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[转帖]6/29 GMAT Exam in Los Angeles

Have been reading this forum for a month and benifited alot from math,I want to contributd something here. Please forgive my lousy english. Analysis of Writting:1)AI: people should seperate private lives as much as possible from workplace 2)AA Centralization of operations is responsible for the profitablity in Apogee company Math: Not too much,all the difficult questiosn can be found in the JJs.My score 50 Verbal:RC 1)Water in Maya civilization 2)amercica GDP in 1997 3)woman in renaissance era 4)Light flucluation from a distant star. Can't remember too much about CR and SC,my score is 31 I took GMAT 2 years ago and got the same score 680. So I was very much dismayed today. Not only I was studing very hard in the last two months,but also I had great confidence this time. Have been in US for 6 years(9 years of eworking experience) and just got Green card, The future seems to be gloomed without much prospect in the bottom lavel of food chain in corporate america. Seems MBA is the only way for me to move up.wonder whether are some people with the same sitation as me.
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