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630日成都机经 尽管运气很好,遇到很多机经,但考得仍不是很好,哎。。。。。只有700,数学50,语文34 都怪复习时间太匆忙,只有20天,阅读能力没能上去,多点时间真应该把OG好好看看! 想请问下各位700分能够申请美国哪些学样,实在没有精力和时间去重考了 VERBAL有阅读题是我们新东方GMAT班的同学一起买的今年新题里的原题(说明ETS猪这两个月都没有换题库),基本都出自第28套,本想把它照下来再传上来的,但看不清,只好自己打出来了,希望对大家有帮助。 AA: Take Heart 健身中心一题,去年修了游泳池,利润上升,建议今年继续修网球高尔一类 AI:科技更拉远了人们之间的距离而不是拉近

数学: 遇到很多机经,比如沙子混合一道,还有讨论得比较激烈的aN3aN-1, 2aN-2, aN-3平均数一题 7道左右遇到一道难题,严重打击我的士气,是这样的: DSX除以8Y除以8的余数一样吗? A3X3Y除以8的余数不一样 B5X5Y除以8的余数不一样 我想了半天也没想出来,最后选了D,估计错了 其余的都很简单,没有超出OG难度 语文: 阅读一:生物药剂(前面机经也有提到,我想原文与原题应该更有帮助吧:) More selective than most chemical pesticides in that they ordinarily destroy only unwanted species, biocontrol agents(such as insects,fungi,and viruses)eat, infect, or parasitize targeted plant or animal pests. However, biocontrol agents can negatively affect notarget species by , for example, competing with them for resources:a biocontrol agent might reduce the benefits conferred by a desirable animal species by consuming a plant on which the animal prefers to lay its eggs. (line 14)Another example of indirect negative consequences occurred in England when a virus introduced to control rabbits reduced the amount of open ground(because large rabbit populations reduce the ground cover), in turn reducing underground ant nests and triggering the extinction of a blue butterfly that had depended on the nests to shelter its offspring. The paucity of known extinctions or disruptions resulting from indirect interactions may reflect not the infrequency of such mishaps but rather the failure to look for or to detect them: most organisms likely to be adversely affected by indirect interactions are of little or no known commercial value and the events linking a biocontrol agent with an adverse effect are often unclear. Moreover, determining the potential risks of biocontrol agents before they are used is difficult, especially when a nonnative agent is introduced, because, unlike a chemical pesticide, a biocontrol agent may adapt in unpredicatable ways, so that it can feed on or otherwise harm new hosts. 1.The passage is primarily concerned with A: explaining why until recently scientists failed to recognize the risks presented by biocontrol agents B: emphasizing that biocontrol agents and chemical pesticides have more similarities than differences C: suggesting that only certain biocontrol agents should be used to control plant or animals pasts. D: arguing that biocontrol agents involve risks, some of which may not be readily discerned E: suggesting that mishaps involving biocontrol agents are relatively commonplace D 2. the passage suggests that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the use of biocontrol agents? A: Biocontrol agent should be used only in cases where chemical pesticides have proven ineffective or overtly dangerous B: Extinctions and disruptions resulting from the use of biocontrol agents are likely to have increasingly severe commercial consequences. C. The use of biocontrol agents does not require regulation as stringent as that required by the use of chemical pesticides D: The use of biocontrol agents may even finally supersede the use of chemicall pesticides in controlling unwanted species E. the risks of using native biocontrol agents may be easier to predict than the risks of using nonnative biocontrol agents. choose E 3. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as an indirect effect of using a biocontrol agent? A; reduction of the commercial value of a desirable animal species B an unintended proliferation of a nontarget animal species C an unforeseen mutation in a target species D diminution of the positive effects conferred by a nontarget animal species E competition for resources with a largest species choose D 4.the example presented by the author in lines 14-23 most clearly serves to illustrate A a situation in which a species is less vulnerable to biocontrol agents that it would have been to chem.ical pesticides B a way in which the introduction of a biocontrol agent can affect a nontarget species C a nonnative agent’s adapting in an unpredictable way that results in damage to a new host D the contention that biocontrol agents can harm nontarget species by competing with them for resources E the way in which indirect consequences from the use of biocontrol agents are most likely to occurs choose B
工作量比较大,错误可能会较多,有什么疑问可以给我发信 2.关于通胀的 3 关于Europa星球的,好像说它是表面很光滑,所以推测下面有海洋后面的不记得了 4 研究妇女的,说当代的妇女学者指出以前的一个叫J和一个叫K的人研究妇女都比较片面,都只研究了上层妇女的生活,没有研究整个妇女。后来就举例说了一个叫E的妇女研究者,complate”woman and woman writer”,有一题的选项提到这个了的,但不知道complate是什么意思,后来又转折说了E的贡献,好像说是对妇女的正面评价较多说了许多成就(以前的研究者多是负面的说妇女运动遇到什么什么困难)
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