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[转帖]北京5月26日 JJ

这次考的成绩 M(50+) V(30+)总成绩(700+),不是大牛分数,也不是太烂。



106. “All archeological treasures should remain in the country in which they were originally discovered. These works should not be exported, even if museums in other parts of the world are better able to preserve and display them.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


129. The following appeared in a memorandum from a regional supervisor of post office operations.

“During a two-week study of postal operations, the LACE>LACENAME>PrestoLACENAME> LACETYPE>CityLACETYPE>LACE> post office handled about twice as many items as the LACE>LACENAME>LentoLACENAME> LACETYPE>City post office, even though the cities are about the same size. Moreover, customer satisfaction appears to be higher in Presto City, since the study found fewer complaints regarding the Presto City post office. Therefore, the postmasters at these two offices should exchange assignments: the Presto City postmaster will solve the problems of inefficiency and customer dissatisfaction at the Lento City office while the Lento City postmaster learns firsthand the superior methods of Presto City.”



1 JJ35

2 JJ 54

3 JJ 60

4 JJ 83

5 JJ 119

6 JJ 125

7 JJ 135

8 两个NUTS混合那题

9 JJ 152


1, PS 求八边型对角线的个数

2, PS 女生9人,男生12人,问从中选两人,两个都是女的和两个都是男的概率的比例

3, DS X的平方大于Y的平方吗

(1) X大于Y

(2) XY大于0

4 DS A是否大于B


(2) (A-B)^2=1

5 ps 一个池子放水,第一小时放掉总量的25%,第二个小时放掉剩余的30%,问最后还剩总共的多少。



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