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1 CR from old new oriental book

5. John: No women received scholarships from the Cart Fund this year.
Elaine: Then I assume that no Cart Fund Awards were made.
John: No; in fact, several men received scholarships this year from the Cart Fund.

Elaine's response might be premised on all of the following beliefs EXCEPT
a) The Cart Funds awards were restricted to women.
b) Only women were under consideration for the Cart Funds awards.
c) All female applicants for Cart Funds awards were better qualified for the awards than the mail applicants.
d) Some female applicants for Cart Funds awards were better qualified for the awards than some male applicants.
e) An equal number of awards would be made to men and women.

I think the answer is E. but new oriental book says D.
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i think the answer should be D.

For E, if an equal number of awards would be made to men and women,since no women received scholaraship,=> no men received as well.

For D, even if there are SOME female applicants are better qualified than
SOME male applicants, there could be some MALE applicants are better
qualified than those females, hence they could be awarded scholarship.

[此贴子已经被spry于2002-10-5 7:47:16编辑过]

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