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昨天晚上怎么都睡不着,3点44分的看手表的时候人还很清醒,心里想肯定完蛋了。我估计4点30才睡着。早上7点15分起床,洗个澡后,本来去赶工交车,一到车站就踏掉一班,结果足足等了12分钟才来第二班。然后换地铁,不晓得怎么回事,坐过头了一站,结果又往回坐。到了地铁站后,出来,路又走错方向 (该死的Saint Denis站居然有2个凯旋们样的东西,一个通向考试中心,另一个通向另一个方向),然后又往回走。最后是,我居然第一个到考场!无语。


“Research indicates that those who exercise regularly are hospitalized less than half as often as those who don’t exercise. By providing a well-equipped gym for Saluda’s municipal employees, we should be able to reduce the cost of our group health insurance coverage by approximately 50% and thereby achieve a balanced town budget.”



1. K是小于12的奇数 2. K是小于12的质数

还有一题算一个公司在某一周产量的,很饶,说公司生产P和Q 2种产品,在上周,P占总产量的10%,Q占90% 本周Q生产和上周同样的量,P又是一个什么的量使得一个等式成立,最后说,2周总共生产了9000个,问P这周比上周多生产了多少个,答案1000,我确定。


语法感觉考平行结构特别多。我记得我第一题就是语法,很奇怪。我选择的是for sb. to like sth.因为后面有一个同样的结构说for sb. to do。不过还是感觉 for sb. to like很奇怪


Most of the world's supply of uranium currently comes from mines.  It is possible to extract uranium from seawater, but the cost of doing so is greater than the price that uranium fetches on the world market.  Therefore, until the cost of extracting uranium from seawater can somehow be reduced, this method of obtaining uranium is unlikely to be commercially viable.


Which of the following would it be most useful to determine in evaluating the argument?


(A) Whether the uranium in deposits on land is rapidly being depleted

(B) Whether most uranium is used near where it is mined

(C) Whether there are any technological advances that show promise of reducing the cost of extracting uranium from seawater

(D) Whether the total amount of uranium in seawater is significantly greater than the total amount of uranium on land

(E) Whether uranium can be extracted from freshwater at a cost similar to the cost of extracting it from seawater

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