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GWD13 Q18 一道争议题目的新角度

In 1675, Louis XIV established the Parisian seamstresses’(女裁缝) guild(行会组织), the first independent all-female guild created in over 200 years. Guild members could make and sell women’s and children’s clothing, but were prohibited from producing men’s clothing or dresses for court women. Tailors resented the ascension of seamstresses to guild status; seamstresses, meanwhile, were impatient with the remaining restrictions on their right to clothe women.

  The conflict between the guilds was not purely economic, however.(关键的转这句,明细全文结构) A 1675 police report indicated that (第一方面)since so many seamstresses were already working illegally, the tailors were unlikely to suffer additional economic damage because of the seamstresses’ incorporation. Moreover,(第二方面) guild membership held very different meanings for tailors and seamstresses. To the tailors, their status as guild members overlapped with their role as heads of household, and entitled them to employ as seamstresses female family members who did not marry outside the trade. The seamstresses, however, viewed guild membership as a mark of independenc the patriarchal family.  Their guild was composed not of family units but of individual women who enjoyed unusual legal and economic privileges. At the conflict’s center was the issue of whether tailors’ female relatives should be identified as family members protected by the tailors’ guild or as individuals under the jurisdiction of the seamstresses’ guild.


It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following was true of seamstresses employed by relatives who were members of the tailors’ guild(定位第二段第二个方面)?
  • They were instrumental in convincing Louis XIV to establish the seamstresses’ guild.
  • They were rarely allowed to assist master tailors in the production of men’s clothing.
  • They were considered by some tailors to be a threat to the tailors’ monopoly.
  • They did not enjoy the same economic and legal privileges that members of the seamstresses’ guild enjoyed.
  • They felt their status as working women gave them a certain degree of independence from the patriarchal family


下面说一下自己的看法,本文集中论述了第二个(social?) conflict between the guilds(tailoring guilds和新建立的seamstresses' guild),作者在结尾指出了这个conflict的核心是那些tailors' female relatives的身份到底应该是什么?( whether tailors’ female relatives should be identified 1)as family members protected by the tailors’ guild or as2) individuals under the jurisdiction of the seamstresses’ guild.

D项:(可以简单博弈一下)如果TFR(tailors' female relatives,下面全部简称TFR)是第一种身份family members protected by the tailors’ guild,他们享有特权是不同于members of the seamstresses’的,因为他们被他们亲戚罩着(因为tailoring guilds是was composed of family units)所以特权更大些(
这一点还可以从第一段的这句话看出,seamstresses' Guild members were prohibited from producing men’s clothing or dresses for court women),在第一种情况下D选项正确,下面看第二种情况,如果TFR的身份是individuals under the jurisdiction of the seamstresses’ guild.由于她们另一方面又是family members protected by the tailors’ guild,所以还是享有前面说的更大的特权(这就涉及到了文章结尾说的那个conflict了,觉得很对题)

原文:The seamstresses, however, viewed guild membership as a mark of independence from the patriarchal family.

E选项的转述:They felt their status as working women gave them a certain degree of independence from the patriarchal family

个人觉得这两个概念的逻辑外延是不同的,简言之status as working women的范围要相对大一些,比如说游离guild之外的working women(不是所有的working women都是guild里面的吧,呵呵 ,文章开头说Tailors resented the ascension of seamstresses to guild status;就说明seamstress有的不是guild里面的

open to discuss,期待NN指点迷津
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而E的话,原文中说“The seamstresses, however, viewed guild membership as a mark of independenc the patriarchal family.”是不是选项中status这个词是个新概念而文中并未提及?


我觉得这道题还是应该选E吧。。。题目问的是seamstresses employed by relatives who were members of the tailors’ guild,大家发现没有,这与前人一直在讨论的文章末尾的tailors’ female relatives好像并不是同一批人,一个是亲戚聘的女裁缝,一个是女性亲戚

如果是指女裁缝的话就应该定位到“The seamstresses, however, viewed guild membership as a mark of independenc the patriarchal family”这句话了,也就是选项E






既然我前面说到seamstresses employed by relatives who were members of the tailors’ guild和tailors’ female relatives并不是同一帮人。。。那就说明这些女裁缝只能属于裁缝行会,所以不能享受到女裁缝行会的特权。。。。






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