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og-54 看了别人的解释还是不懂~~~

(This passage was adapted from an article written in 1992.)
Some observers have attributed the dramatic
growth in temporary employment that occurred in
the United States during the 1980s to increased
participation in the workforce by certain groups,
such as first-time or reentering workers, who
supposedly prefer such arrangements. However,
statistical analyses reveal that demographic
changes in the workforce did not correlate with
variations in the total number of temporary
workers. Instead, these analyses suggest that
factors affecting employers account for the rise
in temporary employment. One factor is product
demand: temporary employment is favored by
employers who are adapting to fluctuating demand
for products while at the same time seeking
to reduce overall labor costs. Another factor
is labor’s reduced bargaining strength, which
allows employers more control over the terms of
employment. Given the analyses, which reveal that
growth in temporary employment now far exceeds
the level explainable by recent workforce entry
rates of groups said to prefer temporary jobs, firms
should be discouraged from creating excessive
numbers of temporary positions. Government
policymakers should consider mandating benefit
coverage for temporary employees, promoting pay
equity between temporary and permanent workers,
assisting labor unions in organizing temporary
workers, and encouraging firms to assign temporary
jobs primarily to employees who explicitly indicate
that preference.

54. The first sentence in the passage suggests that the
“observers” mentioned in line 1 would be most likely to
predict which of the following?
(A) That the number of new temporary positions
would decline as fewer workers who preferred
temporary employment entered the workforce
(B) That the total number of temporary positions
would increase as fewer workers were able to
find permanent positions
(C) That employers would have less control over the
terms of workers’ employment as workers
increased their bargaining strength
(D) That more workers would be hired for temporary
positions as product demand increased
(E) That the number of workers taking temporary
positions would increase as more workers in any
given demographic group entered the workforce

我纠结的是A中 喜欢这种雇佣方式的人为什么会fewer。。。。总觉得文章中没提啊~~
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Some observers have attributed the dramatic
growth in temporary employment that occurred in
the United States during the 1980s to increased
participation in the workforce by certain groups,
such as first-time or reentering workers, who
supposedly prefer such arrangements

这些observers认为临时雇佣就业率的上升来自某部分群体的增加,这部分群体被假定prefer such arrangements。(也就是这部分群体主观上倾向临时雇佣关系)

54. The first sentence in the passage suggests that the
“observers” mentioned in line 1 would be most likely to
predict which of the following?


(A) That the number of new temporary positions
would decline as fewer workers who preferred
temporary employment entered the workforce


喜欢临时工作的人增加-->就业增加  ===   喜欢临时工作的人减少--->就业减少--->岗位减少 即选项A
A-->B  ===  (--B)-->(--A)
弱化版:A,B  ---  A-,B-




The obsevers 认为  因为偏好这种arrangement的groups更多的参与了就业  导致了 临时就业的增加
就是说 因为喜欢临时岗位的人多了,所以临时岗位的就业人数就多了。
所以 如果这种人少了,岗位也就要减少。


赞同 我也是这么理解的



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