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Woodrow Wilson was referring to the liberal idea of the economic market when he said that the free enterprise system is the most efficient economic system. Maximum freedom means maximum productiveness; our “openness” is to be the measure of our stability. Fascination with this ideal has made Americans defy the “Old World” categories of settled possessiveness versus unsettling deprivation, the cupidity of retention versus the cupidity of seizure, a “status quo” defended or attacked. The United States, it was believed, had no status quo ante. Our only “station” was the turning of a stationary wheel, spinning faster and faster. We did not base our system on property but opportunity—which meant we based it not on stability but on mobility. The more things changed, that is, the more rapidly the wheel turned, the steadier we would be. The conventional picture of class politics is composed of the Haves, who want a stability to keep what they have, and the Have-Nots, who want a touch of (a touch of: 有一点) instability and change in which to scramble for (scramble for: v.争夺, 勉强拼凑) the things they have not. But Americans imagined a condition in which speculators, self-makers, runners are always using the new opportunities given by our land. These economic leaders (front-runners) would thus be mainly agents of change. The nonstarters were considered the ones who wanted stability, a strong referee to give them some position in the race, a regulative hand to calm manic speculation; an authority that can call things to a halt, begin things again from compensatorily staggered “starting lines.”

“Reform” in America has been sterile because it can imagine no change except through the extension of this metaphor of a race, wider inclusion of competitors, “a piece of the action,” as it were, for the disenfranchised. There is no attempt to call off the race. Since our only stability is change, America seems not to honor the quiet work that achieves social interdependence and stability. There is, in our legends, no heroism of the office clerk (office clerk: n.职员), no stable industrial work force of the people who actually make the system work. There is no pride in being an employee (Wilson asked for a return to the time when everyone was an employer). There has been no boasting about our social workers—they are merely signs of the system’s failure, of opportunity denied or not taken, of things to be eliminated. We have no pride in our growing interdependence, in the fact that our system can serve others, that we are able to help those in need; empty boasts from the past make us ashamed of our present achievements, make us try to forget or deny them, move away from them. There is no honor but in the Wonderland (wonderland: n.仙境, 奇境) race we must all run, all trying to win, none winning in the end (for there is no end).

3.In the context of the author’s discussion of regulating change, which of the following could be most probably regarded as a “strong referee” (line 30) in the United States?

a) A school principal

b) A political theorist

c) A federal court judge

d) A social worker

e) A government inspector (C)


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4. The author sets off (set off: to set apart: make distinct or outstanding) the word “Reform” (line 35) with quotation marks in order to

(A) emphasize its departure from the concept of settled possessiveness

(B) show his support for a systematic program of change

(C) underscore the flexibility and even amorphousness of United States society

(D) indicate that the term was one of Wilson’s favorites(E)

(E) assert that reform in the United States has not been fundamental (E)

这道题也是在LINE 35周围找不到明显的定位词,不明白C为什么是错的,E为什么是对的?

7. It can be inferred from the passage that Woodrow Wilson’s ideas about the economic market

(A) encouraged those who “make the system work” (lines 45-46)

(B) perpetuated traditional legends about America

(C) revealed the prejudices of a man born wealthy

(D) foreshadowed the stock market crash of 1929(B)

(E) began a tradition of presidential proclamations on economics (B)

Woodrow Wilson’s idea只说了free enterprise system 是最有效的经济系统,但这个理念如何推出B是对的?不解……

9. Which of the following best expresses the author’s main point?

(A) Americans’ pride in their jobs continues to give them stamina today.

(B) The absence of a status quo ante has undermined United States economic structure.

(C) The free enterprise system has been only a useless concept in the United States.

(D) The myth of the American free enterprise system is seriously flawed.(D)

(E) Fascination with the ideal of “openness” has made Americans a progressive people. (D)




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