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61. Investigators concluded that human failure was not responsible for the fatal airplane crash last August, and since that time new and more stringent rules for identifying and reporting mechanical problems have been in effect. That accounts for the fact that reports of airplane mechanical problems have increased in frequency by 50 percent since last August.

Which one of the following is an assumption underlying the argument in the passage?

A. Airplane travel is still relatively safe, despite the increase in reported mechanical problems.
B. Mechanical problems in airplanes have increased dramatically since last August.
C. Mechanical problems in airplanes have not increased by 50 percent since last August.
D. Airlines are less reluctant to report mechanical problems than they previously were.
E. Mechanical problems in airplanes have become easier to detect since last August.

A. 文中第一句the fatal airplane crash last August已经客观存在,说明飞机旅行并非相当安全。与文中事实相反。
B. 用于识别和报告机械故障问题的更加严格的新规定已经生效,这才是the fact that reports of airplane mechanical problems have increased in frequency by 50 percent since last August的真正原因。而B选项Mechanical problems in airplanes是它因,削弱结论。
C. 正确。“Mechanical problems in airplanes have increased by 50 percent since last August”是用他因来削弱结论,加上NOT,则是排除他因的假设。
D. 诉诸于航空公司的主观意愿,与过去相比较,都跟现在的情况无关。
E. become easier to detect无关词。


62. Brushing your teeth regularly no matter which toothpaste you use, will reduce your chances of tooth decay. Scientists have concluded that, when you brush, you reduce tooth decay by removing the film of plaque that forms on teeth and gums. So, you can forget about fluorides: brush your teeth carefully and say goodbye to cavities.

Which one of the following is a criticism of the reasoning in the argument?

A. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste has been shown to reduce tooth decay.
B. The fact that brushing will reduce tooth decay does not show that fluorides are of no value.
C. Few people adequately remove plaque by brushing.
D. People have plaque on their teeth most of the time.
E. Scientists have been wrong about fluorides.


A. 结论中显示了作者对于两者的态度,否定氟化物,肯定刷牙。削弱则必须肯定氟化物,把不同类的两者放在一起,因果的关系不明显,容易混淆。
B. 正确。刷牙会减少牙齿腐烂的事实并不能表明氟化物就没有价值,即,不能因为一样东西有作用就说另外一个东西没作用:准确无误指出了原文论证的漏洞。
C. 诉诸于一般人的情况,无关。
D. Most of the time无关词。问题同C
E. 诉诸于权威,无关。


63. Some good cooks are gourmet cooks who pride themselves on always using extravagantly rich ingredients in elaborate recipes. Some good cooks can be characterized as fast-food cooks. They may use rich ingredients as long as the recipes are easy to follow and take little time. Other good cooks are health food enthusiasts, who are concerned primarily with the nutritional value of food. But even though not all good cooks are big eaters, they all enjoy preparing and serving food.

If the information in the passage is true, which one of the following CANNOT be true?

A. Most good cooks do not use extravagantly rich ingredients.
B. Everyone who enjoys preparing and serving food is a good cook.
C. More good cooks who use extravagantly rich ingredients are big eaters than are good cooks who do not use such ingredients.
D. There are fewer good cooks who enjoy serving and preparing food than there are good cooks who are big eaters.
E. Gourmet cooks, fast-food cooks, and cooks who are health food enthusiasts are all big eaters.

A. 原文的第一句,从原文推出。
B. 从结论可以推出。
C. 推不出这种比较,无关。
D. 正确。结论:但是即使并非所有的好厨师是big eaters,他们却全都喜欢准备和供应食物。说明喜欢准备和供应食物的好厨师的人数更多,是big eaters的好厨师的人数相比较少。D选项与原文的结论相反。
E. 从原文推出。


Questions 64-65
If the city council institutes new parking regulations, city revenues will surely increase, since studies have conclusively shown that, if such parking regulations are put into effect, there is an increase in parking violations, and an increase in parking violations will result in a greater number of parking fines collected.

64. If the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following must also be true?

A. Unless there is an increase in the number of parking violations in the city, city revenues will not increase.
B. If the city council institutes new parking regulations, the council will fall from favor with the citizens.
C. The city council will institute new parking regulations only if an increase in city revenues can be expected to result.
D. If the city council’s new regulations cause more parking violators to be ticketed, the city revenues will increase.
E. Unless the city institutes a complex system of parking regulations, the city cannot expect traffic violations to increase.

Choice C just repeats the conclusion: institution of new regulations -> increase of city revenues. it fails to fill the gap between institution of regulations and increase of revenues.
new regulations -> more violations-> more fines collected(increase of revenues)

D is correct.


65. According to advertisements, the higher a suntan lotion’s sun protection factor, or SPE, the more protection from sunburn. In order for a suntan lotion to work, however, one has to remember to put it on before going in the sun, put on an adequate amount to cover the skin, and reapply it as needed. Therefore, it really does not matter what SPE a suntan lotion has.

Which one of the following best identifies the error in reasoning made in the passage?

A. It is unreasonable to assume that the only purpose of a suntan lotion is to provide protection from sunburn.
B. Because some people get sunburned more easily than other, the fact that there are different SPEs cannot be ignored.
C. It cannot be concluded that the SPEs is not important just because there are requirements for the application of the suntan lotion.
D. It is unreasonable to assume that all suntan lotions required the same application procedures in order to work effectively.
E. There is no reason to assume that manufacturers are unaware that people sometimes forget to apply suntan lotion before going in the sun.

This is exactly the same as No 62. 只有C明确提出不能因为一样东西有作用就说另外一个东西没作用:准确无误指出了原文论证的漏洞。
A, The passage has nothing to do with the “only purpose”.
B, Because the passage has already make clear that people can apply many times of the lotion for difference people, so the idea in choice B is not a lope hole in the reasoning.
C,By pointing out that it is not right to eliminate the effectiveness of SPEs because there are other requirements.
D,There is no assumption in the passage that all suntan lotions required the same application procedures.
E,Anything about manufactures does not bear on the reasoning in the passage.


66. A recent survey showed that many workers in a certain company are dissatisfied with their jobs. The survey also showed that most of the dissatisfied workers believe that they have little control over their job assignments. Therefore, to increase workers’ job satisfaction the company’s management need only concentrated on changing workers’ beliefs regarding the degree of control they have over their job assignment.

Which one of the following, if also shown by the survey, would most seriously call into question the conclusion made by the author of the passage?

A. The dissatisfied workers feel that their wages are too low and working conditions are unsatisfactory.
B. The number of workers in the company who are satisfied with their jobs is greater than the number of workers who are dissatisfied.
C. The workers in the company are more dissatisfied than workers in other companies.
D. Most people in company management believe that the workers already have too much control over their work.
E. The workers in the company who are satisfied with their jobs believe that they have a lot of control over their job assignments.

他因法进行削弱。A is correct.
(B) The number of workers in the company who are satisfied with their jobs is greater than the number of workers who are dissatisfied. 无关数字
(C) The workers in the company are more dissatisfied than workers in other companies. 无关对比
(D) Most people in company management believe that the workers already have too much control over their work. 无关比较
(E) The workers in the company who are satisfied with their jobs believe that they have a lot of control over their job assignments. 支持


67. It has always been difficult to understand the basis of politics in the People’s Republic of China. Because the system is effectively closed, it is impossible to know with any degree of confidence who is allied with whom and for what reasons. Yet Chinese politics does exhibit many of the external characteristics of factional political systems, as found in more open societies. It is legitimate to conclude, therefore, that China has a factional political system.

Which one of the following, if true, would confirm the author’s conclusion that China has a factional political system?

A. All open political systems are factional political systems.
B. All factional political systems are closed political systems.
C. All closed political systems are factional political systems.
D. China’s political system is more open than many existing factional political systems.
E. China’s political system is more closed than all existing factional political systems.



A. open political systems 文中未提及,与open societies无关,不要混淆。
B. B是A,AB之间架桥,但起到加强前提的作用,与问题要求相反。
C. A是B,AB之间架桥,起到加强结论的作用,
D. 架桥方向错误,open与否与结论无关。
E. 同D。


69. History textbooks frequently need to be revised. The reasons for this are clear: new discoveries of documents and remains, the discovery of mistaken inferences in prior histories, the discovery of previously unnoticed relationships among data, and the application of hitherto undiscovered principles of natural science all may indicate inadequacies in current history texts. Any of these considerations may require that the past be reinterpreted in a manner that is new and more illuminating.

Which one of the following can be inferred from the argument in the passage?

A. The interpretation of historical events is affected by natural science.
B. The past is constantly renewed because of illuminating reinterpretations.
C. History books are outdated as soon as they are written.
D. Natural scientists also function as historians.
E. Historians’ mistaken inferences are caused by unnoticed relationships among data.

A. 文中提到,未经发现的自然科学法则会造成历史课本的不充分,需要被重新解释。说明历史事件的解释是受自然科学影响的。正确。
B. 混淆选项。根据最后一个句子,可知原文的意思是过去以一种新的且更加明确的方式被重新解释,而不是因为明确的解释而被经常更新。
C. 根据头脑空白原则,不能由历史课本需要经常被修正就推出历史课本写的时候就过时了。
D. 文中未出现诸如自然科学家、历史学家,无关词排除。
E. 同D。


70. A low-pressure weather system is approaching Plainville; rainfall results from about 70 percent of such systems in the Plainville area. Moreover, the current season, spring, is the time of year in which thundershowers, which sometimes result from low-pressure systems, are most likely to occur in Plainville.

Knowing which one of the following, in addition to the information above, would be most useful for determine the probability that Plainville will have a thundershower soon?

A. the percentage of thundershowers in Plainville that occur in the spring
B. the percentage of spring rainfalls in Plainville that are thundershowers
C. the percentage of thundershowers in Plainville that result from low-pressure systems
D. whether low-pressure systems in other areas are associated with rainfall
E. whether Plainville has more or fewer thundershowers each spring than do near by towns



71. More than a year ago, the city announced that police would crack down on illegally parked cars and that resources would be diverted from writing speeding tickets to ticketing illegally parked cars. But no crackdown has taken place. The police chief claims that resources have had to be diverted from writing speeding tickets to combating the city’s staggering drug problem. Yet the police are still writing as many speeding tickets as ever. Therefore, the excuse about resources being tied up in fighting drug-related crime simply is not true.

The conclusion in the passage depends on the assumption that

A. every member of the police force is qualified to work on combating the city’s drug problem
B. drug-related crime is not as serious a problem for the city as the police chief claims it is
C. writing speeding tickets should be as important a priority for the city as combating drug-related crime
D. the police could be cracking down on illegally parked cars and combating the drug problem without having to reduce writing speeding tickets
E. the police cannot continue writing as many speeding tickets as ever while diverting resources to combating drug-related crime

思路:结论是由于对超速行驶开出的罚单并未减少,所以资源并未转移,其逆否命题则是,资源如果真的转移,罚单一定减少,也就是E指出的 — 罚单不可能与原来一样多。



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