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Q35 to Q37:

(This passage was excerpted from material

published in 1996.)

When a large body strikes a planet

or moon, material is ejected, thereby

creating a hole in the planet and a local

Line deficit of mass. This deficit shows up

(5) as a gravity anomaly: the removal of

the material that has been ejected to

make the hole results in an area of

slightly lower gravity than surrounding

areas. One would therefore expect that

(10) all of the large multi-ring impact basins

on the surface of Earth’s Moon would

show such negative gravity anomalies,

since they are, essentially, large holes

in the lunar surface. Yet data collected

(15) in 1994 by the Clementine spacecraft

show that many of these lunar basins

have no anomalously low gravity and

some even have anomalously high

gravity. Scientists speculate that early

(20) in lunar history, when large impactors

struck the Moon’s surface, causing

millions of cubic kilometers of crustal

debris to be ejected, denser material

from the Moon’s mantle rose up

(25) beneath the impactors almost imme-

diately, compensating for the ejected

material and thus leaving no low gravity

anomaly in the resulting basin. Later,

however, as the Moon grew cooler

(30) and less elastic, rebound from large

impactors would have been only partial

and incomplete. Thus today such

gravitational compensation probably

would not occur: the outer layer of

the Moon is too cold and stiff.



According to the passage, the gravitational compensation referred to in line 33 is caused by which of the following?

A deficit of mass resulting from the creation of a hole in the lunar surface

The presence of material from the impactor in the debris created by its impact

The gradual cooling and stiffening of the Moon’s outer layer

The ejection of massive amounts of debris from the Moon’s crust

The rapid upwelling of material from the lunar mantle

Answer: e

mine :d--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

定位在19-28行那一句话. D是说重力场是怎样产生的. 而题目问的是重力场是怎样被补偿的.


The passage suggests that if the scientists mentioned in line 19 are correct in their speculations, the large multi-ring impact basins on the Moon with the most significant negative gravity anomalies probably

were not formed early in the Moon’s history

were not formed by the massive ejection of crustal debris

are closely surrounded by other impact basins with anomalously low gravity

were created by the impact of multiple large impactors

were formed when the Moon was relatively elastic

Answer: a

mine e

定位在19-28行那一句话,还有末段最后一句话----在早期,大的basin不会产生是因为它们被19-28说的补偿拉. E正好把这事说反拉.



Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

An anomalous finding is cited, the data used to support that finding are analyzed, and the finding is modified.

A theory about a phenomenon is introduced, data seeming to disprove that theory are analyzed, and the theory is rejected.

A phenomenon is described, a finding relating to the phenomenon is discussed, and a possible explanation for that finding is offered.

A debate among scientists regarding the explanation for a particular phenomenon is outlined, and one position in that debate is shown to be more persuasive.

The observation of an astronomical event is described, and two schools of thought about the explanation for that event are discussed.

Answer: c


B不对是因为没有什么理论提出并被disprove. C中说的possible explanation就是原文


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C 只说是“a finding relating to”, 即没说是“支持”还是“反对”这个phenomenon.



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