利用他们的自己的时间,所以alumni基本上就是按照学校吩咐的程序,并严格局限与学校发给他的面试题目集合;alumni一般是和你在一个城市或比较接近的背景,所以可以有比较多的共同语言;如果你在alumni的面试中犯了某些下错误还有机会弥补,但是如果给adcom留下了坏印象可能会是致命的;


2) 面试前的背景调查工作。绝对有必要对alumni做一定的调查,一是可以琢磨他可能的思路,譬如我的面试者是一个managing director,那么可以推测他考虑问题会比较可能从更抽象和高层次的角度,而一个technical背景的manager更有可能问一些detail的问题;另一个是可以准备一些和他的industry比较有关的话题,这样到时候可以比较有共同语言;


3) 一定要收集资料,所谓不大无准备之仗。最好的地方就是business week的forum,可以从前一年开始,把所有可以搜索到的这个学校的问题都总结起来。在我的面试当中>90%的问题我都事先掌握了。


4) work hard。千万不要偷懒,一个问题的回答要不仅仅停留在浅层次上面,一要注意和自己其他材料的温和,不要穿帮;另一个是要准备好面试者对你第一轮回答的第二,三,四轮的穷追猛打;


5) 要注意细节,有时候一个好的印象可以决定一切,只要你的大方向问题对了,alumni才不管其他的小问题呢。细节当然包括穿着打扮,另外大家可能没有想到的是刚见面的寒暄,和再见时候的招呼,最好准备几个小的笑话(不能太长),活跃一下气氛;还有就是准备一些大家有共同语言话题的有趣的观点,到时候一旦抛出,气氛马上就不一样了;


6) 对LBS而言,它非常非常非常重视how you deal with different culture situation; team conflicts; 我在这两个问题上起码被穷追猛打了20分钟,大家一定要准备好充分的事例来支持自己的话。




Started off with team skills and 'how will you handle this situation' type of questions.


Covered my job progress, current job and function, future career goals, leisure activities.

Instead of the usual 'Why MBA' and 'Why LBS' was asked to name the most important factor for wanting to do an MBA and LBS (each).


Dwelt a lot on foreign experience and questions about my perception of people (and how they perceived me) and places that I have lived in.


Other questions: cultural experiences, teamwork activities, career goals, job progress, opinion of your friends,

- What is your management style ?

- How your colleagues would describe you?

- What kind of barriers you might face when working in a multicultural environment ? How do you cope with them ?

- Why LBS ? Why an MBA ?

- Business Issues: The interviewer and I discussed several business isssues ranging from M&A, my industry's evolution, and the vision of my company. Be prepared to talk strategically about your company


He gave me some scenarios and asked me what I would do.  The strangest one I remember is "You are the professor in a Strategy class, what would you present to the class as "What Worked" or "What Did Not Work"  based upon your industry/work experience".


Another question was "what is the biggest problem facing my industry and what would I do to improve it?"


Tell me about a business person you admire.


What do you want your obituary to say?


however, he threw out the most unexpected question.  The U.S. Federal Reserve Board had raised interest rates that morning (this, obviously, was a while ago) and he asked me not only what I thought of that decision, but also what I thought regarding the timing of it.


then he wanted 2 know more about the process i went through in writing the essays and why i chose the answers i did.


and he ended with some questions about the way i handle and manage my team, the way i solve problems and the way i make my people follow me.


Then he picked up on my age (currently 25) and questioned if i was too young.


He also questioned my internationalism


The interviewer was also interested in what else schools have I applied for.


I was asked certain mgmt. type questions - along the lines of 'What is the most important factor for managerial success'.


Basically, from what I understand, they have certain characteristics that they are meant to look for, such as obvious things like interpersonal skills, to more business specific items such as 'ability to understand strategic concepts' (for that I was asked about the overall strategy of my company and where I saw it going' ).


what would you look for if you were recruiting your own team?

what are your strengths and weaknesses?

what benefits have you gained from working with people from other countries?

what are your long-term aims?

what is your company's strategy, and how could you improve it?

what would you do if you never got an MBA?

how do you resolve conflict situations?

what position do you normally take up in teams?

what could you bring to an MBA?

what would you think is different about business leadership now vs. 20-25 years ago?

what kinda communication skills you use when interacting with peers/customers/bosses etc?

why this career choice?
company's greatest opportunity and threat?

Greatest challenge you have solved?

Do you work more frequently on your own or as part of a team?

Have you ever failed at anything?

What's your favorite book?  Who is the author?


1. Provide an example of a situation where I had to choose a team and why I choose who I did? If was any problems with the team members, how did you deal with that situation

3. Describe yourself as a person?

1- Do you enjoy your current job? Why? What do you most enjoy? What do you like the least? (why?)

2- What do you want to do with your life? What are your long term plans?

7- Why do you really need an MBA? You don't really need an MBA - are you sure you want an MBA (huge emphasis on questions 5-7) (another variant - why do you need an MBA to achieve your long-term plans)

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What's your status now?

Good luck to you!



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